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phil hackett

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Posts posted by phil hackett

  1. A real tragedy. If there are a thousand signatures then I doubt there are any from qualified or professional 'naturalists'. Also, how many of the signatories are local to the area?


    Presenting a petition with angler's names on requesting that riverside habitat improvement works should not be carried out just makes anglers look like selfish w@nkers. I suppose if they read and believed the head bailiff's biased and wholly inaccurate reasoning (!?) then that may be why.


    It's ok for the fishing club to change habitat and stock fish but not ok for natural river habitat to be enhanced for wildlife already present. How narrow-minded and selfish!


    Filthy lucre eh!


    Here's one qualified professional Ecologist and Angler for over 45 years, who won't sign it for the reasons you've stated Wroms!

  2. All very interesting, but all the breeding programmes for otters in the UK were shut down in 1999/2000 after the release of the last of the 117 animals that were bred. It (the breeding programme) was also claimed as a success by all the partners.


    So where are the otters you claim will be released up until 2010 come from, and more importantly being bred?


    BTW UK BAP stands for United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan It was drawn up by HM Govt (Dept. Environment as it then was) after consultation with interested parties.


    And to my knowledge no angling group, Assiciation or angling body nationally raised any objections to it at the time.

  3. The trouble is i don't think it is that simple as the warmer top water will be very reluctant to sink/stay down. Depending on a number of things like angle of the wind is hitting the bank, shape of the bottom, shape of lake, temp, strength of wind and probably a few more the returning water will do different things and may be in the same day.


    Like Anderoo says it can make your head hurt. The best Ive ever been able to come up with is try to fish into the prevailing wind and fish at the bottom of a drop off if you can find one.

    I'd agree with you it isn't as simple as that, most of the energy from the wave orbitals is dissipated as they hits the shallow water and the bank. The swash (rebound backwards) is minimal and as I pointed out earlier only reach a max of 20 yards backwards travel.


    I've never seen Wingham but, have seen many other pits, and wouldn't disagree with the comments made about bars, troughs, baffling and so.

    Perhaps the best way to view these pits are as landlocked rivers when the wind is blowing strong. The wind driving the flow direction and orbitals, the bars, etc acting as obstacles in the river channel. Throwing that flow in several directions at once.

    If you can work out where the lee of the flow is at any given time for an obstacle, it will deposit debris there, including natural food and light bait that has been introduced.

  4. Thanks Phil.Do you think that this orbital movement could create the type of current shown on the video?

    Yes under the right wind conditions.

    How to explain it? In light winds it's likely you'd only have one or two orbital at or just under the the surface but on top of each other, these would be quite small. The rule of thumb of orbitals is they are the size in circumference to the size of each round top wave you see coming across the water. In very strong winds you get big surface orbitals with decreasing orbitals as the depth descends. As shown in the drawing Fig 1.


    A lesser wind and the size and number would be somewhere in between the two sizes. There will be a calculation somewhere of the orbital spin speed to corresponding wind speeds. Sorry I don't know it, or have it any of the books I have. You should also have to take into consideration the smaller the deeper orbitals are, the less they rotate through the dissipation of energy. However, on a strong wind I do think they (smaller orbitals) would still have enough energy to move stuff as seen on the video.


    If you can tell me what wind strength, roughly, there was on the day when it was shot, how deep the water was and how far from the bank it was shot. I may be able to give an explanation why the flow was so strong.

  5. Phil I think its on the AN Wingham Fish In 2008 thread? will take a look but if some one else has a link to it on Utube?


    Phil can you explain this orbital thing a bit more please as it a new one to me.

    Thank for the link Budgie interesting! It could be down to one of three factors, and from the vid I can't really tell.

    Factor 1 heating of the water and convection courents. This happens in still periods on shallow waters. Again it's driven in a clockwise motion.

    Factor 2 Wind driven orbitals.

    Factor 3 and/or a cobination of both.


    Here are some drawings to explain what wind driven orbitals are Wave_generated_Orbitals.doc

    PS the top circle is missing off Fig 2 Don't know why probably in the either somewhere

  6. Phi,Ive never been that worried about undertow and its effect on fish.Read all the literature on the subject and having been a diver thought I knew all about it..........untill I watched Sharkbytes underwater footage taken at Wingham! Search it out on here and take a look at how the tench has to swim against it and the food/bait reacts.Made me re think my long term stance on its relevance.


    Budgie had a search, but I can't find the vid. Anybody want to post a link to it who knows where it is?


