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Everything posted by trent.barbeler

  1. Hi Leon, I have an electronic type writer in perfect working order yours for free if you want it. Somehow or another, I cant find the plug that links it to the internet but I'll keep trying. Nice to read that you are coming in with RSSG as an individual member Leon. It matters not for what or where we fish. It is the fishing that counts together with the various environments where we all do our fishing. So, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, gooo oon. Give us your three quid and like Leon, make a rivers day. Regards, Lee.
  2. Hi James, Does it speak volumes when two anglers from the South come straight in and give advice on Trent barbel fishing. Come on Trentmen. Give the bloke a hand. James, On Friday evening the river was just into the fields, highly coloured with debris coming down. That same day, Mike Heylin drove over the Trent and told Eelfisher and myself later that we must surely be Gods to fish in such conditions! Well, If it had not been for the debris, those were PERFECT conditions for the Mighty Trent. For your best chance of barbel as a novice at this time of the year James, go for casters as a bait with hemp and caster in a feeder. Dont worry about to much weight on the feeder because the barbel will be in the margins close to any rocks etc. A fine wired size 12-10 is fine but you could go up to a size 6 series 2 Fox hook if you like. 10lb mainline and hooklength is what I use all the time. One word of advice though James. Dont fish the river when it is well into the fields because their are many deep cut out area's along its edge that are very dangerous in times of flood. Fish the river when it is within its banks and you can expect plenty of barbel at this time of year. I think we have had this conversation before havn't we James? Regards, Lee.
  3. Hi James, Does it speak volumes when two anglers from the South come straight in and give advice on Trent barbel fishing. Come on Trentmen. Give the bloke a hand. James, On Friday evening the river was just into the fields, highly coloured with debris coming down. That same day, Mike Heylin drove over the Trent and told Eelfisher and myself later that we must surely be Gods to fish in such conditions! Well, If it had not been for the debris, those were PERFECT conditions for the Mighty Trent. For your best chance of barbel as a novice at this time of the year James, go for casters as a bait with hemp and caster in a feeder. Dont worry about to much weight on the feeder because the barbel will be in the margins close to any rocks etc. A fine wired size 12-10 is fine but you could go up to a size 6 series 2 Fox hook if you like. 10lb mainline and hooklength is what I use all the time. One word of advice though James. Dont fish the river when it is well into the fields because their are many deep cut out area's along its edge that are very dangerous in times of flood. Fish the river when it is within its banks and you can expect plenty of barbel at this time of year. I think we have had this conversation before havn't we James? Regards, Lee.
  4. Hi All, Just bringing this to the top. Regards, Lee.
  5. Hi All, Just bringing this to the top. Regards, Lee.
  6. Hi All, Just a quick one as I'm off to a fishing meeting very shortly. Please join the RSSG on-line. By doing so, we all show that we really care. Unity is not merely the act of sharing your Allsorts. Please go on-line and send us your three quid. Regards, Lee. Regards,
  7. Hi All, Just a quick one as I'm off to a fishing meeting very shortly. Please join the RSSG on-line. By doing so, we all show that we really care. Unity is not merely the act of sharing your Allsorts. Please go on-line and send us your three quid. Regards, Lee. Regards,
  8. Hi All, Elton and Andy Frances of BFW will remember that when it comes to logging on sites, I have a dead area inside my brain. Please can someone tell me how to log on the site that has set up the RSSG on-line payment. Regards, Lee.
  9. Hi All, Elton and Andy Frances of BFW will remember that when it comes to logging on sites, I have a dead area inside my brain. Please can someone tell me how to log on the site that has set up the RSSG on-line payment. Regards, Lee.
  10. Elton, Once again, many thanks. You are an absolute star. I will now go into the guys store, thank him, and spend some money. Regards, Lee.
  11. Elton, Once again, many thanks. You are an absolute star. I will now go into the guys store, thank him, and spend some money. Regards, Lee.
  12. Dear All, Our sea's are continuing to be plundered to the extent that certain species are becoming endangered. This is NOT just the plight for the sea angler but the plight for us all, irrespective of what we fish for, to become concerned about. Please support Leon and his friends in their efforts to preserve the last great wilderness that our planet has. Our wild and wonderful sea's. Regards, Lee.
