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Alan D

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Posts posted by Alan D

  1. Alan,


    Before you go again, buy 2 more unhooking mats and tie one round each ankle for extra protection.

    It just goes to show that you should accept the good advice, and bin the bad.

    Well done, and keep enjoying your fishing!!


    He he! I was thinking of just wrapping my upper body and each leg with two layers of industrial bubble wrap. Should ensure I can`t injure myself in the course of fishing!

  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed it Alan, a shame about the ankle.

    But I'll refer you to the comment you made in your previous post. Almost prophetic isn't it? :D




    I think its fair to say I`m cursed and should have expected it :)


    What Aan! No tales of being hopelessly smashed by unseen giants? not left yards of line and scores of hooks in carp you were not a great enough angler to land? not a single one bounced around the bank durng your feeble amateurish attempts to hande it? You must just have been lucky :rolleyes::D


    Sorry to hear about the ankle hope it doesnt stop you having another great day soon.


    LOL, I played them and handled them with the care of a nuclear physicist handling plutonium then gently eased them back into the water with a whispered goodbye. I`ll be back soon I hope to step up to some bigger ones and hopefully not maim myself in the process! :)

  3. Well, I`m back from my day at Stanwick Lakes and had what we could call a very interesting day. Got there just after 7:30am and it was blowing a bloody gale. Swan lake where I`d planned to fish was at one end of the complex and was extremely exposed and choppy. As I walked around I noticed Mallard Lake (very similar to Swan as far as the rang and size of fish goes) seemed to be a bit calmer in a few areas but I found Coot lake which was a tiny lake in comparison to the rest and it looked gorgeous, lots of reeds and lilies plus I could see bubbles coming up all over the place. I setup and had my method feeder out containing dynamite halibut groundbait, hemp, sweetcorn and some chopped curried mussels. I had a tutti fruity boilie on the hair and within 10 minutes had a 2lb mirror which was a very good sign. However, after that it went quiet for the next 90 minutes so I moved round to the other end of the lake and setup there. within 15 minutes I had a nice 3.5lb common carp then my best fish of 4lb, which was another mirror. Sadly my day went badly pearshaped after this. I had a small tangle in the end of the rod and on walking to the tip of the rod I slipped on a very muddy area behind the peg and went over backwards scratching my arm to buggery on the bramble branches behind and ever worse I landed awkwardly on my left ankle. The pain was staggering. I could barely catch my breath. I had to sit down for 10 minutes to recover then decided that although it was much earlier than I`d intended to finish that I`d done some serious damage to my ankle and decided to pack up very carefully and hobble back to the car with all my gear which now weighed twice as much. I went to the doctors later that afternoon and was advised to go to the hospital for an x-ray. 4 hours after getting to Northampton General Hospital and checking in at the A&E department I was finally seen by someone to be told no fracture but major tissue damage around the ankle. I`m now strapped up, off work for the week and hopping around as I can`t put any weight on it!


    Despite this I had a great time at Stanwick, I will definitely be going back again, dont know when now and think the knackered ankle was worth the pleasure of catching 3 nice carp, the best haul I`ve ever had in one session which shows how little I`ve achieved so far.


    Next time I`ll beat my pb of 5lb!

  4. Big fish are easier to deal with IMO. They're usually beaten by the fight and gravity, so they tend to lie at peace while you get on with unhooking them etc. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how straightforward it is.


    Though the shock of catching something decent might mean the legs go to jelly for a bit :)

  5. how else will you learn ? sounds like you already know how to do most of what you said you cant.


    i dont see any handling difference from say a small roach to a big carp they just weigh a hell of a lot more, set your drag suitable for big carp sooner rather than later.


    theres only 2 things that could go wrong (providing drag is set properly to avoid snap offs)

    1. carp spits the hook and gets away safely

    2. you drop it due to its weight. in which case hold over a unhooking mat and keep low to the ground for photographs or dont lift at all do all your unhooking in the landing net


    Cheers Andy, I definitely wont be breaking the cardinal sin of standing up and holding a big fish (IF I do catch one), instead I`ll be kneeling down and keeping it just an inch or two of the ground.


