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Everything posted by fishyrob

  1. 2500 plus signatures in four months. Not terrible, but if you havent seen the petition, please follow the link as per below. Every signature is valuable, and Wurzel, yours would be priceless......
  2. Thanks to the "No win, no fee" approach to upholding the rights of the citizens of this fine country, the company that manage the marina are facing a damages claim in the courts in the very near future. The case has come up because THREE YEARS ago, somebody went fishing for the day. The fishing was good so they stayed into dark. They werent prepared for the darkness, and on walking back one of them tripped on an expansion joint on the top walkway. They are claiming damages because they felt that the walkway should have been lit. What a load of b*ll*cks! If they had been prepared for darkness they would have had their own lights, for example. Plus, the little fact that angling is the UK's most dangeous sport, statistically (more people die anually while fishing than other sports, mostly drowning and electrocutions!!) Plus walk properly and pick your feet up and you wont trip on an expansion joint. If the Marina loses the case, it will almost certainly mean the end of night fishing on the marina. The claimants names will become public when the court case is listed. I will publish them when that happens. Should anyone know these people could they ask them to drop the case. Whatever small money they end up with after paying the solicitors (remember - Win, BIG fee) is not worth the loss of this fantastic, easy access (including wheelcair ramps installed last year) venue.
  3. So, seeing as you have completed your paper on the factual inaccuracies that you have re-digested from the Daily mail, and asked for and recieved comments from the members of this forum, are you going to share it with us?
  4. Hi kids. Iceland has fiercley guarded its waters for a lot longer than most people realise. Although the cod wars of 1972 and onwards are what most people think of, the first cod wars between the UK and Iceland were in 1893, when the Danish government put an exclusion zone around Iceland. The brits ignored it, and had their boats escorted under armed escort into Icelandic ports where they were fined and their hauls confiscated. So, in 1893 the Danish government initiated a fisheries policy, actively policed it and saw results. Shame our own fisheries patrols dont manage to be so active, a mere 114 years later.........
  5. Wurzel, you are so naughty! Glad to see you have your stratergy all worked out though. I'm suprised you dont just end up with lots of holes in your nets. Down on the south coast we train the hounds to clear the bass nets. Attached is a picture of one we were training........
  6. Why is that Osprey? On a forum called ANGLERS NET (clue is in the title...) why should we not discuss the politics of fisheries management, and conservation issues? Do anglers not have a right to an opinion?
  7. It is just a very small fishing boat, but the pot line did take anglers leads (the picture is taken at about 05:00, the pot line was down there at least all that day, and I suspect until the next morning) as where he is laying the pots is THE bass spot when the sea is calm and clear, and the marina is heavily fished in the summer in good weather. It is rough ground, and the surfers that surf there are pure headcases in my opininon, and I am sure they regularly do damage themselves on the rocks, as their favourite surf is around the low water mark. It would be interesting to hear from a surfer if he considers pots to be a problem or not, but I am pretty sure this exclusion zone is there to prevent clashes between water users, especially as it is effected only for the summer. Anglers that dont realise they are fishing rough ground do lose tackle there, but those in the know adjust their tackle accordingly (we RSA's are just as clever as you comercials. We invented rough ground techniques jus like you guys invented rock hopping nets!!). As for the commercials using my cafe, unfortunately not. My customers are basically those that cant be bothered to walk to Asda's. The commercials all walk to Asda's. Why Asda's? Well, for what I have to sell a burger and chips for you can buy a whole cooked chicken in there. Now you can see why I dont want the anglers abandoning the marina? If I struggle again this year, I will have to consider change of use. And the thing I keep coming back to? Live lobster and crab. Mine will all be sporting the "Angler Friendly" brand though.........
  8. Come on Wurzel. If you are going to use my style of sarcasm, you need to do deeper, more factual research. Have a look at the map of the exlusion zones here:- http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/downloads/...each_Bylaws.pdf This boat was slap in the zone marked Z on the 5th of May last year. Not only is this a popular area for anglers, but also for surfers when the wind/tide combination is correct. At low tide the water is pretty shallow. What would be the outcome of a surfer being tumbled into a pot line? Should they not be allowed to use the sea either in case they affect the income of the potters? Do we need to compare the turnover of Brighton surf shops to the value of lobsters landed in Brighton? Believe it or not, these rules dont get created because the burocrats are bored. Ususally they are as the result of an incident.And as to your other post, no, I certainly am not a saint. But I do respect rules and regulations, as they are there for a reason. And when I dont agree, I do as much as I can by the correct channels. I was as disgusted as you must have been reading about the barbed wire snare, and could not possibly condone actions like this. My barbed wire snare is the support for the NTZ's, and protest by peaceful means.
