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Anglers' Net Gold Fish
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Everything posted by watatoad

  1. Being an older person, I do not feel up to date enough to be qualified to suggest to a friends son what is best. He is looking for a rucksack with molle He has been looking at a 1; Defcon 5 modular battle 1 pack 2; Karrimor SF Predator Patrol 45 3; 5.11 Rush 72 Backpack a good sleeping bag or sleeping system He has no idea a good tarpaulin He has been looking at a 1; DD extra large tarp a hammock or hammock system He has been looking at a DD hammock plus an underblanket
  2. Whatever we do the Dutch have banned the barbaric and cruel ritualistic slaughter of animals, good on them. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/8...of-animals.html Wow and not even a link to the Daily Mail. Some not so bigoted.
  3. NO NURSING HOME FOR me!!! No nursing home for us. We'll be checking into a Holiday Inn! With the average cost for a nursing home care costing £188.00 per day, there is a better way when we get old and too feeble. I've already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn. For a combined long term stay discount and senior discount, it's £59.23 per night. Breakfast is included, and some have happy hours in the afternoon. That leaves £128.77 a day for lunch and dinner in any restaurant we want, or room service, laundry, gratuities and special TV movies. Plus, they provide a spa, swimming pool, a workout room, a lounge and washer-dryer, etc. Most have free toothpaste and razors, and all have free shampoo and soap. £5 worth of tips a day you'll have the entire staff scrambling to help you. They treat you like a customer, not a patient. There's a bus stop out front, and seniors ride free. For a change of scenery, take the airport shuttle bus and eat at one of the nice restaurants there. While you're at the airport, fly somewhere. Otherwise, the cash keeps building up. It takes months to get into decent nursing homes. Holiday Inn will take your reservation today. And you're not stuck in one place forever -- you can move from Inn to Inn, or even from city to city. Want to see Scotland ? They have Holiday Inn there too. TV broken? Light bulbs need changing? Need a mattress replaced? No problem.. They fix everything, and apologize for the inconvenience. The Inn has a night security person and daily room service. The maid checks to see if you are ok. If not, they'll call an ambulance . . . or the undertaker. If you fall and break a hip, NHS will pay for the hip, and Holiday Inn will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life. And no worries about visits from family. They will always be glad to find you, and probably check in for a few days mini-vacation. The grandkids can use the pool. What more could I ask for? So, when I reach that golden age, I'll face it with a grin. AIDS WARNING! To all of you approaching 50 or have REACHED 50 and past, this emails especially for you...... SENIOR CITIZENS ARE THE NATION'S LEADING CARRIERS OF AIDS! HEARING AIDS BAND AIDS ROLL AIDS WALKING AIDS MEDICAL AIDS GOVERNMENT AIDS MOST OF ALL, MONETARY AID TO THEIR KIDS! Not forgetting HIV (Hair is Vanishing)
  4. Someone had to remind me, so I'm reminding you, too. Don't laugh.... It is all true! Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 And heading towards 70 or beyond! 1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2.In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first. 3.No one expects you to run -- anywhere. 4.People call at 9 PM (or 9 AM) and ask, 'Did I wake you?' 5.People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 6.There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 7.Things you buy now won't wear out. 8.You can eat supper at 4 PM. 9.You can live without sex but not your glasses. 10 You get into heated arguments about pension plans. 11.You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. 12.You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room. 13.You sing along with elevator music. 14.Your eyes won't get much worse. 15 Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off. 16.Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service. 17.Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either. 18.Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. 19.You can't remember who sent you this list. And you notice these are all in big print for your convenience. Forward this to everyone you can remember right now! AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Never, NEVER, NEVER , under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill, and a laxative on the same night!
  5. Regardless to what the detractors of my suggestion say, I ask then for what reason should I and those on here should be in favour of supporting such a barbaric unnecessary, cruel ritualistic practice of slaughtering animals? Yet there you are telling all the rest of us that we should accept this wicked, wanton and cruel slaughter and are actually expecting all the rest of us to be forced to support such a barbaric unnecessary, cruel ritualistic practice of slaughtering animals and happily eat meat so produced? I am cultured and civilised enough to want to see the end of these outdated and barbaric ritualistic forms of slaughter, they need to be abolished and banned in Britain and Europe and we need to outlaw and ban the importation of any such cruelly and barbarically slaughtered meat. Crikey, we are allegedly living in a cultured, civilised society in twenty first century. Any barbaric unnecessary, cruel ritualistic practice of slaughtering animals like this should be consigned to the history books. Are we to let others in Europe always lead the way?
  6. I must go with Steve Walker on this one I also fish to the side and usually with a target board, easy simple and very efficient.