  13. Dear All, Our sea's are continuing to be plundered to the extent that certain species are becoming endangered. This is NOT just the plight for the sea angler but the plight for us all, irrespective of what we fish for, to become concerned about. Please support Leon and his friends in their efforts to preserve the last great wilderness that our planet has. Our wild and wonderful sea's. Regards, Lee.
  14. Hi All, Sorry for not coming here sooner this evening but I have a ton of emails to reply to still and am in the process of drafting something for Elton. Hi Eddie, The points that Mike made were I believe extracts fro the RSSG formation meetings agenda. My own post was merely a summary of what the RSSG stands for. You are right that the two posts seem to be different and that is what they were but not purposely intended. If you send me your email address Eddie will be only to pleased to send you the RSSG information that was sent out originally. RSSG on syndicates? At the RSSG formation meeting it was made perfectly plain that the RSSG are NOT against syndicates. Clearly many syndicates have been around a very long time and are accepted as part of angling. What the RSSG ARE against, is fishing clubs loosing their fishing rights due to proven underhanded practices. As for game angling clubs opening up the fishing under their control to course anglers? I feel that this is a matter for those controlling clubs to decide. I am aware that in some parts of the country, course anglers find it very hard to find decent river fishing due to the fact that stretches on their local rivers are taken up by game angling clubs. This is very much the same story on a long stretch of local river near to my home that contains some huge perch and barbel. This stretch is controled by a game fishing club who fish for trout and grayling. I accept that these anglers quite rightly have every right to fish this stretch exclusively as they pay the rent and stock the river themselves. But there again Eddie, I have plenty of places to fish for course species whilst you probably do not. In that regard Eddie, I have no answer to your local problem. Regards, Lee.
  15. Hi All, Sorry for not coming here sooner this evening but I have a ton of emails to reply to still and am in the process of drafting something for Elton. Hi Eddie, The points that Mike made were I believe extracts fro the RSSG formation meetings agenda. My own post was merely a summary of what the RSSG stands for. You are right that the two posts seem to be different and that is what they were but not purposely intended. If you send me your email address Eddie will be only to pleased to send you the RSSG information that was sent out originally. RSSG on syndicates? At the RSSG formation meeting it was made perfectly plain that the RSSG are NOT against syndicates. Clearly many syndicates have been around a very long time and are accepted as part of angling. What the RSSG ARE against, is fishing clubs loosing their fishing rights due to proven underhanded practices. As for game angling clubs opening up the fishing under their control to course anglers? I feel that this is a matter for those controlling clubs to decide. I am aware that in some parts of the country, course anglers find it very hard to find decent river fishing due to the fact that stretches on their local rivers are taken up by game angling clubs. This is very much the same story on a long stretch of local river near to my home that contains some huge perch and barbel. This stretch is controled by a game fishing club who fish for trout and grayling. I accept that these anglers quite rightly have every right to fish this stretch exclusively as they pay the rent and stock the river themselves. But there again Eddie, I have plenty of places to fish for course species whilst you probably do not. In that regard Eddie, I have no answer to your local problem. Regards, Lee.
  16. Dennis, You were infact one of the first. For that, I thank you Dennis. I am genuinely moved by Eltons rapid response to come to our aid. This clearly shows what this guy is made of. To everyone else, angling politicians, ordinary anglers, whoever. Now is surely the time to reach out, join hands and grasp this opportunity. Ordinary river systems anglers now have the chance to make a difference in their own back yards. In the places that they really care about. Regards, Lee.
  17. Dennis, You were infact one of the first. For that, I thank you Dennis. I am genuinely moved by Eltons rapid response to come to our aid. This clearly shows what this guy is made of. To everyone else, angling politicians, ordinary anglers, whoever. Now is surely the time to reach out, join hands and grasp this opportunity. Ordinary river systems anglers now have the chance to make a difference in their own back yards. In the places that they really care about. Regards, Lee.
