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Posts posted by kleinboet

  1. To all of you who say that the advisor's should not be sacked because they disagree with the government, may I remind you all of how many times has a judge been condemned for giving a lenient sentence. Both advisor's and judges are HUMAN and are capable of making a mistake.


    Now, down to the Cannabis thing, why don't those in favour speak to the psychologists who treat those who's minds are "frazzled" with use of the drug.

    Brenda is a licenced user of the drug Sativex, which is an oromucular spray, based on Cannabis (and smells and, according to her tastes, like a rubbish heap! I have been told that it is only given to terminally ill patients on a "named" basis. Brenda has progressive MS, is registered deaf/blind and has lost all feeling below her waist, which is why she has a super-pubic catheter and is wheelchair bound.

    I have been told that her outlook is "bleak"!

  2. The reason that cannabis was "downgraded" was in order to allow a new medicine to come on to the market. Sativex is a cannebeloid based drug which reduces spasms in MS users. Asit is, the only way they could put it on the maket was as a "named" patient (Brenda is one of the lucky ones to be on it). The have now upgraded it again.


    If the government is using every means it can to stop people smoking, it would be a bit silly to keep Cannabis as an alternative!

  3. Emma2 & Jeepster - The whole point of the matter is that the idea of a forum is to READ the postings, not pick bits and pieces to suit your purposes (even if out of context).

    I post on a FORUM, not a back slapping blog, and if you don't know what forum means, look it up as, the last time I looked it said discussion place.

    I may not be the flavour of the month, but jibes and downright untruths with out of context statements to "prove" it is only going to leave the person with a reputation for untruths.

  4. Emma2 - I will stop "waffling" when you agree with these two postings WITHOUT justifying them:


    Of course it it is folly to love!!


    I have worked with Black and Asian people for whom I have little regard!!

    Two points there - Why mention black and asian specifically? there are other races!!

    Don't you think that's a sacist remark.

    Geees - You should have been a journalist or a politician, they are very good at taking things out of context!


    Both written by you on this thread!

  5. Well that's amazing, all i see is "What this quote (I'll save Emma2 the effort just for fun) whoops guess you forgot to delete it KB and I guess you also conveniently forgot what kind of language your vocabulary does contain"And everyone thinks I suffer from delusions

    Nerver mind, I found it (Taken WAY out of context of course - read my posting regarding talking one-to-one with others)

    Phil what you say about blacks and children is another case in point of whaty the PC say THEY want and what they really want. breeding is a very important part of the black culture. Although things have now changed, the only way a muntu (person) could be sure of a decent old age was to have as many children as possible as a "retirement pension" - as sex is the main medium for HIV infection, you (if you are prepared to listen) will realise why it is so hard to stop them having "unprotected" sex.

  6. How about Q-ships? If the "pirates" realise that the just can't go after any ship they see, they will turn round and stop! end of problem.

    The thing is they have said the magic words "we cannot find anything else to do to survive - we need money for our families???????"................HUH????

    Every year there are advertisements on TV asking US for our money to give THEM!!! And this has been going on (and, it seems, will continue to go on) forever! I wonder if someone has the time to work out how much money has been given to African countries over the years. If it's not a famine, it's floods or locust plague etc. What did they do BEFORE all the hand outs?

    Now we will get all the "heartfelt" sob stories from the P.C's - well let them answer my last question.


    Coming back to the pirates, Piracy has always, almost universally carried the death penalty, so what is wrong with blowing pirate craft out of the water as long as we genuinely try to pick up the survivors (and hand them over to the authorities")

  7. Jeepster -

    "If that's your best attempt to show what a rational, non exploitative, reasonable guy you are, I really need say no more!"If that's what you think, carry on.

    We all know what a "rational, reasonable non-exploitive guy you are when you posted that you made lots of MONEY from playing ghost busters. It would appear to be your goal in life, never mind filling a lot of people with frightening guff about "spooks" is your idea of being rational!

  8. Goodness gracious here we have a trout fly trying (and failing) to sound funny, he should really go and play with his mates (if he has any!)



    I don't know as I did none of the things you say! Oh! I forgot - I sued the company that I worked for here, as they refused to pay my (paid up) pension!