  7. Some people are so moronic and racist. I do not want to be forced to buy meat killed in a way that appeases any religious group or faith or whatever. Some need to actually learn a little of what they talk about before they start spouting off pure infantile drivel. I have been in several slaughter houses in Britain and other countries. I also know a great deal more than most on the methods and religious reasons for both Kosher (Judaism) and Halal (Islamic) animal slaughter. Before anyone comments I am not a member of any animal rights, political, or religious group or organisation or party. Nor am I a purchaser of any national newspaper I buy my local newspaper and read several village newsletters/magazines. I am an ordinary Englishman with pride in my country and have respect for other countries, races, religions just as I expect them to have respect for my country and whatever religion I might believe in or follow if any. What I do hate is any enemy of my country and or the people of my country be they domestic or foreign. If you don't like that ignore me. If however anyone does not want to follow my suggestion then you better know what you are talking about before spouting off. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/europe/2...5027320392.html http://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=12576.50 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15610142 http://glasgowandwestnationalists.blogspot...sell-halal.html http://www.christian.org.uk/news/supermark...lear-labelling/ http://www.viva.org.uk/campaigns/ritual_sl...forthekill3.htm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/letters...te-Muslims.html http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/09/top-uk-s...halal-meat.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...laughtered.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8330442.stm http://undhimmi.com/2010/09/26/hidden-hala...ooding-britain/ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/peterwed...-from-uk-shops/
  8. Surprising how little some know, about the things that they comment on. Guess they are so full of themselves that they imagine that they know better than people who perhaps have been privy to such acts of wanton cruelty in the name of religion. Obviously they feel they know and understand more than all the people who have persuaded the Dutch government of the need to consider banning such pointless acts of barbarism in the name of religion. Perhaps they also think it is fine for the British people to accept that the poor bankers should never have to consider loosing money when they have acted stupidly or when a tiny minority can refuse to listen to the people in whose interests they were elected to govern ignore them, probably they even read the Guardian or the Independent and believe all the rubbish in it without any conscious thought. Perhaps they would like to see human sacrifices return to the religious stage, maybe with cries of Blood for the Blood God, I'll go and sharpen my sickle and my obsidian knife. Guess that just proves that anything goes in the name of religion and religious hatred unless that religion is Christianity. No...hehehe... It is your right as a contributor to post whatever, wherever and whenever you so choose. I would not put up with anyone denying you your right, regardless of any personal feelings or thoughts I may or may not have I would stand up for you or whoever in respect of your rights to post on any thread. Unless it was in any personal attack on anyone or if it was offensive language.
  9. Recently an animal rights or some similar group member or supporter had a go at me for fishing, so I asked him if he ate meat and he said he did but it was purchased at the supermarket so it was humanely killed with the minimum of discomfort to the animal. He got really uptight when I pointed out that most meat in supermarkets is killed in a way suitable for Britain’s increasing Muslim population that is in the Halal or Kosher way in which it is intended for the animal to suffer as it is bled to death slowly according to their ritual practices. Now I am biologically designed to be omnivorous, I am not a vegetarian, I am not a vegan, I am an angler and a hunter. However, I find that almost all the meat sold in British Supermarkets is now Halal or Kosher slaughtered two Barbaric and cruel ritual a long way out of step with and in a modern society in the twenty first century. I think the increasing supply and sales of Halal slaughtered meat by supermarkets serves only to promote this appalling and extremely barbaric, cruel, and unnecessary torturous treatment of animals and totally out of touch in a modern society. In my opinion The Dutch Government have got it right as they are intending to ban the Halal and Kosher barbaric practice of draining of blood from living animals. I ask you all for your help in getting everyone aware of this, tell all your friends and families, write to your local Councillors, your MP, Your District and County Councils, local and national newspapers, local animal rights groups, requesting it is banned as they are planning to do in Holland. Remember to ask your butcher or meat supplier if the meat they are selling is Halal or Kosher and if you don’t agree with this cruel and barbaric practice tell your butcher or meat supplier that you don’t want Halal or Kosher slaughtered meat.
  10. Hehehe...I was not even going to mention livebaiting. But now you have, paternoster leger float get a shoal of smaller fish feeding and you are away.
  11. REPLY: Why wait for rain, get on, get out there and enjoy yourself...hehehe. END REPLY: You beat me to it, Chavender I use the rapid and apply it with a brush (although it kills the brush very quickly), although I have used several coats of varnish if the gap is small enough.
