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Anglers' Net Contributor
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Everything posted by poledark

  1. Actually, come to think of it, why does the EA not fight for us as License holders? Surely if you take the money you should represent the payers? Den
  2. Actually, come to think of it, why does the EA not fight for us as License holders? Surely if you take the money you should represent the payers? Den
  3. Lyn, believe it or not it is illegal to use a net to catch fish with at anytime of the year Den You don't mind if I give you a wink do you?
  4. Lyn, believe it or not it is illegal to use a net to catch fish with at anytime of the year Den You don't mind if I give you a wink do you?
  5. Phil, I was not sure how far back our "aquaintence" went. I did think you were making a light hearted point. You think that was amusing, you should have heard some of the comments when I set out to get one of the "thirties" at Sutton, some of the guys there really felt that I should be banned for Belittling there sport. Actually I wasn't belittling them, I was taking the wee wee. Thanks for starting the topic Phil and an Ali G to you to Den
  6. Phil, I was not sure how far back our "aquaintence" went. I did think you were making a light hearted point. You think that was amusing, you should have heard some of the comments when I set out to get one of the "thirties" at Sutton, some of the guys there really felt that I should be banned for Belittling there sport. Actually I wasn't belittling them, I was taking the wee wee. Thanks for starting the topic Phil and an Ali G to you to Den
  7. Dacer, where did you get the idea that otters have rights that overide the rights of mankind? I expect you will say that they were here before us but can you be sure of that? So if we carry your argument forward then the house where you live should be demolished for surely some wild creatures ancestors lived there before you. Stupid argument I know but no more stupid than releasing a predatory animal loose onto someone elses stock. I suppose it will be wolves next and to hell with the lambs, after the wolves were there first. Sorry old son these otters should be trapped and removed back to the cages they came from and failing that they should be shot. OOher ooher! Den
  8. Dacer, where did you get the idea that otters have rights that overide the rights of mankind? I expect you will say that they were here before us but can you be sure of that? So if we carry your argument forward then the house where you live should be demolished for surely some wild creatures ancestors lived there before you. Stupid argument I know but no more stupid than releasing a predatory animal loose onto someone elses stock. I suppose it will be wolves next and to hell with the lambs, after the wolves were there first. Sorry old son these otters should be trapped and removed back to the cages they came from and failing that they should be shot. OOher ooher! Den
  9. Peter, I don't know what article you are referring to but mine tells you to start with the LW at the top of the swing TOWARDS you. This was in fact one of the major refinements. If in fact it was my article (one of many) that you are referring to then perhaps you should reread it, and also the instructions given in the previous post. Vagabond, It's been so long since I did any serious casting that I am not sure that I could be of much use, but you never know. Not having seen you cast, but going by your words as to the distance you achieved(130yds) then you are only one small step away from the breakthrough to 160+. I used to teach dozens of anglers to cast in excess of 150 yds, many on their first or second attempt. To see the looks on their faces was very satisfying ( I never charged anyone a penny piece) You mention using thr reel at the butt end of the rod, did you know that I designed and patented a moveable reel fitting that enabled you to use the reel in any position you liked for casting, and then shift it to the most comfortable position for retrieving? It was incorporated in the design of a rod made by one of the leading rod makers of the time, but unfortunately they failed to liase with me and made the fittings the wrong way around! Yes if it wasn't so pathetic it would have been funny, on top of this, this company tried to conceal the fact that they had started production and I subsequentially had to sue (successfully) for my tiny royalties. There ended my flirtation with the commercial side of angling, and all subsequent ideas were given freely to anyone who cared to listen or read. Den
