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Posts posted by Liamsm

  1. Hi John,

    You would be surprised how many barbel can hide under the bank on stretch that looks devoid of fish and weed on a shallow run. Especially with summer growth .

    When you are rolling they sometime appear as if from nowhere to take the bait.

    Although when the kennet was clear and full of weed they would lay under the streamers.

    That dose not mean they are not there now that you can not see them or the streamer weed.

    Now that the Kennet has changed, water craft has become a bit more subtle and less obvious.

    I have found that just a dip in the riverbed that you would not find without extensive mapping could be a hotspot.

    I would suggest that you try free lining a stretch by casting upstream and gathering the line as it comes to you, before adding any weight to the line.

    You could make twenty casts per length of swim just to gather information.

    How you roll through with the weighted line then, might depend on the info gathered just from watching how the free lined bait reacts to the flow.

    If you do hit a hotspot it will probably produce barbel for you, for a long time to come.

    As with any new learning curve confidence is a big factor, but that will grow when you have had your first fish. Up until then you don’t really know whether you are doing it right.

    Manny good barbel anglers will go through a series of half a dozen blanks before perfecting a new method, that will bring good results for the rest of the season and times to come.

    So you need to give it a good effort at the start. If you learn how to get it right, it is definitely the method that will give you the odd fish on a hard day.

    Keep at it mate. Liam

  2. Hi All,

    I don't think that you should be able to buy your club ticket without a license, or a day ticket for that matter.

    I do think that it would be a good idea to include a couple of one day license tickets on everyones license though, valid only if filed in and dated when checked. I feel that it would help to introduce newcomers to fishing and give everyone the chance to do so.



  3. Hi John,

    The top stretch just below the bridge would be perfect to practice Ray's method.

    If you are fit enough to do this method, then although a little futher away, the stretch near Aldermaston is even more prolific.


    You can use the same plasticine that the kids use, for rolling, as when you warm it and knead it, it becomes quite soft, then it goes very hard in the cold water.

    I suspect that Ray has found his self a good source of the best possible stuff for the job though.

    There is an image of the stuff that he uses within the article if you can get a good look at it. I think that you can even see the brand name.

    He does visit my brother Paul's site sometimes so a post to him there may get a responce from him, but Ray is a very hard man to pin down at any time.




    [ 03. June 2004, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Liamsm ]

  4. Although not as profesional looking as a lot of vidios, I think that Guy and Stuart's "Up Close and Personal" vidios are a very enjoyable watch for any barbel anglers.

    I think that it is a good blend of tech. tactics and visual delights of fish feeding.

    Maybe with a touch of commersialism thrown in, but still well worth owning.



  5. Hi all,

    I was half heartedly watching a report on the box a couple of weeks ago that said that only 39% of the population voted at the last election.

    The present government was elected by less than half of these votes, of coarse due to there being more than two parties.

    I found this really hard to believe and am still not sure that I do.

    This is suposed to be a democratic system, but the biggest party seems to be for the none vote.

    Does this mean that the mojority think that none of the parties are any good?.

    I think that the guy running the "no vote party" should be the one running the government now with with 61% of the none votes. Instead of the present government who only represent about 16% of the poulation. TIC

    The government is made up of a mass of people all debating various unimportant things that belong at the bottom of the pile as far I can see.

    These mass debators should stop playing with themselves and get to the important stuff in life. TIC TIC




    [ 02. June 2004, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Liamsm ]

  6. Hi Den,

    I did not state, or try to state anything with "authority". Quite the opposite in fact.

    I was simply making an observation of the state of the cut mouths on the carp. It does not take much more than simple logic to work out that these wounds were not caused by any hook, but by the the line.

    The reason for my post was that it sort of clicked in my mind after my discussion with the local talent on the lake.

    These wounds are there for some reason.

    Reason being the operative word, as that was the point of the post.

    Your rather condescending reply did not really answer this question and has sent this thread in a different direction.

    Surly it is obvious that if your tackle, line and rod is heavy and you play fish hard the weakest point in the link becomes the carp’s mouth!.

    If this logic is off, please explain where for me, without the condescending attitude.