  18. Hi All, Briefly, because I am very tired and need sleep; For those unaware of exactly what the River Systems Support Group RSSG is all about, it is a group who is hoping to place RSSG members on every river system including drains and the Broads System to support local fishing clubs and their local anglers whilst working for the protection and preservation of the river systems environment and wildlife habitats. Also, amongst many things to be explained in a draft tomorrow, the RSSG intend on setting up a series of national fish-ins and fishing workshops for kids to encourage and educate our local kids as to the joys of going fishing. AND; If we can get the funding, we are hoping to eventually send out a angling roadshow to visit schools up and down the country. Of course, in order to pull this off even with RSSG individual membership, the RSSG will be talking to anglings governing bodies as well for their ideas and support. Such as the SAA, the NFA, the NAA and so on. The RSSG is not about us and them, or them and us. It is about all of us working together for a brighter future for river systems angling. Hell! For all angling. More from me tomorrow guys. Regards, Lee Fletcher RSSG secretary.
  19. Hi All, Briefly, because I am very tired and need sleep; For those unaware of exactly what the River Systems Support Group RSSG is all about, it is a group who is hoping to place RSSG members on every river system including drains and the Broads System to support local fishing clubs and their local anglers whilst working for the protection and preservation of the river systems environment and wildlife habitats. Also, amongst many things to be explained in a draft tomorrow, the RSSG intend on setting up a series of national fish-ins and fishing workshops for kids to encourage and educate our local kids as to the joys of going fishing. AND; If we can get the funding, we are hoping to eventually send out a angling roadshow to visit schools up and down the country. Of course, in order to pull this off even with RSSG individual membership, the RSSG will be talking to anglings governing bodies as well for their ideas and support. Such as the SAA, the NFA, the NAA and so on. The RSSG is not about us and them, or them and us. It is about all of us working together for a brighter future for river systems angling. Hell! For all angling. More from me tomorrow guys. Regards, Lee Fletcher RSSG secretary.
  20. Re: The RSSG Dear All, Firstly, I would like to announce that Elton Murphy of Anglers Net has come in and offered to help. I might add, his offer of help is considerable. What Elton would like to do is link up with a tremendous amout of fishing sites and so forth to promote the RSSG through something that he has asked me to draft. Also, Elton has come up with the idea for prospective RSSG members to be able to pay for their RSSG subs via credit card and is going to advise me on how to set all this up. What Elton says makes perfect sense the more one thinks about it. We all live in a world of paying by plastic because it is so easy. Three quid is I believe not the issue for most people so the easier it is made for people to subscribe the better it might be. Now, please be aware of these realities; For some time now I have been receiving enquiries from angling clubs etc who are eager to know how much it will be to "affiliate with the RSSG. Steve and myself have drafted a payment scale for these "affiliations" but of course, to be democratic, this business MUST in our opinion be passed before the individual RSSG membership first. Also, the RSSG constitution MUST be agreed by the same membership. This is NOT the big task it appears to be but in order to do this, we HAVE to have the individual RSSG membership confirmed first officially by payment of subs. You may as well accept right from the start that with me as RSSG secretary, I will INSIST on the membership being consulted at the formation stages which of course, includes the question of "affiliates". I am passionate not only about grass roots anglers, but their absolute right to be consulted as well and frankly, I dont care how other groups do their business. The RSSG is going to be totally democratic in every way but please, I cant do this without your help. So, I will ask Ian to hold onto the cheques and will wait for Eltons advice. In the meantime, I would ask you all who care about your rivers to now send Ian your subs made payable to the RSSG. You will recal the mention of a second RSSG meeting. This was intended to try and confirm our people on certain rivers, agree on the RSSG constitution and agree on a scale of subs for any RSSG affiliates. Then, we move onto the second stage of gathering up the affiliate support from groups and fishing clubs thus spreading RSSG members throughout river systems extremely quickly. I will also post this on the other sites as well. Would it be fair then, to give it say another two weeks for subs to come in from those on the list? In the meantime Paul, would you be so good as to post the two samples of your designed logo on BFW for everyone to have a look at. Personally, I think they are crackers. Regards, Lee.
