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Posts posted by fruitloopy

  1. I think maybe some smaller and less popular ones may close and only 1 or 2 within a certain region will remain open. In Peterborough we only have two remaining.


    In many cases I have bought something online or from ebay and find out its cheaper in the tackle shop!

  2. Clacton doesnt have many day ticket waters at all, my Father lives there and the only day ticket he knows of is at Weeley. As you are leaving Clacton on the bypass at Weeley roundabout take the first exit onto a dirt track (the second exit heads out towards Colchester). Carry on up there and just park up, tickets are sold on the bank.

    My dad has fun with his method feeding there and the middle lake has a reasonable mix of species in there, mostly carp though up to 8lb as far as I know. I also heard its undergoing some work there so maybe not all of its three lakes are open. I think the owner was also digging out another two lakes as well.


    The other option is to contact a fishing club called Paxmans who have a couple of waters in St Osyth, I went to the one opposite Pump Hill and even though it was a cold day I had a good days fishing with roach, tench and several carp.

    Website Here


    Other than that my dad did talk about a lake near the nature reserve in Great Holland on the Great Holland Common Road but I'll try and find out some more info.

  3. From reading a lot of Steve Burke's articles about Perch fishing he is very much of the opinion that barbed hooks are much more beneficial as it prevents deep hooking of Perch.

    As Steve has 30+ years of Perch fishing I will be using barbed hooks when targeting these.


    For all others I would opt for barbless as it is easier to get the hook out and as already mentioned, the fish can usually eject it if the line breaks.

  4. Is this area well fished? Is it a commercial water or just an ignored public place? Have you fished it before?


    Hemp is generally a good attractant for many species and fishing a float or ledger with some sweetcorn may be a good start.


    In any case it well worth watching the lake, especially at dawn and dusk to see what activity there is. You'll be able to see the main areas that fish, especially carp, feed when they roll on the surface, send up bubbles or you can see clouded water where they have been rummaging around. Tench bubbles, small fry leaping out of the water, etc.

    If you can get above the lake by climbing a tree (by reading this post you agree not to sue me after you have fallen out of the tree!) and watching the patrol routes that the carp, tench, bream, etc take.


    Once you know the routes and the areas they frequently visit you could set your bait there and wait. I would freeline a worm to the spot and see what happens.

  5. Thanks for all the help.


    Yeah the Chase has been rejuvenated from what ive heard.


    It was taking over by a by a company which unfortnately charges £6 a go but apparently 30lb + Carp being caught.


    Im also visiting West Cork in late August which is great for Fishing.


    Im looking at around Ross Carberry and may try a bit of Saltwater out at Inchydoney Beach.


    Thanks for the help and ill let you know how it goes.



    Ill be purchasing some bait and other stuff tomorrow. I hope to be fishing on Friday.


    Fruitloopy you seem to be from around here judging by your experience of Chase Fishery.


    What good fishing spots are around here?


    Sorry Banjo7, I used to live on Reede Road but moved out 20 years ago. My brother, his friend and I used to walk through an alleyway at the side of the May and Baker factory up to the Tom Thumb lake. I remember on one day catching 12 roach while my older and more experienced brother caught nothing.

    How I laughed. :lol:


    I actually contacted the Ranger Services Manager of Tom Thumb and the Chase as I was interested in fishing there for some nostalgia. I had been told it had changed beyond all recognition.


    Here is the response I got if it helps:



    Thanks for your enquiry regarding Tom Thumb Lake.


    Unfortunately the lake is closed for fishing at the moment. The good news is that this is due to £120,000 worth of improvement works to the lake which have been undertaken over the last 12 months. We are hoping to complete the project and re-stock the lake by the end of May with the resumption of angling scheduled for the beginning of June.


    It will be re-opening as a day ticket fishery with a mix of crucial carp, roach, rudd, tench, perch and possibly bream. All of the large carp have been removed from the lake and relocated to another called Eastbrook Pond as we will be using Tom Thumb as a venue for junior angling coaching sessions and workshops.


    If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact details below.



    Martin Page

    Ranger Services Manager

    Parks & Countryside Ranger Service


    Leisure, Arts & Olympics

    Regeneration Department

    London Borough of Barking & Dagenham


    The Millennium Centre, The Chase,

    Dagenham Road, Rush Green,

    Romford, Essex. RM7 0SS.