    I will listen with an open mind from anyone, irrespective of how many years of experience that they have.

    I never by any means think that I always do everything right and am still willing to learn even at my age.

    I was attempting to try to understand why these fish were being played so hard and thought that the barbless hooks may be one of the answers?.

    If I thought that I was right in my assumptions, I would not have bothered to post at all.

    If you say that this is not the reason, I will listen gratefully to what you think the more logical reason might be.

    I personally do not tend to judge other peoples posts by their previous posts, on other sites, on other subjects.

    As I never judge others, or think that I know them, when I have never met them.

    I find that it tends to cloud the issue at hand and opens a door for personal hurt, that is not necessary in an adult debate.

    With Respect Liam.

  7. Hi All,

    On a recent rare trip to my local lake I had the pleasure of landing eight carp, but I also dropped four.

    The rules are that barbless hooks are used and I think that the reason that I dropped so many was because I was not used to using them.

    I normaly employ a soft play technique that requires changing the side strain regulary during play to keep the fish on a short run and under control.

    This I was told by a regular does not work with barbles hooks.

    This regular also said that I needed heavier tackle and needed to play them much harder.

    Everything that he said to me made perfect sense while using barbless hooks, but it also solved another big question that bugged me every time that I landed a carp.

    On every fish bar none the mouth of the fish had a healed gash on one side.

    These fish had all been severely injured at some time due to this hard play technique that prevents the barbless hook from falling out.

    I have always thought that barbless hooks were not a good thing, but not for this reason until now.

    Has anyone else come to the same conclusions from a similar experience?.





    A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is Politics?"


    Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way:

    I am the head of the family, so call me The President.


    Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her

    the Government.

    We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you

    the People.


    The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class.


    And your baby brother, we will call him the Future.


    Now think about that and see if it makes sense."


    So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.


    Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to

    check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper.


    So the little boy goes to his parent's room and finds his mother sound

    asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room.


    Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father

    in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.


    The next morning, the little boy say's to his father, "Dad, I think


    I understand the concept of politics now. "The father says, "Good,

    son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about."


    The little boy replies, "The President is screwing the Working Class


    While the Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and

    the Future is in deep $[!t."




  9. Hi Dave,

    I think the most important thing is to go somewhere where you catch lots of fish, (local pit maybe), rather than quality fish of any kind.

    Also pick a nice day, when it is just good to be there in nice suroundings.

    The most important thing is to make sure that a newcomer enjoys the first expierience of fishing.



  10. Hi Big Al,

    I will go along with the ground method.

    If you add water it does not make the same paste at all.

    With just eggs added you can get a very good consistency, but if you mix a little oil with French mustard, then add this to the eggs it is even better.

    The mustard acts as an emulsifier and makes sure that the oil is distributed evenly throughout the mix.

    This lasts for ages freezes well and just works back into a nice past with a little kneading.

    If you add a little water to a small piece of this paste that you are going to use on the bank, you can make it much stickier if you wish.

    I always add a little salt as well.



    [ 24. April 2004, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Liamsm ]

  11. Hi John,

    Yes I do live and fish in Newbury. Liam is my real name and Rowena is my wife.

    He will know who you are on about OK. just say Liam the black sheep.

    Maybe we can have a fish together one day?. I mostly fish for barbel though at the moment.

    While I can still find a bit of river to fish by the car.

    We are arranging a fish-in on the Royalty next July on my brothers site if you are interested in a social fish.

    Don't know if you have had barbel, but if they are not biting you could always catch a few sinners.


  12. Hi All,

    I do think that the EA could make some changes for the better in the rod licensing.

    I think that a family licence should be in order so that the expense does not multiply per se within a family.

    I also think that a free licence should be issued to juniors and young people that have not started work yet.

    Everyone should have a licence whether it be a free one or not though.

    I am afraid that I do agree with an extra licence for those that want to use more than two rods though, as this is down to personal choice.

    I also think that the EA does not use the power enough that they could with licensing especially concerning litter etc. and as for checking them!, I have never had mine checked in forty years.

    I think also that club tickets should only be issued on producing a rod licence.