    I don't treat them like oddities either! Mind you I suppose anyone actually reading my posts with different ideas would say that wouldn't they!

  9. It is the views of people like jeepster that has allowed the UK to degenerate into what is is now.

    I suppose they approve of Black organisations( or Muslem, Asian or whatever race wants to say something.)

    As I have said before, I do not treat people as Black, Asian or any other person that are not like me, as any different. As long as I can hold a civil conversation with them, I will.

    I will quote KenL with a look into what is happening.

    "I'm concerned that large scale immigration by non-English speaking families is tying up finite educational resourses and negatively impacting on the educational oppertunities that are available for the children of families that have lived in this area for generations".

    "You're a racist"

    End of discussion."

    I have no proof of the statements I made, just discussions with other races on a one to one - something everybody should do, as you will find out what THEY want, not what YOU want for THEM!

  10. Emma2 - Get your facts right!! I did not say Counties I said Countries!!!

    There may well be other COUNTRIES that were different from Africa which I can't vouch for as I have never had a discussion with an indigenous persons that lived there, however the ones I spoke to in the Southern states like South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Zimbabwe etc. certainly DON'T think it was a bad thing - quite the contrary in fact! (certainly different from the american approach).

  11. Emma2

    when the early British explorers went to foreign climes, they saw people living without the little things we took as necessities. They then explained the priciples of "civilisation" as they saw it.

    They hoped to improve those countries, not put us back some 2000 years as they would with Sharia Law! OK so we gave them religion too, but they did not really have any sort of organised religion there (rather like us here in England!) but we did give them some improvements that they liked and we didn't stop them carrying out their customs (except cannabalism), in fact we even tolerated female circumcision and forced marriages until they themselves asked us to stop them.

  12. I think what this thread is trying (by me, at least!) to say is that the bigger EU nations are "passing the buck" to the UK and sending their unwanted immigrants via (sometimes) underhand means. These immigrants see that they are on to a good thing in this country. They will complain about our religion or our traditions and play the race card to get them removed or changed.

    We in this country agreed to accept other religions and traditions - not have our religion and traditions replaced by theirs.

  13. Snakey, I agree -

    but these figures are for REGISTERED nationals. Look at the Vatican, they don't ALL live there.


    These figures show the the "big boys" of the EU, will NOT allow the immigration being forced on the UK in their countries. Those figures show (again I use the Vatican) the REGISTERED Nationals, not the actual residents that live there. How many of those registered actually live in the Vatican.

    In the UK, although some of the residents will be on holiday, or retired to the continent.


    I was told that when I was in South Africa, it was "unusual" for me to keep hold of my British citizenship.

    I will repeat that this country has gone down the pan, by pandering to a small amount of people (the ethnic MINORITIES) by giving up our traditions and religion in order to placate them.


    A lot of these people are NOT British, although they have been here for up to 4 generations, you only have to watch an international cricket (or other sport) and see the cheering when "their" country scores against England, But then again you will find we are not allowed to be proud of our country!

  14. NO MrM - You are not a racist, you are a realist! The racists (and dicriminationists) are those that want racial organisations, those that are shocked by a church that has for 115 years had a prayer service before doing PARISH work, those that want women only applicants etc. etc. These are rthe true racists as they play the race card all the time.


    Me, I have only had one philosophy - I treat everone the same. As I have always said I do not see "grey" areas, only black and white (wrong phrasology for this type of poting :o ) so I don't care who they are, gender or race, as long as I can have an intelligent conversation with them they are all right.

  15. Mr M and others - I would like to say we are the most populated (population per sq mile), but we are not.

    BUT...... Here is a list of Europe that say WE must accept the immigrants, not them.

    Above us:

    Netherlands 393

    Belgium 337

    The we have:

    England.... 244

    Germany.... 233

    Switzerland 177

    France.... 109

    Italy.... 192

    Here are some interesting ones:

    Poland.... 144

    Kosovo.... 185

    Czech Rep... 130


    But then we are not overcrowded and can always remove more land (by building Dyke's like the Netherlands?)