    Tel: (020) 8595 4155

    Fax: (020) 8984 9488

    Mobile: 07976 121 044

    Email: martin.page@lbbd.gov.uk

    Website: www.lbbd.gov.uk


    Hope you have a good time there though.

  6. You cant go far wrong with maggots, sweetcorn and bread. I find bread to be the more difficult to put on the hook.

    Pellets are good for commercial waters such as The Chase as well.


    Float fishing is a good way to start. (sorry if some of this is obvious)


    Personally I would suggest starting with a pint of maggots, 3lb line, size 16 or 18 hook and put a couple of maggots on it. Once you have threaded the line through the guides either put a float rubber on or (if you dont have any) put your chosen float on. Tie the hook on or a swivel and hooklength then put a small weight up the line AFTER the float to trap the float.

    If you have a plummet then us this now to check the depth of the spot you will be fishing. If you dont have a plummet, gently pinch 1 or 2 SSG shots on the line just above your hook and drop or cast your float into the spot you will fish. If the float lays flat you have it set too deep, if its dragged under its set too shallow. Move the smaller float up or down the line to find the depth of the water. This really is quite important.


    Once you have done this open your tub of maggots and throw 6-8 of them in to the spot where you will be fishing. This spot does not have to be 50 yards out, I was fishing at the length of my rod tip on Sunday and caught plenty of fish. While your getting your rod rests stuck in the ground and chair set up keep chucking in 6-8 maggots every couple of minutes, this will build up your swim and get the fish very interested.


    Just before you cast in throw in another 6-8 maggots, then make your cast. If its windy and your line is dragging across the surface, moving your bait/float away from your swim then make your cast further out and then sink your line.

    To sink the line just tighten up to your float, put about a foot of your rod tip under the water and then quickly yank the rod tip upwards, as if you were striking. This should sink the line.


    Keep throwing in maggots, especially before you cast. And be patient, it can take a while for fish to feed depending on weather.


    Sorry if this is preachy, I was teaching my young brother in-law and I'm still in "tutor mode" :D


    I would love to know how you got on, The Chase and The Tom Thumb lakes used to be where my Brother taught me how to fish!

  7. I was browsing in Tesco's the other day looking to buy some floating dog mixers when I came across a box of Bakers Complete Meaty Meals. They looked like they could be soft and looked like 12mm pellets. Two flavours of chicken and beef so I went for the beef.


    I tried them when I got home and found that they were nice and soft, easily hookable but not so soft as to allow it to come of the hook. More of a surprise was that they float! I squeezed one under the water to see if I could release air to make it sink and it did. I can break them in half or even quarter them and they still float. Pellet bands also work very well.


    I have not yet tried them for fishing anywhere as the only place I went to this weekend had a no surface fishing rule. It also had a no pellet (other than what you buy here) rule.


    They smell beautiful (if beef dog mixers are your thing) and my friends dog loves them.


    I just wondered if anyone else has tried them?


    If your wondering what they look like then give this Tesco link a try:


    Bakers Complete Meaty Meals from Tesco's - Only £2.05 for almost 1Kg


    Or try Purina, the manufacturers page.

  8. We'll be off to do some camping in Hardwick Parks and I am hoping someone has been fishing there and can offer any advice, etc. I have been told there is the usual species in there.


    The lake is also used for water-skiing, jet-skiing and wind-surfing. I have never attempted fishing in these places but I am assuming its the same deal as any other fishing lake. Just dont cast a PVA bag at the people in the boats!



  9. I opened a post on this topic a few weeks back and there is lots of good advice in the replies:


    Read them all here


    I have also found you can multitask the whole thing and perhaps perform 3 jobs in one.


    If you lay your unhooking mat on the grass at dusk, then lay your landing net on top you can wash both at the same time with your hosepipe and a little washing up liquid. Use a dustpan brush to scrub the fishy bits from both and then give it a very good rinse with the hose.


    Hang the unhooking mat and landing net on the line, it doesnt matter if it rains as this will help to rinse the net even more.


    If you notice that when you pick the net and mat up from the grass you may find several worms underneath who werent happy with you drenching them in soapy water. Gather them up into a tub, rinse them off as well and put them on your hook!

