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Posts posted by Dales

  1. Considering the rather trouble times we live in, It's odd what offends people, over 1000 complaints about something that was never shown?


    But its good to see that the assistant secretary general of the muslin council of Britian has nothing better to do then tweet about a kids program. In a world where a 80 year old priest gets murdered in his own church and families get mowed down when out together I would have thought he would have some more important things to comment about.

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  2. For most of my life proberbly from as early as being a kid and watching the european edition of It's a Knock Out, watching European Football Championships I have always thought that being closer to Europe was a good thing. Now, I just feel a little naive for thinking that. I still wish we could be closer to many European countries and maybe the wider world. Maybe one day people will all pull in the same direction and for a common good but i have no idea what will make that happen.


    What I am a little more sure about is that the European Union in its current format is not the thing to make that happen, I totally get the argument that it is better to be in trying to reform and change things for the better then be on the outside. However, you need to believe that the EU is open to reform and change and for me I just do not see that it is and so I voted out. To be honest, I think Cameron could and should have tried harder on negotiations. I could be well off the mark and he may have given it his best shot but frankly it looks like he hastily put together just enough to give him a remain vote. I think it would have been better if he had announced a time line of say 2 years to negotiate and throw everything at it and if he got nothing then we would have a referendum. If he he gave it everything and got nothing then to me it shows that the EU is not open to discussion or compromise.


    I work in an office of accountants and we all knew that leaving would not be easy and are not surprised by what is happening. We split about 60% leave to 40% stay and so bucked the London trend. The one thing we all agreed about is that the idea of remain was wrong it should have been an IN campaign as remain is to stay in the same place or condition. Voting IN was not to remain in the current state, Europe is changing rapidly and so is the make up of its population. It is claimed that many who voted leave did not know what they voted for and it may be true. However, I think many who voted remain did not know either. Voting IN was to stay on that train and be taken to a destination you may not want to go to, it was never to keep what you already had. Maybe Camerons deal was enough to give the allusion we could do our own thing but we would have been taken along eventually to its destination. Maybe the EU is better off without us and they can take the rest of Europe off to some utopian dream.


    My parents are Irish immigrants and so I have plenty of family and friends from the old country and as I had become a little eurosceptic as I got older I asked many why they changed their minds about the Lisbon treaty. Its no surprise if a little sad that not one said they had been convinced that it was a good idea. They changed their minds because they where threatened with having subsidies and grants removed and having additional TAX's imposed on them.


    I am sure many in the EU commission think they are doing the right thing but an organistion that needs to bully and issue threats to get its way or just ignores those who do not agree is not the organisation that will unite Europe and bring all its people in the same direction. The current EU policy is just going to drive more divisions in the continent and set back any real cohesion. Free will and choice is important even if that means people make the wrong decisions.


    Over the coming years we will find out for better or worse if we are doing the correct thing but whether we had voted in or out and what ever deal we cut or do not cut one thing is sure, Europe and the EU will be very different to the way it was when we voted. If the EU is a force for good then surely pulling the infected thorn that was the UK should be good for Europe and now they can go on to complete that unified and peaceful dream. The Remain/IN camp failed to sell a bright vision to a big part of the country as to why the EU project was a good thing. It also failed to convince from a pure selfish reason why we would be better off in. Countries stay in the EU or wish to join because they think it is better for them as the balance changes and some countries seem to get more out then they contribute then greater cracks will start to appear. The more they try to force people together or impose their will the more it will look like a dictatorship. Since when has a dictatorship being for the good of the people, the sad thing is that the EU do not get that not everyone wants what they want or cares.

    • Like 3
  3. Jamie oliver is threatening to leave the u k:


    :bye1::bye1::bye1: :bye1: :bye1::bye1:


    Let me try to understand this, rich pompous food nazi who lives in his own world surrounded by fawning acolytes and believes his way is the only way may not like brexit.


    He thinks that people should not have a choice about what they eat but should have it imposed on them and thinks that the way to bring people around to his point of view is to TAX the bejesus out of everything that does not fit his vision.


    Seems to hate everything that is English unless you stick the word craft, ethnic or organic in front of it in favour of foreign imports.


    Is it just me who is struggling to see why he likes the EU so much.


    In the spirit of unity we should all band together to vote Boris in and deport this sanctimonius windbag to an EU country of his choosing.


    I am more then up for a one to one swop for every annoying person like Jamie who we way goodbye to as they head off to the promised land of EU bliss we let a genuine refugee in.

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  4. I posted back on post #1223 page 123 that I thought that Cameron may have been playing a clever hand by not invoking article 50 straight away and by resigning given time for remain to come up with a way to avoid the decision.


    Looks like I am not the only one to consider this. For some reason I just have this niggling doubt that far to many people with power do not want us to leave and if they can find a way they will.




    "If Cameron had invoked Article 50 on Friday morning, Britain would now be on its way out: the exit process is irreversible. But thanks to the Prime Minister’s clever maneuver—which is surely what it was—the country has some time to reflect on the consequences of Brexit, which are already turning out to be far more serious than many of the people who voted Leave realized".

