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Everything posted by billy50000

  1. such an age old myth! i wouldnt touch the stuff ,but again many probably have gone from pot to heroin. but the same could be said that it starts at tabbaco! why do people continue to point the finger at pot as a START of all drugs missuse? it starts at alcohol/fags and works up (not with everyone but its the first rung non the less) rabbit moving to a small town is one of the best ways to find it quicker!(unless you move to a small town in somewhere like the canadian mountains:) its everywhere really and as teenagers they will soon find the friends that can score it even in the most remote areas,it really comes down to your sons ability to say no and not moving to the back of beyond. if you taught him well then it shouldnt take moving at all but i admit its easier said than done when offer`d a quick smoke so you did what you thought right in his delicate state. anyone would if they could!(but not everyone can) the new strain of skunk is laced apparently with cocaine and is from bobmarley country and its very potent (ive heard:) any home grown in this country is third rate crap! stop the boats and stop the import simples! but back to the scientist! if the politcians think they are right and hes wrong then tbh it wouldnt make a first to ignore the people below them!! they do it to us lot everyday! what is the saying if it bad it just looks good(i dunno)but tell a child not to touch something and your only fueling the want even more!
  2. My son used it when he decided to go out and live the dream in Majorca a few years ago...I can't say that I approved, but I wasn't too worried...there he was....a bright young lad with his life in front of him...sure, it wasn't what I would have wanted for him, working in a bar, but it was what he wanted....I didn't even disapprove of the drug use, having tried it myself to alleviate my back problems. After all, it's harmless, innit? NO! It isn't, despite what we would like to believe. I had to fly out to Spain just a few short years ago to repatriate my son, and spent a total of twelve weeks as he went in and out of various residential physciatric units...his brain was totally frazzled...he didn't know me, he didn't know who he was... only you fellow parents could possibly understand the trauma and terror of that time...I'd let go an innocent, lovely boy and I got back someone who didn't even recognise his mother.... Five years on, he seems to be OK, but he's missing a huge chunk of his life through cannabis use... I live from day to day, watching and waiting for the signs of it starting up again.... Safe drug? I don't think so... Janet not willing to sound off! but that sounds like it wasnt just cannabis involved! there are plenty of pills around (e`s/acid/speed/etc/)which if used in high excess can do just the same, and to be honest id be very supprised if cannabis alone could do such damage.! i was stupid enough in my youth to take many things and even combining them at the same time, im a small build guy who could get hammer`d on 3-4 pints of beer and still i was ok considering the amount i was stupid to take. i almost went into a coma in a club before which led to an unsual oddity happening(wont go into it but if it wasnt for something odd id be in a coma or dead) im not saying it couldnt happen but it would be very rare!! and im sorry for the pain you went through im just saying its not always the same with everyone but thats not to say its safe.. just in most cases its ok unlike smoking normal ciggarettes which is proven to do you in! yet we can buy that in any shop:( also alcohol,how many police camera action programs get violent pot smokers? its not that im saying its ok but i can think of worse things and they are legal! its a case of(some dont see a problem some do)but the atleast with pot,it has some medical upsides where as tabbaco doesnt. again not saying its ok but you know! i didnt get all fried! but thats me! and neither has anyone i know and trust me when i smoked i knew allot of wasters who were at it 24/7 and they are very bright people with better futures than i could dream of and all of them took allot of crap,yet they are doing well and pillars of the community. besides he maynot have known if he was given a pill etc!!!(spiked) and going to a high nightlife resort to be a plain barman doesnt really stop there!. everyone gets drawn in(well not everyone) but to claim it was just one thing is strange? but like i said possible but ive never heard of landmark solid evidence to prove cannabis turns you do- lally but i guess everyone reacts differant..
  3. It made me want to Rape and Kill.............. rolleyes.gif there is that small alcoholic /injector like issue:p
  4. id be the same and wouldnt pay for half ass work:)
  5. true point!! and the dangers of work(if you dumb enough to do it then) i know a good doctor that relaxes in the evening with a bottle of wine and a smoke and id be stupid to NOT have him help me in a medical crisis not saying anything just pointing out that its in how you choose to use it
  6. i smoked cannabis for a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time and i have to say i dont have any mental or broncal issues i didnt before i started to smoke it. not that i had any broncal issues before or now for that matter. i took many other things too(minimal,very!!) but it was cannabis that was common and despite seeing no real long term issues i dont do it anymore. it calmed me down but it did give me issues with regards to being paranoid when out and about!(slight mental issue) but very short lived!(considering the amount of time smoking) as much as i see no harm compared with alcohol or normal ciggies id not bother again! i never inject shite though,thats for real skanks!!! i had reasons for smoking for over 15+years and eventually i just got bored and couldnt put up with putting diy projects off because i was too damn chilled!! if you wanna get anything done dont light up in the morning! but seriously spending millions on stopping it is crazy,spend less and regulate its distribution in ready made ciggies hense putting dealers out of business. or summit like that
  7. tell them to stop knobbing about and go to the big steel room they may call a SAFE and get the money now!!! all this computer flaffing is bad enough but generally its the carbon based lifeform pressing the buttons that make the mistake.... it would be quicker to give them a brown paper bag and ask for your money using the term "or else" and they would quickly find your cash.. explain to them what it looks like i.e paper slips with figures and funky pictures on which are usually bundled together in bunches and used to be called cash!! id have gone blooming insane and throttled someone by now! time to get a solicitor involved (tell them too)and give them a contact detail of him/her as well(hand over COPIES of all the transaction details proving your cash movements and tell them they have 24hrs to comply otherwise you will be charging them £30 a visit until its sorted! they will love that (they dont seem to bothered doing it) good luck
  8. ive seen those things close up being a neighbours sons were brought several and id saftly say that they are a one use item with leaky carbs and dodgy suspension and drive systems that give up in the mere hint of anything over the weight of a toddler:) plus that they are totally pointless when the kids have no place legal to use them and most(that ive seen )dont wear helmits (not that the neighbours kids were brought them) it seems they dont have enough power to inflict anything above a graze class injury:) a gocart would be better and safer(if not do yourself a favour and rip the engine off and build a gocart) ive seen old qualcast lawn mowers move faster and less noisey:)
  9. i think ive found a solution to the immigration issue! an island just for them...