  21. Re: The RSSG Dear All, Firstly, I would like to announce that Elton Murphy of Anglers Net has come in and offered to help. I might add, his offer of help is considerable. What Elton would like to do is link up with a tremendous amout of fishing sites and so forth to promote the RSSG through something that he has asked me to draft. Also, Elton has come up with the idea for prospective RSSG members to be able to pay for their RSSG subs via credit card and is going to advise me on how to set all this up. What Elton says makes perfect sense the more one thinks about it. We all live in a world of paying by plastic because it is so easy. Three quid is I believe not the issue for most people so the easier it is made for people to subscribe the better it might be. Now, please be aware of these realities; For some time now I have been receiving enquiries from angling clubs etc who are eager to know how much it will be to "affiliate with the RSSG. Steve and myself have drafted a payment scale for these "affiliations" but of course, to be democratic, this business MUST in our opinion be passed before the individual RSSG membership first. Also, the RSSG constitution MUST be agreed by the same membership. This is NOT the big task it appears to be but in order to do this, we HAVE to have the individual RSSG membership confirmed first officially by payment of subs. You may as well accept right from the start that with me as RSSG secretary, I will INSIST on the membership being consulted at the formation stages which of course, includes the question of "affiliates". I am passionate not only about grass roots anglers, but their absolute right to be consulted as well and frankly, I dont care how other groups do their business. The RSSG is going to be totally democratic in every way but please, I cant do this without your help. So, I will ask Ian to hold onto the cheques and will wait for Eltons advice. In the meantime, I would ask you all who care about your rivers to now send Ian your subs made payable to the RSSG. You will recal the mention of a second RSSG meeting. This was intended to try and confirm our people on certain rivers, agree on the RSSG constitution and agree on a scale of subs for any RSSG affiliates. Then, we move onto the second stage of gathering up the affiliate support from groups and fishing clubs thus spreading RSSG members throughout river systems extremely quickly. I will also post this on the other sites as well. Would it be fair then, to give it say another two weeks for subs to come in from those on the list? In the meantime Paul, would you be so good as to post the two samples of your designed logo on BFW for everyone to have a look at. Personally, I think they are crackers. Regards, Lee.
  22. Dear All, In my capacity as secretary for the RSSG, I have great sadness in making the following announcement; It has been just over one month since the RSSG formation meeting on the 19th of January and two weeks since the RSSG minutes and information have been sent out to interested parties. That list contained the names and email addresses of 307 individuals. On the 11th of February 2002, Ian Jobling, the RSSG treasurer received his last payment of £3 for RSSG membership. That last payment brought the total number of those sending their subscriptions to just 13 individuals. From the information supplied to myself by the RSSG treasurer Mr Ian Jobling, those individuals are; Ian Jobling, Lee Fletcher, Steve Richardson, Ray Wood, Bob Gill, David Blay, Ray Ellis, David Wass, David Will, Jon Callan, John Smith, John Tait, Dennis Darkin, Paul Whiteing. Clearly, with such a massive lack of support in terms of the actual numbers of individuals willing to pay £3 for RSSG membership, the RSSG is going nowhere so we now have no choice but to close the idea of the RSSG down. All those individuals who have already paid in their cheques for £3 will now be automatically reimbersed by the RSSG treasurer. I would like to offer sincere thanks to the following who all played a part in trying to get the RSSG off the ground; Thanks to Andy Frances of BFW who made the initial effort possible by graciously allowing his website to be used as a platform for the concept of the RSSG to evolve. Andy, you are a star. Thanks also to Elton Murphy of Anglers Net, Graham Marsdon of Fishing Magic and Paul Selman of Fishing Warehouse. Guys, your willingness to help resulted in the interested parties growing to 307. You all will not be forgotten. Special thanks goes to Paul Whiteing who worked very hard behind the scenes to get two designs for the RSSG logo finished and professionally tidied up for free! You are a great guy Paul. Special thanks to Ray Wood for starting the ball rolling and his tireless efforts behind the scenes leading up to and after the formation meeting. Ray himself has been working on the draft RSSG constitution for consultation with RSSG members in the democratic way. Sadly, Rays efforts have now been wasted. Thanks to Ian Jobling for taking on the role as RSSG treasurer and for his final task of sending cheques back. Special thanks to Steve Richardson who played many vital roles behind the scenes who helped Ray and myself tremendously. Thanks to some of the guys in the Chub Study Group, the National Anguila Club, the Angling Brotherhood, who all offered and gave their services in order to take the idea of the RSSG into its second stage. Once again, sadly, these efforts are now no longer needed because the second stage will not be realised. Last but not least, special thanks to those who sent in their £3's. Yes my friends, you were small in number but if angling had more like you, I know that our fishing heritage would be in safe hands. You ARE the stars guys. As I write these last lines, I unashamedly announce to you all with tears welling in my eyes that the closing of the RSSG is the closing of a dream I hold very dear to my heart. The dream of ordinary anglers standing together in preservation of their sport and the rivers where they fish. Sadly, this is not to be. Regards, Lee.