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  5. My real irritation is with the BBC and their perception of what is "news" It seems as if they regard a politician as only "newsworthy" if about to resign (or alternatively, behaving in a way that others think should merit resignation)


    I have to admit the first time I had heard of many of them was when they resigned. As they announced the names I played a little game to see if I could pin the name to the post. They spoiled it by sometimes announcing shadow secretary for such and such before giving their names. If that lot who resigned are the cream of talent in the party, god knows who they are going to replace them with.

  6. Cannot disagree Dales, blame shifting, BUT, he did say nothing will change :bye2: , hence my remark LIE after LIE.


    I guess as time goes by we will find out who was right and who was wrong but one thing you can be sure of is that politicians will always lie. It's just now they feel no need to come up with feeble excuses as to why what they said was not true. One thing for sure we currently live in interesting times.



    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way"


    Charles Dickens

  7. Here we go folks.


    Tax rises and more public spending cuts are on the way according to Osbourne.


    Just sounds like any other budget to me, this is all we ever heard from Osbourne before Brexit. We where always going to be subjected to more public spending cuts what ever happened, the only difference now is that they may blame brexit for it rather then their own failings to tackle the countries debts.

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  8. I agree with all that Dave has said and there is much bigger stuff to cover. However, what we may be witnessing is almost the self destruction of the Labour party. The referendum gave a good indication of what a lot of Labour heartlands think of the direction the country is going and they ignored the the official Labour party position of remain. It is almost beyond belief that Corbyn refuses to go (Unless you know his type). He seems determined to run the party in to the ground.


    For all those traditional Labour party voters in the rest of the country who are starting to feel that Labour no longer is relevant to them and certainly does not represent them what must they be thinking of what is going on. Some all loony codger surrounding himself with his London cronies such as Diane Abbott and his london based activists hell bent on trying to take over the party and bully its MP's. They are fast becoming a party of protest with no relevance to most of the country. The sad thing is that they do not care what most people think and seem under some deluded idea that they represent some form of new politics. Since when was sneering at everyone who does not agree with you new politics. Even a cold hearted typ like me felt something when watching Angela Eagle almost in tears while explaingin why she resigned.


    It's all very sad to watch but as I live in London I know the types who support Corbyn and enjoy playing rebel in their spare time. Maybe the media is spending to much time on covering this but the Corbinites look like they will cling to power or what they think is power within the party. I honestly believe they have no interest in ruling the country, its all very much student union politics or worse play ground politics of you dont agree with me and so I dont like you and so you cant be in my gang.


    Clinging on to their time in the sunshine is all that seems to interest them, so maybe Vagabond is right and it would be better if this got no coverage. It must really hurt so many Labour voters to see what has become of their party.

  9. I don't see why it should be a 'Brexit' Government Stephen, if a minister can't follow the views of the electorate, (those who employ them), then they should be kicked out.

    Cameron has resigned in the same way he ran the Tory party and the country, dishonestly. He said he would not quit, he quit, he said we Brits aren't quitters, he then quit, maybe with an ulterior motive.


    Anyone Government that decides to not follow the electorate had better make sure they have made provision to counter riots in the streets, and would also have killed off the last dregs of trust that we might have in any UK Government.




    I agree about Cameron but feel if he had stayed and not resigned then Brexit could and should have been finished under the current government. By setting up a situation with a likely election he has allowed how ever slim a chance for some one else to stop Brexit.


    I expect and hope that a government would except the will of the people but already a labour MP has said they should ignore the referendum and the Libs have said they would campaign at the next election to keep us in. We know both sides told a tonne of lies in the lead up to voting and as the new politics seems to be say one thing and do another I have little faith in them doing the right thing. Most of the House of Commons came out for remain if they can find an idiot to ignore the public they may just try something.


    I doubt they care about riots in the streets, it's never riots in their streets. Just like there is never waiting lists for them to see a doctor or get a place on a housing list. The thing with a lot of remain voters is that they do not experience the issues that a lot of Brexit supporters do or even see it.


    Some how all the supporters of remain could not see the Brexit result coming, how could they not? The truth is they don't see or care about most of those people. They don't really matter to them and if they can get out of delivering Brexit somehow I think they may take it. Why would they care to deliver to the stupid masses who never knew what they voted for or those so old they would have forgot how they voted by next week. The contempt for Brexit voters by remain MPs and supporters is amazing and so I have little faith in a government not led by one of the Conservative Brexit team leading it. At the end of the day it will need to be agreed by a House of Commons full of MPs who never wanted it.

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  10. Does anyone think that Cameron may have played a last hand by resigning and not activating the formal start of Brexit?


    He seems to have left the door open for anyone with the nerve or stupidity to ignore the country and maybe keep us in the EU. By delaying he has given Remainers time to complain and campaign. If he had kick started the official process then his replacement would have to continue the process.