    Thanks for the kind words! :)

  6. Your tackle sounds good enough to me,i use a similar setup but mainly with a semi fixed lead/pva stick and i've caught plenty of decent sized carp.Just make sure the fish can take line on it's initial run.As for the La-La on the other forum,he's talking out of his bullet hole and he needs one of budgies camo multipliers ramming up it.. :D


    LOL, I just snorted half a cup of tea through my nose reading that last post wellyphant. Nice one ;-)

  7. Is your 2 year old as confident of catching something as you are?..... ;)


    He`s streets ahead in the confidence stakes! As far as he`s concerned he`ll soon be catching sharsk, whales and Nemo`s!!!! :)

  8. Average size 6-8lb..ignore the 'attitude; and fill your boots! Hope you catch


    Cheers Neil. I popped by this lake today with my 2 year old to have a bit of a lookaround. Really like the look of it. The fish were really active and I`m praying the mild weather continues another week so I give myself the best chance of catching some decent fish.

  9. Dont let yourself be put off by the remarks. Go and enjoy yourself. You have a rod licence the same as them and a right to fish the method of your choice

    Tight lines fella


    Cheers Wayne, looks like I`d better catch something big a week monday then or I`ll look a right numpty after all this! ;-)


    Only joking, half the enjoyment for me is just being somewhere nice, by the waterside with only the sound of nature to keep me company! :)

  10. Well, there you go - the owner wants you there, even if mouth-almighty doesn't :lol:




    ..so it doesn't even have BIG carp in it! 25lb is considered medium size these days. There must be several dozen anglers on this forum who have caught carp into mid-twenties, and not a few who have done so whilst "pleasure fishing" with non-specialist tackle. Some even hadn't been into fishing for very long. BTW I've landed 20lb+ carp on roach tackle, and I'm far from being the only one who has.


    There are plenty of commercials and syndicate waters with BIG carp of 30, 40 and even 50 lbs in them, and tackling those does need a bit of experience, but telling someone he isn't capable of handling a 25 :o ........come on!


    Please catch a 20-plus and show us (and your critic) the piccies. :)


    Believe me mate, nothing would make me happier than to catch a nice sized fish and let him see the photo to show him he`s been sniffing too much tippex ;-)

  11. Forget free running legers and finnesse, just stick a bolt rig out on a second rod, so you can carry on doing "proper fishing" while you are waiting for a pellet pig to hook itself.

    If you fish the right bait on float tackle you'll catch plenty of carp without sitting bored rigid for hours. Corned beef is my favourite by a mile. If you need to cast it, mould it round a banded expander pellet. If fishing the margins just mould a ball on the hook and swing it out gently.


    LOL, cheers Colin. I am going to be float fishing with a second rod so I dont end up sitting on my hands all day. Cheers for the tips. i`ll definitely take some corned beef with me.

  12. I've seen 12 year-old noddy youngsters playing double-figure pike on starter rods and 6lb line. OK, they might stand on the fish once they get it to the bank but they still get it there. What are they doing if they aren't playing fish? If you're tackled up right, go and do it. I don't advise folk to go pike fishing right away because handling them can be a challenge but almost all other fish are fairly easy to unhook. If your tackle is upto it, go and catch big carp and enjoy it.


    Cheers Andy, while one day in the future I do fancy a go at piking, its one form of fishing I dont have the tackle for and dont want to attempt it unless I have someone more experienced with me to show me how to handle one safely (thats me AND the fish) and remove the lure/hooks. For now I`ll content myself with trying to catch a nice fish anything bigger than 5lb. I`m planning on using a medium/heavy feeder rod with matching reel and most likely 8lb mainline and a 6lb hair-rigged hooklength and either a semi-fixed method feeder or a free-running leger. I haven`t a clue how I`ll do but I`m confident I`ll come back and have a story or two to tell.


    Cheers for all the kind words and support lads. You really are the best bunch :)

  13. One of the things I like about AN, is that although there is a vast wealth of knowledge and experience among it's members, nobody claims to know everything. If they did, they would be bloody liars. :)


    We've all met these pillocks who instead of giving advise to try and help, just try to put you down.

    Maybe it's a lack of confidence in themselves that causes it, so they have to try and boost their own ego to compensate.


    I'd just go for it Alan. Your attitude and approach seem sound to me.

    We all hook bigger fish than we expect now and again, then it's up to experience and a bit of luck as to the outcome.