  13. Hi All,

    It is quite easy to see why posters would want to swear after reading this and can easily be forgiven.

    It is just so sad that this sort of thing goes on in this day and age.

    Unfortunately I think that I would have to agree that they will not be punished enough when they do get caught eventually.

    Much harder sentences are needed for this kind of thing.

    Almost makes one ashamed to be part of the human race sometimes.

    My prayers are with your mate in hospital.



    [ 21. April 2004, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Liamsm ]

  14. Hi John,

    I am also a Christian, so I do hope that your conscience is eased about fishing.

    I think that I have just realized who you are now!.

    Are you at St Mary's just up the road from me at Greenham?.

    Just as well that I did not realize before, as I might have been tempted to use references from the Good Book about fishing. Ha! Ha! devils advocate.

    I have spent many hours in debate with men of the cloth which I enjoy immensely.

    I actually met my wife while attending a lecture by Farther Bernard from St Johns, on science and religion.

    I don't know if you have met him, but I found it quite amazing that a scientist could be a priest and so easily marry the two together.

    He is a real eye opener of a man.

    If you do get to have a chat with him, send him my best regards.



    [ 21. April 2004, 07:01 AM: Message edited by: Liamsm ]

  15. Hi John,

    The point that I was really trying to make was that there is a need for the pain that we feel as humans, in our evolutional development.

    It is very unlikely that this is the case in fish.

    If there is not a need for it then it is most probable that it is not there to the same degree.

    Peter's little philosophical point also has a bearing in that the human mind plays a big part as well as just brain function.

    We have a very developed memory/mind and can even control our own brain function to a degree.

    This control over brain function by mind is probably what will grow in the future development of mans evolution, as it is a lot stronger in some humans than others at the moment. Some have found the need to use it more than others.

    We cannot discount that we are able to use drugs to control pain to a large degree as well.

    This is just an enhancement for the drugs that the human body is capable of producing its self through brain function.

    If pain is what humans feel with our complex brain can you compare it directly to what a fish might feel with it's lower brain development?.


  16. Hi All,

    Does anyone know who stocks our rivers with fish?.

    Are they stocked?.

    Is it only done by the EA, or do clubs also stock their own parts of the river?.

    It is hard to see the viability of clubs doing it, as the fish could travel beond their own fishery.

    Unless it was a joint venture for all the clubs.


  17. Hi John,

    I don’t think that it is necessary for anyone to revel whether or not they are a biologist, or a biophysicist.

    As this is a debate between us plain folk, who only have plain logic to fall back on.

    I think that at the end of the day, it is down to your interpretation of pain.

    Pain in humans, is only a signal from an injured area of the body to the brain.

    This induces a biological response by the brain from the body it's self to the injured area.

    Apart from this, because we are of a much higher order of intelligence, we are able to administer other medical help to the injury and also reason a sensible avoidance to the injured area and the cause of the injury.

    Maybe this is why it is necessary for us humans to have such a high feeling of pain.

    Maybe through our own evolution, our brains have deemed it necessary to have such a high feeling towards any injury.

    (It is also possible for the human brain to turn off this pain signal completely by the way.)

    This high pain feeling of coarse would not be necessary to this extent in lower forms that cannot administer medical treatment in any form.

    I have no doubt that all forms of life receive signals of injury of some sort, to varying degrees, to their own limited brains.

    However it does not make logical sense for that signal to need to be the same as the one experienced by a human.

    Much more likely that it is equatable throughout the evolutionary scale, directly to the evolution of the brain.

    All students of nature know that if there is not a need for it, then it will most likely not be there.

    The most that a fish can do about an injury, is move to a different environment, this being the case maybe!?, for fish moving into salt water.

    Even if this were the case however, it would not benefit the fish to be in any pain for this response to

    be triggered in the small minority that were able to do this.

    If you take another animal between fish and man in the evolutional scale, intelligence rises to the point that pain is avoided very quickly. Pain is also a signal to warn of further injury as well as the signal of the injury already sustained.

    Whether fish feel pain to a degree or not, I will always fish , because pain it’s self is not that important to me.

    I live with it every day, as many others do. It is all part of life.


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