    If Boris or Gove lead the party then they will have to take us out and will find it hard not to tackle migration. He most likely knows that his party may not want either and put up an anyone but Boris candidate and try to block him. If they are a remainer then they may not want to take us out. I can't see who ever leads the party wanting to take us out without an election first. Stop Boris/Gove as leader and you have a slight chance of staying in, they would have to make it a manifesto obligation and follow it up. A different leader may say the election is the final chance to stay in or out and that if they are elected we stay in. They may even want to loose and pass the S""" Sandwich to someone else.


    Can't see Labour getting elected with Corbyn and looks like his MP's agree but should they win would they go against the referendum? After all it was a Con pledge. Would they stand on an EU IN ticket? Looks like the Libs are.


    Delay starting the exit process until after a quick election and the game may be reset. All they need to do is stop Boris or Gove leading the Cons and call a quick election before starting Brexit. Common sense says a Brexit boy or girl should lead the party and negotiate the exit. Will they engineer it that a remain contender wins?


    if Cameron had announced on Friday morning he had already written to Brussels and informed them we where leaving then we are rolling towards exit and it would be hard to stop the momentum. He is responsible for making the S""" Sandwich but it looks like some one else is going to have to eat it.


    The prime minister who takes us out or even some how keeps us in, is going to be hated by half the population. Cameron has managed to wiggle his way out and leave the Brexit Boys with one hell of a nasty job to do and or given a slim life line to remain for those who are willing to go against the will of the people. As we know politicians would never go back on a pledge or try to wiggle out of anything.


    Dave may have bought remain time.

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  11. i guess it was only really a matter of who would say it first. Once it came out that he may have shouted "Britain First" then some or all of the remain camp would use this as a reason to blast anyone and everyone who may have mentioned and spoke out about immigration recently. Most may have had the decency to wait a while but once campaigning starts again then the Brexit camp will be accused of stirring up hate and inspiring such actions.


    But I also suspect that if he had been an immigrant then the Brexit camp would also use this tragedy to their advantage.

  12. It is way more important for young people to vote than for old buggers who will be shuffling of this mortal coil. They have a future at stake old buggers don't.

    True, but the scramble to get them signed up seems only to be because most experts expect them to vote to stay in and not because politicians really care about their opinions. If they where expected to vote out then I feel less effort would have been put in to get them registered.

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  13. Of course the key to any extentision will be whether the right people continue to register or not.


    Maybe, i am a little cynical but the idea of collecting data on people by registering on the site but not yet knowing whether they will be entitled to vote does rather leave the whole thing open to some shenanigans. Should most of those registering late be young and from the big cities I can see the government moving mountains to ensure they all get to exercise their democratic right. They do seem to have been doing a lot to ensure that as many young people as possable get to register, much more then they would do for a general election.


    If most of them are male and old and unlikely to vote the right way then maybe the PM might decide we should stick to the rules after all and being timed out is being timed out.

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  14. I have never set out to catch Roach on bolt rigs but I often catch decent sized Roach and Rudd over a pound by accident when fishing bolt rigs with smaller boilies etc when after Tench and Bream on various pits and reservours to suggest it is a very viable method for big Roach.


    However saying that there are the odd venue where this has never ever happened including a Kent pit I fish. If I total up all the hours I have fished at that venue it is quiet extraordinary that I have not fluked a good sized Roach on a bolt rig. i have had nice Roach and Rudd on float tackle so they are there but for what ever season they never show to me on bolt rigged baits. So maybe it might not be as good a method as I think it could be. It may be one of the those horses for courses kind of things.


    I think as others have suggested if i where targeting Roach then I would go running rig with a tight line and heavy bobbin to get the bolt effect rather then a bolt effect off a lead or feeder.

  15. Time of work for me is to precious as I use most for travel and I only dedicate around 5 to 6 days off a year to go fishing and that is usually rationed out in to half days on fridays to do some session fishing and so I never use a day up for the river opening season especially as it generally never seems to fish well for me. So my first chance will be the Saturday and as Euro 2016 will be on and I want to watch as many games as I can I am planning a bit of a nostalgia trip and do most of my June fishing close to home on the coppermill stream.


    The big Roach of old are suppossed to have long gone but it must still have some nice Perch and Chub in it some where. It seems the perfect place for short trips that dovetail between games I want to watch and the ideal venue to try out some of the soft plastics that Kappa donated to the Wingham Fishin auction.

  16. As usual it looks like an obvious solution is over looked and they ignore the common sense decision in favour of something that makes no sense at all.


    If you are going to reform something why not do it properly and make people pay depending on how many rods they use? A simple mechanism where you pay a sliding scale, the more rods you use the more you pay. How does it make any sense to charge more to a 1 rod user? How can anyone come up with such rubbish, common sense would dictate keeping a 2 rod licence and offering a slightly cheaper 1 rod licence and a slightly more expensive 3 rod licence. Or am I missing something.


    What about those who use 4 rods, do they now buy a 3 rod and a 2 rod licence? Has anyone even thought about that before pushing through changes.

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