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Everything posted by SeaDooDavid

  1. I like the double bungy at the end of the anchor trolley! Excellent and neat job We all read EVERYTHING on here Gary ha ha so keep posting Cool second name by the way.........mmmm sounds familiar Dave (errr Smith ha ha) SDD~~~~
  2. Looks gooood! Do you have any "real" pictures of it you could put up on here to look at? Cheers Seadoodavid ~~~~~
  3. See, thats where you are going wrong! Like I explained to my misses: IT'S NOT ABOUT NEED ~~~~~~~~ IT'S ABOUT WANT!!! Heh heh! SDD~~~~
  4. I have mine sideways (have to be different ha ha) hanging from two slings threaded through pipe lagging and been fine for years!! My old kayak was kept flat on foam like yours and that was fine for years too until I accidently burned down the cabin it was in (it didnt like that, but storage became VERY easy after that ha ha!) All the best Seadooavid ~~~~~~
  5. How frustrating!! A fellow bean should swap you JT, go on, ask him he he Has Iron Stores stock recovered from my visit yey? ha ha SDD~~~~~~
  6. It was sunny when I was there but then the sun came back norhtwards with Seadoodavid Will try and bring it back with me if I make it back in September, it should have warmed up bythen! ha ha SDD~~~~~
  7. Hy Mike Don't take it personally, Martin is a nice chap and I am sure he is not knocking the kayak, just the review I think the review was just a short look at the kayak and how it handled on a few brief trips. I have seen one (same colour actually) and the guy paddled it away happily (St Bees head Martin, your old stomping ground ha ha) We can be a sarcastic lot sometimes, yes, I am guilty of that sometimes, but we are all quick enough to hold up our hands when needs be mate Don't jack it in bud, I would miss your posts, they have been good to see Get some yakking in, catch some fish and get the photo's posted!!! All the best Dave SDD~~~~~~
  8. Yaaaaawwwwwwwwwwn that woke me up at my desk (rubs eyes!) ha ha Hows it goin Martin Been "off the air for a while" sorting stuff out, but back now! Are you comin up to show me how to catch some stuff from St Bees???? Hey Pingu, errr sorry Prowler (oops thats that out ha ha) Fancy getting within 30 miles and not calling in for a coffee! ha ha. I looked on the CCTV but couldn't see ya No probs with emails I am exactly the same as you, busy, and when not busy, yakkin!! LOL Hey JT Sorry not been in touch, my visit seemed to turn into a whirling dervish due to first days being a bitt gloomy weatherwise so we had to play catch-up! Not long before we will be over again so look forward to saying hello mate Get better soooon and start finding them marks to show us ha ha!. I managed to trash my mobile phone while over there and it is tottaly deeed now boo hoo! A new one is on its way and the number should be the same assuming the sim card survived! Prowler, have you been practicing golf bud????? I reckon if you start now then you may crawl up to second place by my next visit!! All the best SDD~~~~~~
  9. Will be "hitting" Iron stores next week, one of my fave places in the world! aaaahhhh can't wait I reckon I have enough of their plastic bags to fill a kayak ha ha! I will be looking for a nice light boat rod to replace the one I errrrrr misplaced while out at sea ahem I thought whats the point of bringing Loaaaads of stuff when I can get what I need there?, well, at least thats what I told the misses! Will give yer a bell when on the Island (ahh it feels good to say that!) JT Hope yer healing up nicely ready for the nice hot summer mate All the best, look forward to meeting ya. SDD~~~~
  10. Nice one Acko, restored my faith, had you down as a kid Troll! ha ha. I can't say anything about comments made, as I have had a few of mine "removed" in the past......oooops! A good bit of lively banter is ok, its insults that gets you in trouble here. The guys here all seem to work it out in the end, they are a good bunch, and its a fantastic site for learning new tricks and ideas. I had kinda lost faith in the site, its sometimes hard to remember that we all have different ideas and way of looking at things, especially as we are all from different areas, with different approaches to life, but that is also what makes it so good! All the best, keep posting! I saw your pic gallery by the way, nice one Seadoodavid ~~~~~~
  11. WELL SAID Trev!! This is why I have left!!! Clearly it is just a kid using the site for being stupid on. If the adult users just ignore him, he would go and play back on his gamesmaster forum or whatever!. What a shame and a waste of what was a great site. I only logged back on just to see if it had got any better.......it hasn't. See ya at Greve JT And DONT bother replying, when home from school, Ackowhatever, I am not interested in anything you have to say.