  10. Found lots of small Perch around happily getting caught on worm.


    I have been trying out lure and spinning for the first time and had a bit of success, took a small jack in the River Nene a few weeks ago on a spinner, a 3lb jack on a surface lure on Monday on a small lake and a 4lb jack in a gravel pit Tuesday.


    Was going out for some Barbel tonight but the bloody weather may have mucked that up for me!


    At what point does a jack become a pike?

  11. Thanks guys


    I think we'll head for Messingham Sands as its got plenty of lakes to choose from and I can find all their info on the website. If its packed then we'll go to the other one recommended.


    I hope to gain another dedicated fisherman within the family so I hope we have a good day.



  12. I will be taking out my young brother in law on Sunday when we visit the wifes family in Scunthorpe at the weekend so I am looking for a relatively easy water to get him fishing on.


    A quick look on the webby turned up a place called Yaddlethorpe Ponds which apparantly used to be a privately owned fishery but now public.


    Is this any good? Does it get packed quickly?


    If this is not very good does anyone else have any recommendations?



  13. Now that you've established that pike are present have yourself a bit of weedless fun. Beef up the tackle just enough to get fish through the weed and either try a Heddon Moss Boss on the surface or either a spinnerbait or an unweighted soft plastic rigged weedlessly subsurface to try to conect with the pike more concistently.


    Those Heddon Moss Boss things look good and I have just picked up a pack of three (ooeer!) from an ebay seller for £12.99, not bad as they're about £6 each.


    If your talking about soft plastic do you mean any of these?




    I'm not sure what hooks these things need but this seller on ebay has these which look like they do the job:




    I assume I just thread these things up the hook?

  14. Just want to say thanks again for the advice, I went to the small lake I mentioned in my first post. It was difficult as the water is still fairly weedy and this just ruins any presentation, wobble or spinning action that a spinner or lure would give. Unless I use a floating lure it comes back smothered in weed.


    However on one trip back the lure must have found a clear path and about 18 metres out I had something hooked. I didnt strike, I just held on and slowly reeled in. I was beginning to think this would be a lovely size Perch but then the familiar long slim camouflaged back popped up and I realised I had got a pike. I had assumed there was only Perch in there.

    A couple of minutes leter a nice, violently annoyed 3lb Jack was in the net. The net was a bad idea but because of the high bank I could not get to him otherwise. I ended up having to cut the lure out of the net.


    I tried again with a luminous floating lure as it was dark and had another hit, lost him after a few seconds though.


    Cheers. :D

  15. I am looking to take a short break away for a long weekend on my own, I am looking for somewhere with a bit of variety. This means some nicely stocked lakes but also a stretch of a good river nearby.


    Can anyone recommend a good spot? Ideally it would have the lakes & river onsite.


    I live in Peterborough and wouldnt really like to travel much more than a couple of hours.


    Camping, chalet, whatever...


    Thanks in advance

  16. My worms escaped the other day. As they are dendrabaenas (or however you spell them) I didnt put them in the fridge but needed somewhere cool. I decided to put some cold water in the utility room sink, put them all in a large bait box and float it in there.

    My wife told me she put some washing on the next morning (the machine is also in the utility room) as saw a load of worms floating in the sink!


    I came down to find about 20 of them wriggling around at the bottom of the water. I scooped them up, dried them off and put them back in the bait box. Apparantly worms absord oxygen through their skin from the air or water and can survive like this for quite some time.


    I think we have both learnt a lesson. :D

  17. Thanks guys, that makes perfect sense. I would try it again tonight but its currently pi**ing it down so I dont think I will!


    Can you recommend some lures for perch? The place I am fishing is rather weedy so something thats close to the surface would be ideal.

  18. I went to a public water near me at 9pm last night hoping that the perch were feeding.


    Boy, they certainly were! I cast a lure in that floats and dives when you reel in and as soon as it hit the water something dived on it! I struck but didnt hook it.

    I cast again, another rugby tackle of the lure and this time I thought I hooked it but it came off within a couple of seconds.

    Cast in again, hooked it and reeled back what felt about a 1lb to me but lost it again.


    I am not sure when to strike when casting a lure or spinner. I have read when pike fishing that you should give it a chance to turn with the bait otherwise it will not hook in the scissors. But if my line is tight from reeling in the lure how do I allow it to turn? I'm just using a normal fixed spool reel.


    So if I am very sure its perch should I strike immediately?

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