  23. Dear All, In my capacity as secretary for the RSSG, I have great sadness in making the following announcement; It has been just over one month since the RSSG formation meeting on the 19th of January and two weeks since the RSSG minutes and information have been sent out to interested parties. That list contained the names and email addresses of 307 individuals. On the 11th of February 2002, Ian Jobling, the RSSG treasurer received his last payment of £3 for RSSG membership. That last payment brought the total number of those sending their subscriptions to just 13 individuals. From the information supplied to myself by the RSSG treasurer Mr Ian Jobling, those individuals are; Ian Jobling, Lee Fletcher, Steve Richardson, Ray Wood, Bob Gill, David Blay, Ray Ellis, David Wass, David Will, Jon Callan, John Smith, John Tait, Dennis Darkin, Paul Whiteing. Clearly, with such a massive lack of support in terms of the actual numbers of individuals willing to pay £3 for RSSG membership, the RSSG is going nowhere so we now have no choice but to close the idea of the RSSG down. All those individuals who have already paid in their cheques for £3 will now be automatically reimbersed by the RSSG treasurer. I would like to offer sincere thanks to the following who all played a part in trying to get the RSSG off the ground; Thanks to Andy Frances of BFW who made the initial effort possible by graciously allowing his website to be used as a platform for the concept of the RSSG to evolve. Andy, you are a star. Thanks also to Elton Murphy of Anglers Net, Graham Marsdon of Fishing Magic and Paul Selman of Fishing Warehouse. Guys, your willingness to help resulted in the interested parties growing to 307. You all will not be forgotten. Special thanks goes to Paul Whiteing who worked very hard behind the scenes to get two designs for the RSSG logo finished and professionally tidied up for free! You are a great guy Paul. Special thanks to Ray Wood for starting the ball rolling and his tireless efforts behind the scenes leading up to and after the formation meeting. Ray himself has been working on the draft RSSG constitution for consultation with RSSG members in the democratic way. Sadly, Rays efforts have now been wasted. Thanks to Ian Jobling for taking on the role as RSSG treasurer and for his final task of sending cheques back. Special thanks to Steve Richardson who played many vital roles behind the scenes who helped Ray and myself tremendously. Thanks to some of the guys in the Chub Study Group, the National Anguila Club, the Angling Brotherhood, who all offered and gave their services in order to take the idea of the RSSG into its second stage. Once again, sadly, these efforts are now no longer needed because the second stage will not be realised. Last but not least, special thanks to those who sent in their £3's. Yes my friends, you were small in number but if angling had more like you, I know that our fishing heritage would be in safe hands. You ARE the stars guys. As I write these last lines, I unashamedly announce to you all with tears welling in my eyes that the closing of the RSSG is the closing of a dream I hold very dear to my heart. The dream of ordinary anglers standing together in preservation of their sport and the rivers where they fish. Sadly, this is not to be. Regards, Lee.