  12. Time I left this forum, its gettin too stuffy and serious ha ha! Bye to all the "old guys" and see ya around SDD~~~~
  13. WOW Mark What happened to your sense of humour??????
  14. Oh oh, youv'e said it now, you are gonna get a msg from Andrew OKreallyinterestedincorneringthehumminbirdmarket, the customs police ha ha
  15. Wheeeeeweeee! Chill gilbo, peace out It wasn't about the licence, all agreed there, it was about transmitting to shore and you proved the point nicely, thank you. Don't get offended mate, it wasn't aimed at you bud!. Enjoy your fishing. p.s. your kayak is probably the neatest job of outfitting out I have ever seen by the way. The piccies were really impressive. Don't forget to post some catch pics too mate SDD~~~~~~
  16. Anything that helps me get rid of my ridiculous amounts of disposal income suits me SDD~~~~
  17. Hi Gilbo I have these documents on my pin board at work! Most of the content relates to radio telephony licences (I have this too!)and shouldn't be confused with vhf marine calling (including DSC calling) Have you actually read them???? The last one (5.1) mentions base station CSR's. These are licenses that can be obtained (upon payment of 20 odd quid) for a temp 28 day base station licence! Base stations are difinitely on land! Mine has been firmly fixed there well before radio was invented!. This includes handsets! and may include a kayaking event. This would be the completely legal way of making a quick call to shore (handheld) to tell your shore watch (the misses) you are safe and on the way home! The first document you refer to mentions broadcasting from shore as: "you should not broadcast messages intended for reception onshore (except through a Coastal Radio Station), other than as stipulated in the Ship Radio licence" This means the radio licence as above that you may purchase for 20 odd quid as above in your link and would be granted upon payment for such a kayaking event!. Do you have a dog? if so the appropriate licence is available at: http://www.newtownabbey.gov.uk/dogs/licence.htm Just joking about the dog licence by the way, they were abolished in 1985 SDD~~~~
  18. Hi Kev I have it set to duel (80/200) and have not messed with the settings much! I would say make sure it is set to salt water while at sea as this makes a difference!. Have you downloaded the latest firmware from the h/bird website? This gives you loads more controls, but mine has shown the line etc right from the begining mate. You can see the bounce of the feathers etc as you pump them up and down quite clearly! The only time I had a poor picture was when my transducer partially worked loose last year, but was fine when I re=bogged it down SDD~~~~~
  19. I never believed the hype either!!! I bought a matrix finder just to see the depth and see if the seabed was sand or rocks. The manual that came with it says you can see a jig down to 40 metres..........you can! When I drop my line, not only can I see the droppers on the line (or feathers etc) but you can actually see the line! Fish appear as little dashes rather than the "fish arches" they quote, but they ARE fish!. I have stopped many times on the way out to my mark because I have spotted a cloud of baitfish and other bigger flecks around them and caught fish! The finder, when set to "structure" shows the bottom and rocks etc beautifully. You can see the sea weed that lies flat on the beach at low tide, standing tall in the flow, excellent!!. My finder does not like shallow water though unless very still (lake) in the sea it needs to be at leat 6 feet or deeper to show the quality returns that I seem to get. To cap it all, it is (transducer) held down with a big blob of silcone! ha ha Mackerel just blot the screen out, it is really weird to see! time to get the feathers dropped and fill the bait bucket! SDD~~~
  20. Brilliant stuff KK Dont forget photo's to cheer us all up I am off out today for a play, will post the outcome, however dire ha ha Dave
  21. Sorry mate didn't mean you! I have the cert too and my marine vhf set is located on terra firma!. I know that using handhelds between each other on land is not allowed, but "ship to shore" radio has been in practice for a long time. Our local aux. coastguard have 4X4 vehicles to relay info from shore / beach activities. I only made the comment about using a handheld on shore to a yak as I work alongside the coastguard / fisheries protection personnel as part of my job and I asked a member of the aux. c/guard about it and he made the comment about the float plan / monitoring a kayak at sea. He said the handsets are very short range (line of sight) and only useful for a few miles so any contact to confirm safety at sea, if done responsibly, would be perfectly acceptable. Different rules may apply to different areas so it would always be wise to check with your local c/guard anyway. They are a friendly bunch and always seem to welcome anything that can aid sea safety. Hope I didn't offend you mate all the best........dave
  22. I hold the certs for marine vhf as part of my job. It is NOT an offence to transmit from land! the shore Coastguard do it all the time. I transmit to our rangeboat from land (the range I work on is not floating!) It would be perfectly acceptable to contact your misses on a handheld to tell her you are coming back ashore, indeed the coastguard would encourage such a good £float plan" and the fact that someone ashore is looking out for you while you are out at sea. Listen to any fishing fleet channel and it is a constant chit-chat of what they are going to do when they return to port! and although I would not encourage this, it is certainly not against the law. Channel 16, 0, a few other coastguard channels are reserved and action will be taken against anyone clogging these channels. Operating procedure and training for the short range cert stipulates that common sense is used for transmissions and idle chit chat is not recommended. Before posting what is or is not "against the law" please check first! SDD~~~~
  23. I can only imagine the freedom that allows you!! S~U~P~E~R~B We have more freedom on the open sea here, but rivers and ponds / lakes are a lottery of permission and approval!! Nice pics, makes me want to head onto the lake! SDD~~~~~
  24. WOW Kayaking along, being allowed to fish without the fun nazis telling you you can't, nobody shouting "get orf moi larnd"............ Obviously NOT the UK!! Nice one Newt SDD~~~
  25. WOW NOW THATS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT Great write up, pictures of superb fish, great backdrops, it doesn't get better than that! Nice on ST SDD~~~~
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