  10. Peter, I don't know what article you are referring to but mine tells you to start with the LW at the top of the swing TOWARDS you. This was in fact one of the major refinements. If in fact it was my article (one of many) that you are referring to then perhaps you should reread it, and also the instructions given in the previous post. Vagabond, It's been so long since I did any serious casting that I am not sure that I could be of much use, but you never know. Not having seen you cast, but going by your words as to the distance you achieved(130yds) then you are only one small step away from the breakthrough to 160+. I used to teach dozens of anglers to cast in excess of 150 yds, many on their first or second attempt. To see the looks on their faces was very satisfying ( I never charged anyone a penny piece) You mention using thr reel at the butt end of the rod, did you know that I designed and patented a moveable reel fitting that enabled you to use the reel in any position you liked for casting, and then shift it to the most comfortable position for retrieving? It was incorporated in the design of a rod made by one of the leading rod makers of the time, but unfortunately they failed to liase with me and made the fittings the wrong way around! Yes if it wasn't so pathetic it would have been funny, on top of this, this company tried to conceal the fact that they had started production and I subsequentially had to sue (successfully) for my tiny royalties. There ended my flirtation with the commercial side of angling, and all subsequent ideas were given freely to anyone who cared to listen or read. Den
  11. I am reliably informed that the bow wave in the bottom of the pic is caused by a really fearsome sharklike creature which has just passed out of sight behind the nearest car. Otherwise I can see nothing else to "lookout" for. Den
  12. I am reliably informed that the bow wave in the bottom of the pic is caused by a really fearsome sharklike creature which has just passed out of sight behind the nearest car. Otherwise I can see nothing else to "lookout" for. Den
  13. Phonebush, to try to enlighten you further, (or even confuse you more )Yes you would use a form of pendulum swing to "cast" your bait when using a pole, indeed a very effective method is to use 6 or 7 meters of pole with the same length of line attached and the bait is swung out pendulum style and when a ,usually small, fish is caught it is swung in "to hand" As Vagabond has described there are various styles of beachcasting, these vary from laying the lead weight (LW) on the ground behind you and then basically giving it an almighty thump, the faster you do it the further it goes. I saw Terry Carroll do the first 200yd cast in a tournament, but due to the public treading all over the place his marker peg got "lost". This style did tend to favour big strong men. Les Moncrieff developed his layback which did not allow the LW to touch the ground and was ideally suited to beach casting, again, as Vagabond has pointed out, it tended to suit big men.The LW hung about 2feet below the rod tip and was swung gently away from you before commencing the cast. Both of these styles were started facing to about 4pm on the dial, assuming the cast being made to 12 noon. The pendulum cast was at first declared illegal by the BCA and was a major factor in the founding of the UKSF, another was their insinstence on "level line" which was totally impractical for read fishing. I was the first Treasurer of the UKSF. The full pendulum cast is made with the angler facing about 9pm with the rod held almost vertical, a drop of about 8ft to the LW. the LW is swung away from you towards9pm and with a gentle amount of encouragement is helped back so that it climbs to a point level with the rod tip and with the LW reaching about 1am. At the instant that the LW stops swinging and becomes "weightless" the cast is made with all possible speed, the LW performing an arc through more than 360 deg. This allows great speed to be developed and the rod is compressed FULLY whilst still building up tip speed WITHUOT ANY REAL PHYSICAL EFFORT. I am well out of date with the casting scene, my last beachcasting was many years ago with glass fibre rods, what we would have done with carbon fibre I can only imagine. One of my proudest moments came when a chap I had coached, his name was Martin Calvert, went to South Africa and returned with a Silver Medal in the World Casting Championships, no mean feat at the time. Various letters were published by various experts at the time, various books were written and some very wild claims were made but as I said earlier as far as I, and most others who were around at the time, were aware I did, along with George Brown, develop the pendulum cast into the style that is still in use today. Den [ 30 March 2002, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: poledark ]
  14. Phonebush, to try to enlighten you further, (or even confuse you more )Yes you would use a form of pendulum swing to "cast" your bait when using a pole, indeed a very effective method is to use 6 or 7 meters of pole with the same length of line attached and the bait is swung out pendulum style and when a ,usually small, fish is caught it is swung in "to hand" As Vagabond has described there are various styles of beachcasting, these vary from laying the lead weight (LW) on the ground behind you and then basically giving it an almighty thump, the faster you do it the further it goes. I saw Terry Carroll do the first 200yd cast in a tournament, but due to the public treading all over the place his marker peg got "lost". This style did tend to favour big strong men. Les Moncrieff developed his layback which did not allow the LW to touch the ground and was ideally suited to beach casting, again, as Vagabond has pointed out, it tended to suit big men.The LW hung about 2feet below the rod tip and was swung gently away from you before commencing the cast. Both of these styles were started facing to about 4pm on the dial, assuming