  24. Dear Mike, Quote; "Lots of questions but as yet I have not seen your opinion on CA being brought closer to NAA on fishing matters. Where do you stand?" Well Mike, firstly let me announce and make plain that I have NO strong feeling concerning foxhunting either "for" or "against". This is not fence sitting from myself just merely how I feel. I am NOT opposed to shooting either especially as nearly all of friends and family shoot although I do not myself. I hold the view that bans on anything just add to the furtherment of Englishmens rights being erroded that will lead to God knows where. So, on the face of that, one could easily assume that I am pro the CA. Once again Mike, I have no stance on the CA as an organisation either way. I am neither "for" or "against" the CA. I AM against angling being involved with the CA though. Why? Let me explain Mike. When the present government came to power, they brought with them their hatred of fox hunting. As I say, I have no views on this issue but the government and the general public DO. Also, cabinet ministers as high up as John Prescott have critisised the CA openly. Like it or not, the present political reality is that many members of the present government ARE anti CA. As yet, the present government embrace angling for what it clearly is, a social activity that is acceptable to the general public. And there Mike, is the vital key in this issue. Anglers enjoy public acceptance along with the present governments acceptance. For the most part, this is NOT the case with the CA due probably to the fox hunting issue. Why then, would the NAA or the SAA for that matter want to jeopardise our good relations with either the general public or the present government with any kind of allegiance with the CA? Because of public opinion and the governments opinion, I am TOTALLY against angling forming any allegiance with the CA. Clearly, in my personal opinion which takes on board any position I may hold within angling, the NAA's decision with regards to the CA has been a major political blunder. For the life of me, I cannot see any advantage for angling associating itself wth the CA but I CAN see MAJOR dissadvantages coming for angling if this goes ahead. I know that you mean well Mike and know full well that your own input which is considerable, is for the good of angling generally. But I am beginning to regret resigning from the SAA as head of its rivers group because frankly Mike, you lot seem to be in need of a kick up the backside! So chuck the rope over the nearest tree and hang me high Mike but those are my opinions. Further to those, I will be emailing you personally soon Mike with some more of my thoughts but for now, I am going fishing. Get the "allsorts" ready Birdy cos you may just be needing them. Regards, Lee.
  25. Dear Mike, Quote; "Lots of questions but as yet I have not seen your opinion on CA being brought closer to NAA on fishing matters. Where do you stand?" Well Mike, firstly let me announce and make plain that I have NO strong feeling concerning foxhunting either "for" or "against". This is not fence sitting from myself just merely how I feel. I am NOT opposed to shooting either especially as nearly all of friends and family shoot although I do not myself. I hold the view that bans on anything just add to the furtherment of Englishmens rights being erroded that will lead to God knows where. So, on the face of that, one could easily assume that I am pro the CA. Once again Mike, I have no stance on the CA as an organisation either way. I am neither "for" or "against" the CA. I AM against angling being involved with the CA though. Why? Let me explain Mike. When the present government came to power, they brought with them their hatred of fox hunting. As I say, I have no views on this issue but the government and the general public DO. Also, cabinet ministers as high up as John Prescott have critisised the CA openly. Like it or not, the present political reality is that many members of the present government ARE anti CA. As yet, the present government embrace angling for what it clearly is, a social activity that is acceptable to the general public. And there Mike, is the vital key in this issue. Anglers enjoy public acceptance along with the present governments acceptance. For the most part, this is NOT the case with the CA due probably to the fox hunting issue. Why then, would the NAA or the SAA for that matter want to jeopardise our good relations with either the general public or the present government with any kind of allegiance with the CA? Because of public opinion and the governments opinion, I am TOTALLY against angling forming any allegiance with the CA. Clearly, in my personal opinion which takes on board any position I may hold within angling, the NAA's decision with regards to the CA has been a major political blunder. For the life of me, I cannot see any advantage for angling associating itself wth the CA but I CAN see MAJOR dissadvantages coming for angling if this goes ahead. I know that you mean well Mike and know full well that your own input which is considerable, is for the good of angling generally. But I am beginning to regret resigning from the SAA as head of its rivers group because frankly Mike, you lot seem to be in need of a kick up the backside! So chuck the rope over the nearest tree and hang me high Mike but those are my opinions. Further to those, I will be emailing you personally soon Mike with some more of my thoughts but for now, I am going fishing. Get the "allsorts" ready Birdy cos you may just be needing them. Regards, Lee.
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