    Regarding undertow was it undetow? Water going the opposite way to the wind blowing on the back swash . And if it was, how far out was the footage shot? Or was it orbital drag. Orbital drag can touch the bottom of shallow waters if its a good blow. As all orbitals spin clockwise and in deep water (15+ft) stack up on top of each other to a depth of around 10ft. This is the reason I disagree with Den's statement of mixing on deep waters during the period I said.


    In shallow waters several orbitals on a good blow would drag along the bottom. This dragging process could give the appearance of undertow because of the clockwise spinning process. It could also be quite powerful if several of the larger ones are dragging along the bottom I suppose.

  7. Sorry Phil, but I think you can forget about thermoclines on the pits we are talking about. They are of such varying depths that very little stratification ocurs.


    Even on waters (ressies) with depths of 50ft any decent wind will mix the lot up, and surprisingly quickly as well.



    Den I think you missed what I was saying about thermoclines I did not say they happend on pits as I know they don't. They happen on deep waters. As for good blows on resers mixing the water up, I have to disagree with you. I live in reser country and have fished them most of my life. And yes they stratify during the period I stated.

  8. Phil, there's a lot more pages here in case you missed it (prepare for a long read!): http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/forums/Big-bream-t82897.html


    What are your opinions about bream and undertow? Presumably fishing into the teeth of a strong wind there'd be significant undertow, especially on the meres which are fairly featureless. Or do you fish at a distance where it peters out?


    Location is the real problem as you well know - and understnading undertow and how bream react to it is probably the biggest (currently unknown) factor that can help with (a) swim selection and (B) exact spot(s) to bait and fish.

    Andrew undertow is created by the wind/wave orbitals dragging on the line. The swash back from the breaking waves rarely ever extend out more than 20 yards. On the deeper mere it's what creates the shelves along with erosion through wave action and an increase in water height.


    Most of the my fishing is done at 60-90 yds on the the meres on known patrol routes. At that distance it the undertow has gone.

    On the pits because of their bed topography, it disrupts it and I wouldn't give it to much consideration.

  9. Man this thread got very interesting! It's one of the best discussions (despite the hiccup a few pages back) I've ever read on the internet.

    Where to start to reply?

    I'll start with this, there are in my view clear differences between meres and gravel pits and the way fish react in them.

    The mere's are natural lakes created though the ice age and in the main soup bowl shaped. They do however come in two distinct types - Shallow, down to 15 ft deep. Deep down to 50 ft. The deeper ones stratify with what known as the thermocline. This is an important point on this type of mere.


    Without going any deeper into the above, this link will give you a further understanding of the meres http://www.fishingmagic.com/news/article/mps/uan/1572


    Sand/gravel pits in my area tend to be like egg boxes totally up and down with flat areas that can be up to 100 metres squire. They tend to be shallower than the deep mere, with areas that may get down to 20 - 25ft deep.

    In these type of pits, as you probably know, they are usually quite weedy. Perhaps what you don't know is that most species of weed will only grow up from a maximum depth of 10 ft. I say most, and that includes all the native species, because due to the aquarist trade and the importation of weeds from all over the world (now stopped) many have unfortunately escaped from the garden ponds into the wider environment. So there are those that can get down a lot further and if your water happens to have this vermin, it could weed it totally.


    It has already been said bream don't like weed. I don't fully agree with that, but setting it aside, I'd say look for water 12+ft deep for the clear areas and bait and fish them them.


    Wind on both pits and meres

    There is no doubt in my mind this is the biggest factor in catching bream and with ever increase in mph, I get an equivalent increase in confidence that I'll catch. Give me SW strong to gale force wind, overcast and threatening rain, and it's my dream conditions. However, you need to be fishing into the teeth of it full on. On the meres, and the deeper ones in particularly, fishing into any wind is critical.

    And the reason why is it tilts the thermocline.

    Stratification only happens from late spring to early autumn and not during the winter. Fishing on the windward bank or as close as you can get to it, allows you to fish in the warm well oxygenated water. Yes wind adds oxygen to the water, the stronger it is, the more oxygen it adds through the wave action it creates An increase in oxygen, and particularly after a still period, stimulates fish to feed. Easily checkable with tanked fish, increase the air flow without the fish seeing you do it and watch them start to actively start looking for food.

    Conversely, on the leeward bank the water from the deep can be brought up, that water is cold with very little oxygen in it.