the cast being made to 12 noon. The pendulum cast was at first declared illegal by the BCA and was a major factor in the founding of the UKSF, another was their insinstence on "level line" which was totally impractical for read fishing. I was the first Treasurer of the UKSF. The full pendulum cast is made with the angler facing about 9pm with the rod held almost vertical, a drop of about 8ft to the LW. the LW is swung away from you towards9pm and with a gentle amount of encouragement is helped back so that it climbs to a point level with the rod tip and with the LW reaching about 1am. At the instant that the LW stops swinging and becomes "weightless" the cast is made with all possible speed, the LW performing an arc through more than 360 deg. This allows great speed to be developed and the rod is compressed FULLY whilst still building up tip speed WITHUOT ANY REAL PHYSICAL EFFORT. I am well out of date with the casting scene, my last beachcasting was many years ago with glass fibre rods, what we would have done with carbon fibre I can only imagine. One of my proudest moments came when a chap I had coached, his name was Martin Calvert, went to South Africa and returned with a Silver Medal in the World Casting Championships, no mean feat at the time. Various letters were published by various experts at the time, various books were written and some very wild claims were made but as I said earlier as far as I, and most others who were around at the time, were aware I did, along with George Brown, develop the pendulum cast into the style that is still in use today. Den [ 30 March 2002, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: poledark ]
  15. Yes Newt it is a damned shame. Things may not have been perfect in the past (50's and 60's) but the only fight we anglers had was for cleaner water, one which we won. I would like to know where were all these modern "environmentalists" then? Den
  16. Yes Newt it is a damned shame. Things may not have been perfect in the past (50's and 60's) but the only fight we anglers had was for cleaner water, one which we won. I would like to know where were all these modern "environmentalists" then? Den
  17. The second line of which reads...... She had two tits of different sizes, What is the next line? Den
  18. The second line of which reads...... She had two tits of different sizes, What is the next line? Den
  19. Alan, I was working on it but I got a severe attack of sciatica so had to give it up! Den
  20. Alan, I was working on it but I got a severe attack of sciatica so had to give it up! Den
  21. Situated precisely on the Meridian line at Greenwich is an "Atomic clock which is DEAD accurate, so...." if you want to know the time, ask one of the Parks policeman" Den
  22. Situated precisely on the Meridian line at Greenwich is an "Atomic clock which is DEAD accurate, so...." if you want to know the time, ask one of the Parks policeman" Den
  23. Not so Alan, Les "invented" the Layback style. Not sure if I (me and a couple of mates) invented the full pendulum cast but I certainly was the first to fully describe it with words and pictures. We had been practising and using long casting techniques for several years and really got the casting bug after I put a lead across the bows of a ship coming up the Medway at Garrison point. We discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that my casting action had "lengthened" We took this on to the field and refined it untill we developed the full 360deg action. There may be some dispute as to whether I invented this action but there is no doubt that I did not read a description of it anywhere else nor did I see it performed by anyone prior to refining and eventually publicising it in Angling Magazine. It was described as "The definitive article on long distance casting" Sorry if this sounds like blowing my own trumpet but it just happens to be true! By the way I also invented a breakaway lead that established the principle of using the springyness of stainless wire, this was also published in Angling. Den
  24. Not so Alan, Les "invented" the Layback style. Not sure if I (me and a couple of mates) invented the full pendulum cast but I certainly was the first to fully describe it with words and pictures. We had been practising and using long casting techniques for several years and really got the casting bug after I put a lead across the bows of a ship coming up the Medway at Garrison point. We discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that my casting action had "lengthened" We took this on to the field and refined it untill we developed the full 360deg action. There may be some dispute as to whether I invented this action but there is no doubt that I did not read a description of it anywhere else nor did I see it performed by anyone prior to refining and eventually publicising it in Angling Magazine. It was described as "The definitive article on long distance casting" Sorry if this sounds like blowing my own trumpet but it just happens to be true! By the way I also invented a breakaway lead that established the principle of using the springyness of stainless wire, this was also published in Angling. Den
  25. Try Ian Welch of RMC, I believe that it has been used on their waters. Or maybe Steve Burke? Den
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