  9. And why are the commercials on here so touchy about having their photos taken. I have mine taken routinely by tourists, and dont mind at all. Do you have something to hide? Do you believe that the camera captures your soul? Do you rely on the fisheries vessels not coming out to see you? Does the idea of having your numbers checked against the latest licence list worry you some how. This information is in the public domain for a reason.
  10. And now you are assuming things about me and you have no right to. This actually directly affects me with two scenarios, and in my pocket also. Most of the customers I have in the Cafe that is 100 yards inshore of where the boat is are anglers. They come and fish the arm for pleasure. It is no pleasure losing leads cast after cast. These anglers might not come back. I lose their custom in the Cafe, the leasee of the arms (this is a private marina, the fishing rights are leased) loses his customer. The angler might never come back, writing the venue off as a snag pit. Why should I lose even one penny through the thoughtless actions of somebody else. It is hard enough competing against the likes of Asda and Mcdonalds.
  11. [Admin note: abusive post and quoted bit of it here removed. Newt] but I think your missing the point. NO BOATS, commercial, pleasure or rubber dingys are allowed within 200 meters of the wall, for safety reasons. The fact he is sitting there dropping pots shows complete disregard for the rules.
  12. Exactly.... He is dropping pots within the 200 meter safety exclusion around the marina wall. He berths in the marina so is fully aware of the rules of using the marina, but for some reason doesnt think they apply to him. His pots are then set for 24 hours costing anglers their hard earned cash as they lose set after set on it. Of course, it isnt marked with flag bouys, they drag for the line. Why? Because they know they are breaking the rules. Maybe the real reason they were setting it there was for the tackle harvest rather than the lobsters? This boat would appear to be licenced to fish between Brighton and Hastings if that is how you interperet the list, but instead decides to spoil other peoples days because he is a selfish bar steward by fishing right up against the marina. If he is prepared to break these rules, what other rules does he disregard?
  13. Two fatal flaws in your plan I am afraid. You do need a licence, as the traps are considered a fixed engine. Flaw 2 -Dont think you can use them for bait either,definately not live, as this would constitute returning them to the water which is specificaly banned in byelaws. They are quite often specificaly banned as baits in club rules, such as the Reading and District Angling Association.
  14. Barry, you have just hit the nail on the head. If every RSA took pictures of the commercials they see working, and then compares it to the official registration, as per Leons list, in effect they would be a thousand times more effective than the fisheries patrol vessels that sit tied up for so many months when the budget for fuel runs out. I even already started without realising. Here is a picture of a well known commercial from Brighton marina completely ignoring all local byelaws about motoring and setting traps within 200 yards of the marina arm. He is dropping pots, so slightly less anoying for the RSA than tangle nets, unless you visit the marina for the lobsters of course. But still shows the blatant disregard that SOME commercials have for local byelaws. I genuinely believe that the commercials contributing on here are far more responsible, but just as there are irresponsible RSA's, just because a commercial has numbers, doesnt mean they are playing the game. So, the boats numbers are SA367. After checking it on the list supplied by Leon, I can tell the following:- HASTINGS BRIGHTON SA367 SOPHIE JANE C17525 NON-SECTOR 5.62 1.03 37.3 27.575 1989 F GBR Still cant tell if it has Quota, or what sort of quota, but at least I can see it is licenced and registered. So, no what do we do? Here is a registered, licenced boat, which maybe has quota, working illegally setting pots in a prohibited area. And if you know the owners, can you tell them not to call me a "F*CKING W*NKER" next time I take a picture of their boat working illegally. After all, it is them breaking the law, not me...... Comments, anybody?
  15. Hey Challenge. Please note that this question is genuine (it doesnt even have any traces of sarcasm....!) From a bystanders perspective (all though of course I am an RSA, so not entirely neutral) it would seem that you might have answered your own question. If the ports that were reduced the most have vessels that are breaking records since the reductions, does it not add up that the remaining vessels are benefiting for exactly that reason. IE Less vessels means more fish for the remaining vessels? And if this might be the case, would it not suggest that the short term pain (or long term for the families that have retired from the fishing for ever) has actually produced a result for the hardy souls that stuck it out?