    Wind also brings to the windward bank lots of natural food, most invertebrates that live in the water column are very poor swimmers and get carried along in the wave orbitals (see link article 2 for an explanation of orbitals) towards the windward bank.


    So to concluded where I started, on the meres the fish move about far more than they do on pits because the topography allows them to do this. Whereas on pits the man-made topography can work against them, forcing them to reside in certain area

  10. . I can only deduce that the water was very rich in food and that the Bream had no competition.

    There in a nut shell is the answer!

    Some years before, probably 5, really can't remember, another mere of 45 acres , was doing fish just under the official record weight by about 1lb. The anglers that were fish it seriously and having the odd few fish out of it, speculated as to how many bream were actually in the mere. The only other fish that were known to be in it were tench, perch, 12 carp and a few very thin pike. We know there was 12 carp, because Bob Henderson and his mates put them in from the Isle Lake in 1968. Bob told me they put 12 in this mere and 6 in every other mere on the Cheshire Shropshire boarder anglers had access to.

    The 12 carp were never fished for by carp anglers at that time. So no HNV bait was going in!


    To try and find out just how many were in, one of the anglers had access to fish marker dye. So he and his mate marked all the fish they caught with a spot of this dye left-hand side middle of the flank. In total they marked 10 fish between 8lb 8oz and 11lb 12oz. The marked fish time and time again came out in the catches that were made, and three fish was a very good catch indeed in anyone session. The norm was one fish per month if you were lucky. By a Heath Robinson formula we arrived at the figure of between 25 - 30 fish in the mere.


    I subsequently (17 years later) ran the same information through a population density statistical programme whilst at University doing a degree in Environmental Studies and Ecology. That programme gave a figure of 42 fish.


    This mere was as Tinca has said about Cop mere, extremely rich in aquatic food. With such abundant food supply and a low stock density of all fish in 45 acres of mere, is in my mind, the reason it produces these out-sized fish. Many of the other meres in the same glacial fault that created it, were only producing fish of 7-9 lb range. They also didn't have the abundant food supply this one did.


    To illustrate this belief further, in the early to mid 90s roach got in the mere and exploded, within two years these bream went from the colossus they were at that time, to razor blades of very poor condition. I actually caught one of the marked fish and it weighed 6lb 5oz

  11. Rob got me mine from a small tackle shop in Crowborough.I only used them a couple of times much preffering my bobbins when I could get away with them.I remember the arms were white and the moulded heads red. I got a feeling you are right about the diameter.Ive got some 5mm fibre glass rod in the loft will dig it out and play with that.The thinner stuff I got this time is definately to flexible.


    Does the guy still produce them and if so any contact details as I did like the head/line clip set up.


    Not seen Bob for quite a few years Budgie. I'm not even sure he's still alive, and I don't mean that disrespectfully, Bob had a long-term potentially terminal illness through the job he done all his working life.

    So I really don't know if he's still with us.

    As for his indicators, I know Warren Gaunt asked a similar question some time ago but couldn't find anywhere that stocked them. I think Wol got some off someone else who had a pair.


    I know someone who might know though. I'll have to find his tel No and phone him. But not tonight as he's likely to be in the pub if he's still like he was last time I saw him.

  12. Cant remember if my old ones were glass or just plastic coated metal (Phill?) They were certainly well over 2' long and didnt bend at all.




    Not got any of Bob's but I'm quite sure they were glass arms with a 5 mm dia

  13. Now now name calling isn't nice.


    The point of this thread is the features and problems associated with getting hold of or making each member's ultimate bobbin, not THE ultimate bobbin in the universe. It has been fun bouncing ideas off each other trying to solve different problems in different ways and learning stuff along the way. Wading in with:


    'All very interesting but it take you 24 pages to arrive at the point that you need light arm indicators with a bobbin on the top. Sorry Guy the 3 counties mere bream anglers have had them for over 25 years, I know because I made most of them.'


    wasn't that helpful and to be honest got my back up. I probably shouldn't have replied like I did but sometimes I just can't help myself.


    The whole point, as this thread has shown, is that everyone wants something different from their bobbins but I hope everyone has learnt something (I know I have) getting closer to their own personal ultimate bobbin.

    At the point I made that comment that's where the discussion was at. My comments were and are a statement of historical fact, as can be confirmed by any of the following (G, Marsden, E. Bibby J. Charlesworth, D. Sharp, R (Bob) Henderson, T. Knight, J. Williams, W. Moores W, Gollins, T, Bolton Unfortunately the Late R Harker is unable to confirm this. and many others who have purchased them off me) if asked.