  12. Hehehe...so many delusional anglers. Be honest it does not matter what you sell nor how much you sell, you know if only you would admit it to yourselves you will buy more, then you will decide it was a mistake to sell something and go out of your way to replace it...hehehe...you will end up with much more tackle than you started with...hehehe...stop trying to kid yourselves.
  13. I have always found worms on a float get a better result than deadbaits.
  14. Back to the keepnet, I would never use a keepnet unless I were match fishing. 1: I know if I have had a good day or not so I do not need to keep a total. 2: In the days of long ago when I did use a keepnet (well over 40 years) I never found once I stopped using one any difference. 3: I like to catch fish that are in good condition and I think keepnets can damage fish especially when they are crowded, a bit like people on a crowded tube or railway train or bus, many of you know that's not much fun.
  15. First I must appologise I cut and stuck the wrong post, I had no intention of pouring out any of my problems on any of you, I do most sincerely appologise, I can only say in my defense I was very tired, and I had some posts requesting my input and I did not want to disappoint anyone. Now back to the chair design, I am certain I must have missed something which some of must spot easily. So come on lets help this request and who knows we may even get better chairs.
  16. I had no intention of offering anything to this thread as I am a long way from the normal angler. However someone mailed me a couple of times and asked me to add to the thread. I am not sure I can but here goes. Please remember I am trying to consider the chair from the average anglers point of view rather than solely on a personal level or point of view. What would I look for in a chair if I was the average angler: I prefer to fish flowing water streams, rivers, canals, yet I do fish still water on and off and have even fished commercials a few times and no I do not like fishing platforms, although I can see the need and use for them. 1. Lightness and strength - actually an easy request to fill with today’s technology - although none do preferring to concentrate on profits first. 2. Adjustable legs essential to any serious river angler – I often fish places with steep and or uneven banks where I have to had the rear legs on one of my chairs folded under just using the front legs although possibly with removable feet with a place for the feet to be fixed directly under the back so as to prevent that sinking feeling on one side or the other. 3. The legs need to be easily adjustable - but designed in a way that does not mean anglers are having trouble securely fixing the legs after just a couple of seasons. 4. Wide feet on the legs – they need to be slightly movable to meet various slope conditions, yet strong possibly even with wider feet offered as an extra. 5. A comfortable fixing for those who carry their chair on their back when hunting or moving from swim to swim - even if offered as an extra as not everyone would want it and the few that did so long as the chair is designed for ease of backpack style carrying they would be happy paying a few extra pounds for the padded straps. While those who would never use this facility would resent paying for straps they would never use. I for one always use a trolley except for the few occasions I just carry a rod and landing net having all I need in my pockets, on those occasions I have an old fold up stool dating back to the 1960’s or early 1970’s which I fix with a bit of Velcro to my belt. 6. A reclining back - sure many of our younger anglers will not see this as a real need however one must consider the vast majority of anglers are in point of fact over 45 and the younger ones will get there quicker than they expect…hehehe 7. A windproof back as I know from many friends they complain about getting a cold back – perhaps with small windproof fold out sections to save cold draughts, it would certainly often alleviate the need for carrying an umbrella in gusty or windy conditions. 8. A padded seat not so important but it must be comfortable and wide enough for many sizes…before anyone wonders I have a very small rear tight and extremely well muscled…hehehe 9. I have heard several friends complaining that the bar at the front of the seat cuts into their legs after a couple of hours. Often anglers lean forward concentrating on their floats when trotting. 10. A high back – I am only 5’ 9” (175cms) but every one of my taller friends I have noticed choose chairs with high backs – Toady Warning the first time I used my Korum deluxe I fell asleep on it (although in fairness I was only trying it out for a couple of hours in my back garden on a warm sunny afternoon)…hehehe 11. Fixing for all the many extra’s currently available - I am certain I echo the thoughts of many here in that we would love to see a standardisation in size and fixing of the many accessories and having used both round and square I personally prefer square, with an adapter to take an umbrella (what do you expect from a Toad with 3 different Korum chairs)…yes tackle tart…not really just to suit my bodies varying needs at different times, I actually have 5 chairs and am thinking I might have to get a sixth. 12. Most important of all a chair is quite a large expense for many and they would not want to have to be buying a new chair every two or three seasons. Until I reached my 60’s I used a Steadfast jumbo bag/seat which I bought in 1981 or 1982, before that a Stephens jumbo bag/seat both were used for many years and both are still good and useable. (I might be open to offers…hehehe). 13. Perhaps a camo version available as an extra for those who love camo – me I would just produce it completely in drab olive green. A thing where I feel many manufacturers miss out due to them using designers who may be good at design making something look pretty and attractive for potential customers but a drab olive green chair and accessories would please many. Chairs more are about functionality rather than looking pretty. 14. Some I know would like a trolley/chair I have been tempted personally but not been that impressed with the one I saw. I did not like the idea of putting a tackle bag which I may have stood in cows excrement or similar on the seat then sitting on it. 15. Bed/chair no I would not think this would be a popular move as beds are for sleeping on during all night sessions whereas chairs are used more by those who just want to fish during the day or for shorter sessions. For my night sessions I used to just take a waterproof sleeping bag but that was a while ago. Crikey that is a long list, well someone asked for it…hehehe
  17. I paint and make many of my own tips and always carry a reel of plumbers ptfe tape with me and a roll of black electrical tape which I can use over the plumbers ptfe if I need to switch to black. In your case I would say for less than a £1.00 give the ptfe tape a go first. Second I would look at some of the various make tips available, if its a fixed tip then try the ptfe tape first. not happy go with the paint job. Ptfe tape will not change the sensitivity of the tip, unless you go crazy with the amount you use and even then you would have a job.