  16. Hehe...... Just the one thing...... I think here is a man torn by his beliefs. The need to pay the mortgage drives him to continue his relentless pursuit of piscine products for the market place. But in private, in the quiet moments, when contemplating life as he steams out to the Knock (and thats a VERY long way, lots of contemplation time) he is ripped to the very core of his concience.......... Now, which smiley is the one for TONGUE IN CHEEK.......?? Back to the poll, now creeping towards the 1400 number. Well done Henry!!
  17. Hi Wurzel. Thats got to be a bummer for you, hasnt it? right on the knock. But what I cant get my head around is the potential danger of commercial fishing around the turbines. Anybody want to let this addle brained wally (RSA to anyone else) in on what they mean? In my mind I have images of lightening bolts of electricity striking any boats that come too close, but I am sure this isnt the case, right?
  18. Boring................ DId you see them do it personally?
  19. Ooops...... Am a bit touchy on the whole Eastern European media cr*p that Daily Mail readers seem intent on reading as gospel..... Apologies Mark. Interesting comparison here though. I notice nobody makes even tongue in cheek jokes about coloured people any more (not even Jim Davidson...) for fear of being jumped upon from everywhere. Does that make it ok with people from Europe, because they are white? Starting to sound like thought for the day now,And this has nothing to do with otters so I will shut up.
  20. Where the hell did you get that from?? Amazing how educated some anglers arent, but they still have to spout their ill informed venom. Have a look here, not an otter in sight. Lots of Hungarian sausage, but I believe pork is a lot cheaper than otter at the market. Quite a bit of cabbage, but I dont believe it is grown in otter manure. In fact, the guy that started the Foundation for Otter Protection is Hungarian. I've a link for you here :- http://www.solutions-site.org/kids/stories/KScat1_sol104.htm The site is designed for young children, so you shouldnt struggle too much. Inciting racial unrest is a prisonable offence. Do any mods have power of arrest?
  21. Happy Christmas to your good self, Henry. Just looked on the petition and on this fine Xmas day the petition has reached 1012 signatures. Not a bad start, for one month, as I am sure these things snowball. Lets hope it gets some media interest this spring. The diving forums, especially Yorkshire Divers, are very much behind the scheme, which is nice and I have vowed never again to fish for them off Swansea pier. Perhaps we can persuade Wurzel to increase his mesh sizes to allow divers to pass through without difficulty...... Happy Christmas to your fine selves also, Wurzel and Barry, and every one else contributing on this thread and busy signing the petition. Apologies for abstaining from the debating ring lately, but I havent even had a chance to fish (apart from a rather awful three day trip with clients, amongs 40 mph winds and horrible seas!!) I will be leaving you guys a few more bass to catch over the new year, as the fishing gets dire down this end between now and March, so its time to play with Pike and Zander. I wish you both a Safe new year, and Wurzel, I hope you win the lottery. You could then take us "wallies" out and teach us the benefits of your knowledge of boat handling and fish location just for fun!! I look forward to meeting you in the New year. And lets hope 2007 makes all our dreams come true, cos I cant wait to catch Tuna off the marina....... (well, it was a dream......)
  22. When did you see eastern euripean's poaching fish then?
  23. Yep, all my guiding is shore based. When I take people out on the boat, I dont charge as they get the best guide as part of the price, the skipper!! Will scan back and see if I can answer your question, just got to lay a quick bit of concrete first..!! No rest for the wicked, and I am VERY wicked.....
  24. Thats correct. ICES advice for cod isnt to create a NTZ to help the cod, but a two year complete ban on landing cod from the North Sea. Either way, the government are not acting on, and are not lobbying the EU on, this recommendation. If there is a petition of 1m + names, this voice would if nothing else let the government be aware of how many votes they might be losing in not serving the interests of concerned individuals. And yourself and Barry must count as concerned individuals. So, I reckon you should sign..... Tide was naff, but weather conditions compensated. One happy client last night, his first ever bass... Piccy attached.....
  25. I had fried carp last christmas. It was delicious. But that was because it had been prepared for the table for the previous three weeks. No-one that likes to eat carp would even think about eating a mud ridden creature that hadnt been prepared for the table. So, unless your minimum waged polish chap/ess hapened to have a large holding tank fed by spring water in his bedsit, I hardly think the scenario likely........ It also had come from a country with one of the most advanced fish farming industry's in the world. Right now, in one government research programe, they are growing Beluga Sturgeon to huge weights, in an attempt to meet the demand for Caviar without the wild species being wiped out. More than our government is doing......
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