  16. Rabbit - some interesting facts for you:

    We in England live on an island, which we like to call our "green and pleasant land" which will soon no longer apply, as the amount of housing required will necessitate building on greenbelt land which was set aside as "lungs" for this island.

    Look at Europe - the French condone illegal immigrants convening at their coastal towns, knowing they are waiting to get across the channel by any means to live in England.

    I believe that one or more of the EU countries REFUSE to accept East Europeans.


    Yet we are called RACISTS (not realists)

  17. Once upon a time a man appeared in a village and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for £10 each.

    The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at £10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort.

    He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at £20 each.


    This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to £25 each and the supply of monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it!


    The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at £50 each! However, since he had to go to the USA on some business, his assistant would buy on his behalf.


    In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected. I will sell them to you at £35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for £50 each."


    The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys for 700 billion pounds. Strange as it may seem they never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of monkeys!


    Now you have a better understanding of how the UK BANKS BAILOUT PLAN WILL WORK !!!!

  18. Emma almost had it right about South Africa. The Zulus had been living in South Africa at least as long as the Maori in NZ or the Aborigine in Australia. Buy the time the British came and took the country by force ( the Zulu war)they had split into more ethnic groups.


    This whole country is racist! Every statement made about this country has racial connotations.

    We have a BLACK policemans union (try and start a white one!), we bend over to appease immigrants at the cost of our own culture.

    Emma spoke about South Africa (according to everyone a racist, pariah country).

    They had solved the different culture problems with no hassles - the Jews had their holidays, the hindu's theirs, the chinese theirs, the indigenous blacks theirs and rthe Christians theirs!

    All that happened was that the religions Not celebrarting stood in for those who were!!

    I may be racist, but I believe in equality, if someone can do the job better than others, be they whatever culture or gender, they will get the job! Never mind women only lists - we want the best!

  19. I have made a point lately to observe all cyclists. I would put the sensible, responsible cyclists at 40%, no more. And, they are not all spotty teenagers - what about the middle aged woman going up a slight incline, standing on pedals and wobbling dangerously from side to side, and there is the "professional" bike rider, all kitted up in lycra shorts and sporting a helmet. He will weave through traffic at the lights, get on the pavement and then cross the road using the PEDESTRIAN crossing against the lights, only to get back on the road again!


    As for women drivers, stop to let them through where a parked car makes impossible for two cars to pass and they drive past, eyes in front, ignoring you. A man, on the other hand, will usually acknowledge the courteous gesture!

  20. Thanks Phil.

    We have this stupid cross hatching in Cheltenham. Brenda has progressive MS and is now wheelchair bound, and apart from it being difficult to get across, it is damned unpleasant.


    I was looking for this newspaper article but couldn't find it.


    A 14 year old, texting while cycling through the "pedestrianised" area of Cheltenham, hit a 78 year old woman so hard he broke her leg and, when she fell, her hip. the little scrote fetched his bike and shouted that she should have got out of his way and started to ride off. A 70 year old man stopped him by putting his stick through the bikes spokes.

    When the police arrived they decided they were NOT going to prosecute as said scrote was only 14!

    The stick man was charged with criminal damage to the bike and "a reckless action that could have caused serious injury!


  21. "Thousands of fish boost for river

    Thousands of fish are being released into a West Midlands river which has suffered a series of recent pollution incidents.


    The Environment Agency said heavy storms during the summer had let pollution into the River Tame and killed thousands of fish.


    Up to 3,000 chubb were put into the river at Kingsbury, Warwickshire, earlier this week.


    Another 16,000 will be added over the next few months.


    The Agency said dace, roach and barbel will also be added.


    The River Tame flows through the Black Country, Birmingham, Warwickshire and Staffordshire."

  22. I have contacted the Council with something they had not thought of (or would not think of)!

    I am a 24/7 carer for a blind person. Not all blind people have guide dogs. If a blind person goes for a walk, they use a long cane which is about 5ft long with a ball on the end. They use it by swinging the cane from side to side and they cannot see a dividing line in the pavement. If a cyclist comes down that path and the long cane goes through the spokes, there will be tears - WHO WILL BE TO BLAME?

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