Sunday 9th  Dec Open/League Match
Partly Cloudy, Rain & Sleet,  Ambient temp 1 deg, (frost last night), wind calm, barometer 976 (low), Moon phase new moon, water temp 5.3 to 6.1 deg, PH 7.84, DO 6.2 to 6.3. Water temp has dropped to 3.7 this week and rose as high as 7 deg weather playing havoc with water temperature.
1st Neil Brown Angel 13lb 7oz   peg 11 (good net of Crucians)
2nd Mark Carlin Langley  5lb 3oz peg 26
3rd Dave Hudson Langley 3lb 13oz peg 5
4th Chris Owers Angel 3lb 11oz peg 28
5th John Foster Angel 3lb 3oz peg 30
6th Steve Kean Langley 2lb 10oz
Neil fished 13mtre on maver pole, size 18pr24,  .13  poweline, 4mm pellets white hydro elastic. Neil had a good head of Crucians. Low barometer, wet, cold and fish came on towards end when light was fading. 
Alex Burton on peg 24 had a great session on Saturday in the Snow Blizzard with 6 Carp and 4 Ide and a Tench in one hour fishing maggot feeder to one mtre of back of the island. He decided to get warmed up &  dried out as the weather worsened so packed up.
Facing the wind has proven to be the best for catches this week, With Carp, Ide, Skimmers and Bream, Crucians, Tench, roach all catching with Rudd still topping dawn and dusk, unfortunately the gulls taken Rudd of the surface the gulls are very hard to scare.
Maggot proving the best hook bait with pellet still working and worm also caster.
Brian Matheson had 25 carp in a good days fishing from peg 18 to island, with average of 10lb weight , and his friend  also had a corker day on peg 24 to back of 2nd island,  with 40 carp not bad for December plus the wind was high.
Fantastically sheltered pond great in the recent winds, and fishing fabulous with high numers being caught of skimmers, ide, roach, tench and carp.
Coaching in winter continues on Sunday mornings in groups and as one to one if required throughout the week.
ONC in Angling and the Environment more student taken up his through winter where classroom and bankside fishing develops the student of all ages.
Pairs match Dec 30th
both Bowes and Lookout are in this with one angler choosing the peg number ie peg 1 will be peg 1 on Bowes and peg 1 on Lookout for the pair.
Happy Christmas everyone

About the author

Ann Adlington

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