A simple rig incorporating 2 hook snoods. 1 of the hooks is tied at the top of the trace length and the other tied at the bottom. This rig obviously doubles your chances of fish but also allows you to fish 2 different baits at slightly different depths.
If fish constantly come to one hook then it would seem the bait on that hook is the one to use. If you omit the bait clips then the rig (now called a flapping rig) can be used for lob casting over short distances.
Various configurations of this rig are possible — 2 Up and 1 Down is another example either clipped or flapping – incorporating 2 hook snoods up the trace and one at the bottom. Length of the snoods is important in that they must not be so long as to tangle with its neighbour too easily.Try crab/mussel on one hook and worm on the other.
My choice of trace length for the 1 up 1 down is;
Main trace — 40″
Top hook snood — 14″
Bottom hook snood — 18″
Rig by Jaybee