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Everything posted by Angly

  1. The problem as I see it is a regular supply of Crayfish. You can't use indigenous species as they are protected, so it has to be the American Signal variety, and of course it would be illegal to encourage them in any way, so how do you find an endless supply? OK, you find an area with a healthy (well, unhealthy actually) supply, and when they are gone?
  2. Linky no worky. Yes, I can circumnavigate that, but you might want to fix it anyway (remove end dot and inverted comma?). Edit: Signed and confirmed
  3. Ha ha, trust me, appearances can be deceptive! But thank you anyway.
  4. 1. Current Just about every freshwater coarse species (see caveats below) 2. In the Past Just about every freshwater coarse species (see caveats below) and trout No Interest Huge stillwater carp, stillwater chub, stillwater barbel, eels, catfish, sturgeon, domestic carp (esp. coloured)
  5. I ordered one last week, I've had no e-mail yet, is that good or bad?
  6. Ammunition, often in Imperial (eg .30'06, .303, .45) Bullet and powder in grains Gems in carats Rod T/C in lbs
  7. Oh well, thank you everyone, your replies much appreciated. I've got my cork coloured foam butt cap off (epoxied on, boiling water got it off), and the rod internal diameter at the base is just over 13mm. So I'll make up a 13mm lead plug, wrap it in a couple of layers of insulating tape, and the taper of the rod should keep it in place. Because the weight will only be 13mm diameter and about 28mm long, it obviously won't be as near to the butt as my short but fat test weights were, so in all probability I'll need more than 6oz to counteract the loss of leverage. If and when I want to remove the weight, I'll just remove the butt cap again, drill a small pilot hole in the base of the lead plug, screw in a cup hook, and pull it out.
  8. I eventually mean to have a look at every free stretch of the Wandle up to the Savacentre, but so far I've only looked as far as the green near the Goat Pub (the Beddington outfall). What I didn't realise until I looked, was that the Beddington outfall pumps warm water into the Wandle, and at least when I looked, it turns the piddly 12" deep stream devoid of anything but tiny fry into a fast moving river. In the Morden Hall Park stretch (unless things have changed) the fish are caught in between weirs with no fish ladder, so really it's a series of elongated stocked lakes. Edit: Oh, and well done!
  9. Janet, if you have Windows XP or XP Pro, and have a PC knowledgeable friend with Windows XP Pro, they can take remote control of your PC to help you out. I know this because when I built PCs for my mum/sister/sons/friends/friends of friends/etc. apparently I also bundled in lifetime technical support!
  10. Actually like many, for temperature measurement I use Celsius when it's cold, Fahrenheit when it's hot! So it's -5 in winter, and over 80 degrees in summer! It's the only way I can understand temperature. With distance I do yards (shooting), miles (driving), but anything smaller than a yard in metric! I've got no clue with fractions (well, apart from the obvious ones). I think the mix of Imp. & Metric gives us Brits our individuality: it's nice to be quirky.
  11. True story this... As a young teen living at home, woke up one weekend morning after the usual heavy session the night before, look out the window whilst laying in bed (leave my curtains open at night) to see a ruddy great macaw sitting on my window sill. Did a couple of double takes and pinched myself...nope till there. Called my parents to show them, and luckily the bird didn't stir (so they didn't think I'd been abusing illegal substances), and even stayed there long enough to take some photos from the outside of the house (daren't move the net curtain to pics from inside). Eventually bird did fly away, never to be seen again, and we we're non the wiser!
  12. So not a ridiculous idea then chaps? I was half expecting someone to say, "Sure, I'd add a little weight to balance a rod...but 6oz!!!???" Obviously it's not the end of the world if I don't epoxy the weight in and use one of your ideas, as I can just take it out again should I need to. Edit: Typed before I saw your second post Andy.
  13. When I left school, and before I went into post production, I was an apprentice Swiss Lathe Auto Setter for four years, oh how I've always dreamed of having a small machine shop in the garage! Funnily enough, a Warco is what I'd have too, WMT 300 model with a leadscrew handle conversion I think. One day!
  14. Still, great joke, always worth telling more than once!
  15. You can use my name KB, that's why it's in my signature. I'm not sure the company can act against B on the say so of person A without either Police authority, or more likely a Court Order. Once a complaint is lodged with the Police, they can request the phone records (which must be kept by law for a minimum of 12 months I believe), and the matter can be taken from there.
  16. Following on from this thread: http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/forums/Trottin...e-t1181595.html I have experimented with my float rod and discovered that with either my centre pin or 2500 size fixed spool reel, in order to balance the rod pivoting just in front of the reel foot, I need to add approximately 6oz of weight to the end of the butt. Having taped this amount of weight on, I must say it does feel very nice indeed. So my question to those with more experience than I (so that's probably the whole forum!), should I do it? Bear in mind my rod is no lightweight anyway at 230g, which makes 400g with the added weight. My mind is saying don't be stupid man, my heart is saying go for it, it DOES feel better. If it has any bearing on the subject, I don't intend to spend any money here. I have lead to hand, and a new lighter prefectly balanced rod is not an option! Help!
  17. True, but then hopefully neither of us is going to be in court charged with something that justifies the death sentence. Furthermore, once a criminal has committed a crime worthy of the death penalty, they have no reason not to go on a killing spree, after all, the sentence can't get any worse. Then we have the small matter of the executioner. Are you going to get someone else to do it because you can't stomach it? Or perhaps you can cold bloodedly take a person's life whilst they plead for forgiveness, and if you can, you might want to think long and hard about that that says about you. Hey, I'm all for anything goes if you catch them in the act, "sorry officer don't know what came over me"...but in cold blood 6 months later?
  18. Surely if you are receiving nuisance calls in breach of the Mobile Communications Act then that is a matter for the Police?
  19. I posted this joke in the 'Have a Laugh' joke thread last week!
  20. I don't know if you're aware, but unfortunately some 'well meaning individuals' (not my first choice of words, but I'm being charitable) transferred some fish from Mitcham common to the Wandle when one of the ponds was being worked on. Whether that will have a negative impact on the Wandle is as yet to be seen. Worryingly, the Morden hall club seems to support the 'stocking' and I've seen statements on their forum suggesting they wouldn't report anyone illegally stocking sections of the Wandle. Doesn't it make you heart glow that we are surrounded by such an upstanding group of anglers with the the welfare of angling foremost in their minds?
  21. Not all, I am one of them. If I had said 'the public' would you have thought I wasn't a member of the public??? Well, it's hardly 'crap' if I think that the government legalising using cold blooded murder at least partly excuses me committing it too. I doubt very much whether I'm the only UK resident to think that either. Or by some strange process of elimination doesn't my opinion count?
  22. Surely not? If we agree that the purpose of a fine is both punishment and deterrent, then it seems obvious that a £50 fine is not the same punishment or deterrent to a millionaire as it is to someone with only £50 to their name.
  23. Bar Stewards! That's what I can't get, I don't need to know who the dirty old man in my street is , I look after my kids and bring them up correctly, but why can't they name and shame all the light-fingered thieving scum so we know who they are? I hope the guy gets lucky.
  24. I don't now how far the parakeets are spreading, but spreading they are. We've have had them in Sanderstead now for a couple of years. Although they were at first a welcome addition to our fauna, there are so many of them around in Greater London now, and they are so raucous, I've actually grown tired of them.
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