    Don't worry about it mate. Just ask the 'gentleman' in question to come on here, he'll be brought back down to size soon enough. ;)


    Good Luck




    Cheers John, I`m truly touched by so much goodwill. I agree that the only way to learn to handle/land a bigger fish is to catch one and learn as you go. I`m confident in my ability and common sense so I hope now that I can catch a nice sized fish and thank you all by showing you a photo!

  14. Just send a post back to him explaining that your Polish and ask if he has any good English recipes for carp.


    LOL, he lives in the same town as my parents so I dont fancy winding him up further ;-)

  15. Damn right Budgie.


    Condescending tw*t!


    As budgie says, using lighter equipment means you have more skill at playing a fish than a carp yob, the only way you'll get some experience of catching something other than tiddlers is if you try.

    Give it a go and see how you get on. Just because you dont have a bivvie, carp coral (b'jesus!) or a first aid kit for an obese mirror carp doesnt mean you arent qualified, able or allowed to catch them.


    You go for it and let us know how you get on!



    Cheers fruit, this is music to my ears. I promise to let you know how I get on. And if I catch something decent I`ll take a photo for you all to see, and especially the other chap who seems to think I`m not up to it :)

  16. Classic "carp is god" stuff.Unlike pike for example you wont be using tackle or techniques that are alien to you.You wont need to know any unusual/specific unhooking techniques and as you say common sense will suffice.


    You dont have to be a carp specialist to be able to land a big fish.In fact I would go as far as to say a lot of guys who are used to using light tackle are far more skilled at playing fish than a lot of carpers who only know 3lbs TC rods and 15lb mainline.


    Im sure you know the basics such as not to use a keepnet for them due to their barbed front dorsal spine getting caught in the mesh or to hold them standing up or put them down on hard or especially abraissive surfaces.Same as any other fish youve caught.


    Im all for promoting safe handling of your catch but it sounds like this guy was just trying to be elitist...and I have no time for that and neither should you!


    Cheers Budgie, thats just what i needed to hear. I dont possess or intend to ever use a keepnet so thats no problem. I was pretty hurt by this guy`s attitude to be honest but didnt know if I was being overly-sensitive or whether he was being a bit elitist as you call it. I dont ever profess to know everything but I spend all my spare time reading about fishing techniques in all the angling magazines and on the web. I had a good couple of legering lessons from an uncle who`s now sadly had to go back to Oz but he grounded me well in legering so as long as I get my rig and bait right (and use a half-decent rod and reel) then I`m confident I`ll do well and wont be risking any harm to any of the fish.


    Thanks again, its really appreciated.

  17. I`ve got an awkward situation on another more local forum to me where another member has affectively told me I shouldn`t fish at the place I`m plannning on fishing a week on Monday as it contains some large carp and seeing as I have no experience of catching/landing/unhooking or handling them that even if I`m not looking to catch any of these that I should still give it a miss. His tone was rather condescending to be honest and although I`m a born again fisherman I like to think I possess common sense and a sense of serious fish welfare. I`ve e-mailed someone who works at this lake asking for their advice on rigs and whether they think I should fish one of the smaller lakes.


    I was planning on fishing with a medium/heavy feeder rod, a matching reel and either using a free-running leger rig or a free-running inline method feeder. Both using lower breaking strength hooklinks than the main line. I`ll be using an unhooking mat, wont be bullying any fish into my landing net and intend to act sensibly.


    Question is, am i being oversensitive to this guys comments or was he being a bit over-zealous with his advice?


    I dont for one moment think I know it all. I have much to learn but I know the basics and like to think if I hooked a fish heavier than 10lb I`d play it sensibly and land it without too many problems.


    The lake I`m planning on fishing has the below info on the fish in it:-


    This lake is around 5 acres in size and has 30 pegs, it has been substantially restocked with roach,rudd, carp and bream. It is open for pleasure anglers and match fishing. This lake is starting to become quite popular for carping now that the stocked fish are growing on. The average size expected would be between 4lb - 8lb, although a lot of doubles are beginning to show now and mid twenties have been caught. There is a car park, conveniently located next to the lake, so you can drive right to it.


    Does anyone have any advice for me?

