Worth including, although it’s a rig I carry but rarely use – unless I either get desperate or wish to try something for fun.
It’s biggest advantage, of course, is that it allows two baits – either the same or different, to be fished close together, thus doubling both the scent trail and offering fish a choice of food.
As can be seen from the diagram I tie my wishbone as a standard trace except for the wishbone itself, which I prefer to keep relatively short at around 14″-16″. I have seen wishbones decorated with countless attractor beads and sequins but I prefer to keep them fairly simple because a) I am not convinced that beads etc. give an advantage and b) the cost factor – the more you add to your trace the more it costs.
When I tie the wishbone, I like to keep the beads quite tight up against the swivel though I know some prefer to allow the wishbone a litle more movement. The choice is yours.
My choice of trace length for the Wishbone is
Main trace — 40″
Hook snood to swivel — 24″
Wishbone snood — 14″ – 16″ (extended)
Rig by Jaybee