  18. I have not heard of any problems in your area but there may have been. If you have had much in the way of frosts the weed will be dying down and can cause a bit of rubbish on the bottom, so can upstream weed cutting or even twigs and branches being blown off the trees. Is the canal running clear? perhaps change to white crumb. I like white maggot and always buy them with sawdust rather than anything else. Like the various types of flour some add. So assuming the canal is fine come off the bottom about a foot 12" (30cms) bulk your weight by the float, have say a number 8 about 9" (23cms) from the hook which in my case would be a size 18, 20 or even a 22, me I would go much lighter 2lb main line, 3/4 lb (threequarters - .75lb bs) hooklength, float a canal dart dotted right down so there is very little float showing. I assume you have checked the depth, whats the flow like at the moment? I would not have expected a Pike problem to be your trouble. Roach can and do often move around a fair bit but I would not have expected the venue to be devoid of fish I don't know if anyone more local has any ideas or different advice.
  19. What can you expect its almost Halloween...hehehe And its already too cold to fish for some...hehehe
  20. Never had a wedding ring and have always considered myself a free agent perhaps that is good perhaps not but had the same wife for 38 years come February, well or sick I have always been the man of the house and the one who wears the trousers (well except when I wear a kilt) maybe I have got it right...hehehe
  21. It was not in the Guardian as already stated The Office of National Statistics Go have a look. The Guardian article was just for interest for other members of the forum. You may just possibly be interested in this Who knows, if accurate I wonder where the increase in population are coming from ??? America ???
  22. The office of national statistics. and for all the non Guardian readers, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/20...ation-tory-myth
  23. Referendum on Europe what a con job and a load of rubbish, just to keep our minds off the state of the economy. Just to remind you all technically all of Europe will be controlled by the European Union on 1st November 2014. It is already signed sealed and delivered. http://www.theenglishrag.com/3.html http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/ins...y/ai0008_en.htm http://europedia.moussis.eu/books/Book_2/2/4/3/?all=1 http://www.mfa.bg/en/pages/view/15 http://www.caef.org.uk/d118howqmv.html Shortly after that I personally expect widespread legislation against anything culturally British or nationalistic in any way, just middle of politics and political correctness and many more taxes and a large increase in population even the government expect an additional 9 million people in the next 8 years.
  24. Hehehe. My family knew Jack Cohen the guy who started Tesco he used to go into F. C. Dyson General Grocers on the corner of Ridley Road Dalston London where a market is run on a daily base. Jack Cohen bought tea (the drinking sort) in 1/4lb (0.113398 kg) packets took them outside and emptied them loose onto his market stool. He then sold the Tea charging an extra 1/2 d (old penny roughly equivalent to 0.008 of one modern penny). per 1/4lb (0.113398 kg). From those humble beginnings did the Tesco supermarkets of today grow, his motto was buy cheap sell for as much as you dare charge or can get away with. In fairness he did have the gift of the gab or chat. On slightly more recent figures it was £1.00 in every £7.00 in 2007 this year it is £1.00 in every £4.00. The other question put by Dales, I have never made cheese in my life eaten a lot but never made any. The problem is I have written a fair bit about October Chub prior to posting a new thread but needed a few more sessions (I always need more fishing sessions) and wanted the cheese and I just got incensed and am still. Profit fair enough but this is taking the bl**dy pi55. It's almost as bad as that weak lying Cameron and the referendum on Europe, every conservative I know is going to leave the Conservative Party, although I do not expect them to join that bunch of trough feeding Labour villians.
  25. Then I shall stick it on every forum I can find, and anyone is free to do the same I am not going to be treated like a spineless idiot by anyone any more.
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