    Yes it has been interesting and informative, if somewhat degenerating over the last few pages, but we now know where its coming from ;)

  14. Sorry Arf,


    I was pulling someone else leg but people like yourself started adding genuine well meaning advice and kind of got caught in the cross fire - hence the admission, I feel bad now sorry, :(


    Nope didn't make the bankstick as they are cheap and readily available :P, to be honest it is a pain having the rods so high but if you saw the line bites you get at Wingham they are unfortunately necessary.




    So you're a urine extractor then? Sound more like a banker to me.... 5 ft drop needed my arse!

    Let see the photos so we can all have a laugh :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  15. Adding the second LED in parallel with the existing one will diminish battery life, but only slightly, as the LEDs are on for only a very small time during the units actual use.


    You can connect directly in parallel (cathode to cathode, anode to anode), but you will probably find that one LED leeches most of the current due to having a smaller forward voltage than the other. At worst case, one LED will cease to function altogether. The best case scenario is that both LEDs work at the same brightness, but the brightness of each will be half that of the original single LED due to the current now being shared.


    Since you want a separate brightness-controlled LED acting as a night light (which will require a separate, larger power source due to being on for long durations), it makes more sense to power the bite indicator LED from this same power source. You still can take the cathode or anode signal (whichever is the active signal) from the bite detector to switch the second LED on for 30 seconds... The electronics involved is rather simple - once you know all the physical details of where and how you want the LEDs mounted, what casing you will be using for them, what battery pack you want to use etc etc, I'll be more than happy to design and build the electronics for you, and send them to you free of charge.


    Of course, if your creation proves highly desirable by others, I could supply more modules for whatever it costs to make them...


    Coming back to the overall design, I've been thinking of your requirements - all of them are quite easily achievable, except the 5 foot, non-wind affected drop. I've though of a way of achieving this, without the rod being 5 foot off the ground, but I need to know more about how the line should be released if you want to strike. You could at worst case end up with having to take up 10 feet of slack before striking, which I gather will be a problem!



    Arf just the man!.............only joking


    Thanks for technical help there. I've not messed about with, and messed is the operative word here. with electronics systems for bite indicators for many years. When I did and I got stuck, I'd deffer the problem to mate who was and still is an electronics engineer. Can I take it that you are also a electronics engineer?

  16. Wow thanks Phil, lucky you were here to help, is there anything you don't know?


    Now all I need to do is make it...




    Lots I'm learning all the time ;)

    But when you've done as many conversions of old original Optonics (the ones that had a sounder box separate from heads circa 1973) to all in the head versions as I've done, you aquire skills you never thought you would :clap2:

    Something else you might need to think about is battery life, as you could be adding more drain power on in it by connecting another LED to the circuit.

    Are the Microns the ones that run on small cell batteries?

    See I don't know that, as I don't use Fox..... Delkim man through and through!


    If they are, you may well need to have quite a few spares with you. And/or do some testing to find out how much extra drain you'll put on them.


    There is a calculation that you can do based on the voltage the extra LEDs use, but my knowledge in this field is limited, so I can't help there. Yep don't know that! :mellow: I've always used the suck it and see phylosaphy.


    The alternative to the above is put them on their own power source, but still connected to Microns LED circuit. I have done this, but age and time has taken its tole and I can't remember how it's done.

    I did know that, but don't any longer :D


    Enjoy your project but think waterproofing at every stage

  17. Has an adjustable brightness LED that illuminates the bobbin at night. Mapplins or Radio Spares electronics about £1 each




    Oh I forgot, to ajust the brightness you'll need a variable pot (potention meter) for this £1 25-£2

  18. All very interesting Phil but I don't think everything I want on my ultimate BOBBIN is available. All I need is:


    A bobbin head that:

    Has add on weights

    Has an adjustable line clip

    Has an adjustable brightness LED that illuminates the bobbin at night.

    Has a different colour adjustable brightness LED that illuminates the bobbin for 30 seconds when the alarm sounds (this has to be activated by the sounder socket on a micron M which does not have a power out socket)


    A bobbin cord that is wind proof and that allows for a drop of at least 5 foot


    Finally I need all this for less than 15 quid per bobbin.


    Let me know where I can get four.