  18. Chaps and lasses, I`m probably going to do one more days fishing (young family and late working wife limit opportunities sadly) and fancy a day at Stanwick lakes Fishery which is less than 30 minutes drive from where I live in northampton. Has anyone fished here recently or in the past? i`m planning on fishing on the Swan lake a week on monday.

    Cheers in advance.


  19. me thinks something odd is afoot there ok i can understand the 'wifes' , but the daughters and how it feels mmmm definatly something amiss there


    I agree Noodle. Something definitely deeply wrong there. I bet his wife and daughter are reveling in the fact the whole fishing world knows they have vibrators and that their dad/husband has nabbed them for catching pike! Hmmmm!

  20. Chaps, still being relatively new to the sport I`m wondering if the onset of Autumn and Winter sees fishing for anything but Pike much more difficult or not. I went fishing yesterday to a lake in Milton Keynes then after 2 hours of nothing moved to another one near Olney. In 6 hours of fishing I caught 3 small perch and 3 small roach. Is it just a simple fact that the colder more unsettled weather makes fish less likely to feed or is it the case that tactics have to be changed and that the fishing can still be good even in the colder months? I dont fish much and probably wont get the chance to fish again for at least 3 more weeks but dont know if I`m wasting my time or not. I dont know if I should fish on the grand union canal and hope to fare better.


    Whats everyone`s opinion on it all? I think I have much to learn so am grateful for any views/advice.




  21. Hi Guys and girls, i live in Bedfordshire (Dunstable) but have never fished in the town of Bedford, i understand it is free fishing on certain parts of the river.

    Could anyone advise me as to any chub swims on the free parts.

    Thank you.


    Hi mate, I live in Northampton and work in MK and know a little about Bedford but not much about lakes, rivers and other waterways sadly. What I did find from searching on Gogole was this below, it does say it is free to fish but doesn`t mention Chub sadly.....



    River Great Ouse, Bedford Embankment, Bedford, Beds


    Location - Coarse Fishing from several access points in Bedford town centre


    Species - Bream, Dace, Roach, Perch


    Directions - Off A603 and A5140 in Bedford town centre


    References - OS LR: T153, grid TL 057494


    Parking - Parking in pay and display area

  22. Food for thought.


    I was 2 years of age when I started fishing and was fishing from a boat before I turned 3. Light whip, well stocked (fish a chuck) lake, short sessions, Dad not fishing but only helping the youngster, and you may have a budding angler on your hands.


    When I married, my wife had done very little fishing and none for some years. She now likes it as much as I do and is my preferred companion for day trips.


    Both the above will mean less fishing for you and more teaching but it will get you on the water. If your wife doesn't like it she might enjoy going along when the weather is nice and reading or bird watching or whatever floats HER boat.


    I partially agree. My 2 year old is desperate to come fishing but is very hyperactive so it would be a real headache preventing him from falling in the lake/river/canal or hooking himself. My wife isnt that interested but if I could persuade her to give it a try and get her hooked it`d be great as it`d open up a lot more opportunities. I`ve had such a long absence from fishing and am so eager to fish that its really getting me down having so few opportunities to go. :(

  23. Been sat at my pc for about 4 hours looking at new and old topics on this forum and all the while thinking of a something new to talk about,so here goes.Am i a sad B4574RD or what?????...Every honest reply will recieve a smiley face :) courtecy of Budgie.


    You`re not sad. I have a wife and a young child and opportunities to fish are depressingly limited. The weather`s gorgeous and it seems everywhere I look when driving I see people fishing and its driving me bonkers. I have to make do with watching a fishing programme on Sky (when my 2 year old will let me!), reading a fishing magazine or reading the posts on here. :(

  24. How bizarre! You think of the local immigrant farm workers putting a few fish on the barbeque but you don't imagine them travelling 300 miles to do it!


    Not unless the sheer size of their gill net is so big that they`re planning on catching a massive amount of fish to sell in their shop they own. It appears the authorities have badly misjudged this case and missed a cracking chance to lay down a marker for all the other vermin that get away with this sort of crime. A £60 fine is utterly disgraceful. I know the boat was confiscated but I thought the fine for taking fish without a rod license was far greater than a pitiful £60. You cna bet your bottom dollar I`d get a much heftier fine were I catch and release fishing without a rod license. The mind truly boggles sometimes.

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