Weekly report by Marlene Mc Laughlin – 20th December, 2009

A big change in the weather lead to difficult conditions and a frozen lake for most of the weekend.  Brian Duffy (Ballykelly) lost a big one weighing about 7lb while Bernard Mellon (Swatragh) released twelve trout which took black buzzers.  Maghera’s Jimmy Norton bagged three which took pink dancers and red rib buzzers.  Derry’s Henry, Seamus and Liam Kelly all banked a trout each which fell to bibios, black nymphs and cat’s whiskers.  Dungiven’s John Hasson released two trout which fell to buzzers.


Breakfast is now being served at Cashel in the comfort of an open log fire with plenty of craic.  We also now stock an excellent range of fly and spinning tackle at Cashel Fishing Lodge.  Christmas club now open.

We are now taking group bookings for any angling club or corporate groups interested in a fun day.  Catering facilities are available in the adjacent Cashel Fishing Lodge.  Info and enquiries to Marlene at 17 Birren Road, Dungiven, Co L’Derry, BT47 4SH, Tel: 02877742159, email:casheltrout@hotmail.com, www.cashellakeview.com.

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