    Has add on weights - Make your own.... Clear tube, insert brass bolt (bottom end) with hole drilled down it to take cable. Screw nuts on as added weight. 75 p


    Has an adjustable line clip - Do away with the hair grip type and go for the small cable ties they run free on the line at all time unlike the hair grips that tend to grip the line. 0r blag em off a sparky


    Has an adjustable brightness LED that illuminates the bobbin at night. Mapplins or Radio Spares electronics about £1 each


    Has a different colour adjustable brightness LED that illuminates the bobbin for 30 seconds when the alarm sounds (this has to be activated by the sounder socket on a micron M which does not have a power out socket) Need to set up the timing with resistors 10 p each. Or use a timing chip, a 555 Timing chip should do it with a 5 ohm resistor. Small piece of veryboard to set it all up on £1.50-£2

    you'll need a small waterproof project box to house it in and it needs to be clipped on the buzzbars with small terry clips £ 3 tops

    You also need to put a jack plug socket (70p) into the microns (underneath to stop water getting in it) Connect 2 wires to the LED (cathode and Anode) on the micron with the same connection on the LED in the bobbin.


    A bobbin cord that is wind proof and that allows for a drop of at least 5 foot

    Bloody hell how tall are you.....a 5ft drop! Never in 35 years of breaming have I known anyone to need more than 24 inches drop. Any wire you put through whatever you use as cord will add stiffness to it.


    Windproof "cord" is attempting to achieve the unachievable. Accept that some sort of chain may do it, but never cord.

    There you go all requirements met I think!

  19. My homemade version does not twist. I never tested the commercial one as it was too expensive. I think it depends on the 'hinges'.




    Ok if you're intent on some sort of chain mechanism, here's some thought for you. I've mentioned messing about with bikes already. Well I also had several motorbikes after I finished with pushbikes and I did all my own mechanics.

    Honda's mainly and 4 strokes up to 500 cc.

    With 4s they had a cam chain, which was very thin, 1/4" wide on the smaller bikes 185 cc and below. I made a bracelet out of one one time. That's how thin they were. In total if you split the chain open they were about 28" long.


    I've had a quick look and found a US site that do them for about $17. http://www.cyclepages.com/ProductGroupDisp...GroupID=4603757

    Might be more than you want to pay, but these thing stretch and need replacing, so if you find a motorbike shop that does repairs, you'd probably get them for nothing off them, as they bin them when they replace them.


    Go and have talk with the guys in the shop, have a look at one and see if you can use it.


    Me, I'll continue to use ally arms with the bobbin on the top, serve me well for hundreds of bream over the 25 + years I've used them.

  20. The plastic tracking we looked at would have most likely done the job Phill it was just to expensive!


    I'd have some doubts about it if it's like the tracking somebody put a link to. That tracking would twist in strong winds rendering it ridged by locking each link of chain against the other one it connects to. This can be checked by playing around with a bike chain to see what I mean.

    It was a bit of a party piece when we were kids and messed about with bikes. By twisting your hand and arm against the natural bend of the chain you could make it ridged and straight and hold the chain out like a rod

  21. They look great Phil but they seem more like swingers than bobbins to me.


    They are and made several years before swinger were available commercially.

    I did say arrive at a light arm with a bobbin on top.


    The whole thrust of this discussion has been about creating light bobbins that don't move in the wind. It can't be done, it defies the laws of physics unless the bobbin is on a ridged connector e.g. an arm.

  22. post-613-1237918584_thumb.jpg

    All very interesting but it take you 24 pages to arrive at the point that you need light arm indicators with a bobbin on the top. Sorry Guy the 3 counties mere bream anglers have had them for over 25 years, I know because I made most of them.


    Budgie the one you refer to were Bob Hendersons and Bob was shown the ones I designed and made and took it a stage further with the clip mechanism.


    If I can find out how you put a picture on here I'll post some.


    Sorry guys the wheel has already been made.


    These are the design I've used since 96

  23. All very interesting but it take you 24 pages to arrive at the point that you need light arm indicators with a bobbin on the top. Sorry Guy the 3 counties mere bream anglers have had them for over 25 years, I know because I made most of them.


    Budgie the one you refer to were Bob Hendersons and Bob was shown the ones I designed and made and took it a stage further with the clip mechanism.


    If I can find out how you put a picture on here I'll post some.


    Sorry guys the wheel has already been made.

  24. If your weyo is the one I'm thinking of in the Bolton area, then fish it in the evening until dark, 3 rod lengths out in 8-12 ft of water, bait little and often with maggot and/or caster and the quality roach will come along.

    The same tactics will account for the fish in the Gorton resers in the picture. Had meself plenty down the years from most of the NW resers.

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