  10. as far as i can see its perfect target practice for our ships and sod the lift home! they want the pirate life then sink the buggers oh arrrrgh me harty!
  11. if you get afew 6v batterys and put them inside a rucksak you will be portable once again:) only kidding:) batterys for even old deadbeat laptops like the thinkpad are costly around£30 or less so shop about or look for a laptop selling with a bugger'd screen but stating the battery works(spares+battery) probably work out less than a second hand bat id second the guess that inside maybe just batterys you can fiddle and renew like my old brick of a phone(inside were 4 normal rechargables)
  12. eitherway the colour sucks and looks more like a babys vomit or nappy contents colour who in thier right mind would buy a colour like that,and id bet the insurance company loved him! as its UNIQUE the chances of theft would be high(well in the insurance companys eyes anyway) atleast if it was nicked you wouln't have a problem getting it back if of course you could describe the colour to the cops id probably be happy to have it nicked but then again i wouldnt keep it if i was given it as a gift:) bmw's are basically expensive cars with a stiff ride and nothing in the way of goodies to play with as standard and dodgy seats and crap mpg not to mention the cost of getting the service light turned off when youve done your own service(out of warranty) audi anyday dream car crap mpg (audi r8)we can dream or a veyron:)lol deans probably inside right now serving time for dealing in an inconspicous car
  13. I played football in school and i was good in most positions (even goal) but i believe the game should have stayed in SCHOOL as it was a good laugh and something competative to spend your lunch hour doing rather than sitting doing nothing.. but now ive grown up i can think of plenty more productive things to do with my sunday afternoon than sitting at a game or infront of the tv watching tripe and im not just talking about eastenders and fat ev:)lol i see in the news the footballers are told off for spitting!!!!GOOD bloody disgusting and i see enough of it from the local spawn around here and pretty much every town (nothing like seeing the distinctive green splodge of spit) apparently they are role models and thus set by example!!! role models !!!!LMFAO dont even get me started on the olympic games stadium in london!(what was it again 157mil black hole in the expenses)paid by who!!! another waste of space and most likly a new football ground when the games dont use it(which maybe once in every 10yrs)(once every other country has held it that is)
  14. i dont even get windcreen cover with halifax nor do i get personnal accident and other normal things i got with budget insurance for less but the only reason i went with halifax is because the renewal was cheaper. always read the boring bits:) with rac il get the bloomin lot,even vandal cover!!!! with rac you get normal fully comp but have an rac breakdown card and get an advanced cover which is the balls even a courtesy car for aslong as needed(alright dependant of fault i guess) sod halifax sooner next week comes the better as il cancel them then!
  15. doesnt say much for crime figures and driving ability here i guess :P
  16. Im with halifax and ive just moved and they have stung me with an extra £100 premium just because of the postcode!!!! cash price £213 end price with all the taxes and cuts made to fill thier pockets £476.26 what a joke!!! guess whos going with RAC very soon! il get the same rate i was getting before plus many bonuses due to being an RAC member for breakdown jesus halifax i havn't paid nearly £500 since i first passed over 6yrs ago 65%discount my ass fully comp one accident which was proven to be not my fault and settled and i stuck with it and made sure they got this guy by the short and curlys and this is loyalty!!! bye bye halifax hello RAC thank you meerkats simples!
  17. i know im a joy racist as i think all the kids who play outside at 11 pm at night need a damn kerfew either that or im getting old:)lol
  18. thats not justice!!! wheres the sentance for the life!! what is it,1)death by dangerous driving,driving without due care etc,speeding(more than twice over the limit,trying to pervert the course of justice,and using blues and twos without a reason(which i believe is not good) tally that lot and it should be a hell of allot more than 6 shite years(16++min) i guess hes a cop so its ok to reduce it,i guess many valuble hours of busts in the past might have help(but looking at this guy id doubt it) what was he doing for the rest of the hour ?(meeting gillian tailforth) reminded me of a top gear i watched the other day "in jail no-one can hear you scream" that should be printed on the squad cars today or "drop the soap in the nick and no-one will hear your screams"signed"bubba" hehe
  19. in the comments boxes below the vid are what sum it up for me "F*****ts" watching grown men running round in shorts for 90 mins getting paid excess amounts of cash and attracing a large minority of pizz heads bent on bottling someone else because he supports the other guys team dressed in equally stupid shorts. sounds like a waste of 90mins of my life to me:) trust me its not jealously either! in my yooph i could run rings round half the guys playing today(speed anyway
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