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Everything posted by Martin56

  1. I wonder????? Could you attach a sliding Float above the Lead/Feeder?? the float would then act as a marker when it comes to the surface. An adjustable Stop Knot so you can play around with the depth - The float will be directly vertically in line above the terminal tackle.
  2. OK - so get a screwed tip eye (like I did for mine) A ciggie lighter easily melts the hot glue to get the old one off, then simply Epoxy (2 part Araldite) the new eye in place. (Or hot glue if you have some) The shop I bought my screwed eyes from had some in Old Stock. Some eyes have prongs either side as well so can be whipped on. Like the one below :- The PRONGED TYPE are much more forgiving for rod end size, ie you might only need to sand a small chamfer to get a bit of location in the hole of the eye. http://www.guidesnblanks.com/product/7113 If you can't do whipping?? just push & glue a piece of tight fitting, electrical wire sleeving over the rod end then push the prongs down inside & glue in place "Before the glue sets" !! Have a DRY RUN before you commit to the gluing!!
  3. PS on spotting the thread i thought you had posted in the wrong section and it was referring to a country and western singer. Sorry, thought you said someone from Preston, said the partially deaf person. (Kept as cryptic as poss' - it's a family forum!!) -
  4. Hi mate, there's so much Vid' available online for free - YouTube etc. Books (interesting as they are) are, generally based only on the Authors experience. Why not have a rummage through your tackle box & see what you could do with!! It might just be some line or hook lengths/floats. It's the thought that counts.. A tackle shop gift voucher might be a good option?? That way you get to pick!! My Local tackle shop does these, so I'm guessing one near you will??
  5. Here's another good tip FT. I take my Korum fishing bag onboard as my hand luggage - but only filled with all our shoes. Hooks, floats, knives, disgorgers, weights scissors etc are in a plastic box safely in the suit case. When we get there it's then my fishing bag. On the return journey - the shoes are swapped back in. It's perfectly fine - done it loads of times. No - I don't have a shoe fetish!! - but it does save on the luggage weight allowance - what with all the tackle!!
  6. Good shout wotnob - I have 3 of these (all same at 9 foot - 4 piece) & was just going to post same. Very well made. I've had mine 3 or 4 years now & they fit very well in a large suitcase & comes in a cloth, sewn 4 section, folding bag. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjGtLmcqNPXAhUpvu0KHWx4DhIYABAXGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAASEuRobSOhqUnxFgvNWVXbtMonXQ&sig=AOD64_1o-wXUDGwL_eT6Xp01RJJUyt6sTg&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjunbScqNPXAhWZF8AKHRfhDCAQ9aACCEs&adurl= There's just 2 left on this one so best look sharp!! Might fit Diagonally in a smaller case?? or could go down the Telescopic route?? Here's a 3 metre (10 foot) Tele' 62 cm closed!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/The-Pioneer-Telescopic-Fishing-Rod-3M-10FT-Cork-Handle-Carp-Travel-Coarse-rod/360765629613?epid=1612729638&hash=item53ff4ea4ad:g:MA0AAOxyeZNTRFps No Bag with this one but would expect it's at least in a thick clear plastic packet with a press stud flap?? Just 3 left (he says) but 333 sold (he says) Sellers feedback rating looks good @ 99.8%. (which is the 1st thing I look at before buying)
  7. Good shout wotnob - I have 3 of these (all same at 9 foot - 4 piece) & was just going to post same. Very well made. I've had mine 3 or 4 years now & they fit very well in a large suitcase & comes in a cloth, sewn 4 section, folding bag. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjGtLmcqNPXAhUpvu0KHWx4DhIYABAXGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAASEuRobSOhqUnxFgvNWVXbtMonXQ&sig=AOD64_1o-wXUDGwL_eT6Xp01RJJUyt6sTg&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjunbScqNPXAhWZF8AKHRfhDCAQ9aACCEs&adurl= There's just 2 left on this one so best look sharp!! Might fit Diagonally in a smaller case?? or could go down the Telescopic route??
  8. Do you mean fishing for coarse fish??. I have an Uncle who used to fly to Orkney & fish worm for trout.
  9. Fairy Liquid will surely cope very well - especially if the oil slick was caused by a Royal Berkshire ,Extra Virgin Olive Oil drizzled, Sun dried tomato & Ham sandwich.
  10. Warm soapy water should do the trick mate?? (Washing up Liquid)
  11. "Terrorists" don't see themselves as "Terrorists"!! - They call themselves "Freedom Fighters". Martin56, One news source reminded the President 3 incidents, bridge, bridge, Manchester, accounted for a huge portion of "reported terrorist crimes". Phone In the same vane - there are are Never any War Criminals on the winning side!!
  12. Martin56, Your points are well documented in the US press. No sane person is on board with the President on this topic or frankly, any topic. The problem is he has a solid, uninformed, base of idiots that walk among us. Phone One could probably multiply the unreported crimes as against the reported/documented ones by a factor of 10 at least!! Nailed on - these figures will not include pick pocketing, Burglary, shoplifting & other misdemeanors. These crimes are committed by career criminals who IMHO should be summarily gassed!!
  13. As it's already been said in the Media - There is NO significant rise in ACTUAL crime, it's more a rise in REPORTED crime. People, & in particular - Women, are not as afraid to come forward as they once were for fear of not being believed!! I'm not just talking about the high profile cases here ie Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris & Harvey Wienstien, It's far more widespread with unknown, ordinary people.
  14. The cake will keep for Months in Freezer!!
  15. Just wrap the cakes individually in newspaper & Freeze them. It doesn't kill the Grubs - in fact you get them hatching out on the bank when thawed. Stab out any hatching wasps with a darning needle as you go. They crawl out of the cell still soft & wet for a while & need to dry off before they can take flight & do you any harm. (You've a good window in which to "Do 'Em") Can also fish a piece of wasp cake on a large hook (even if only a couple of Grubs are in - or even none) Say a size 4 or 6.hook with a bomb. Or down the edge - with an overdepth, held back float. This is where a large Porcupine comes into its own!! The cake is sweet just on its own & catches. (Big gobbed Chub that is) So Don't throw the empty cake away. Stick the hook through the thin paper side & back through the thicker cardboardy side so it lays at 90 deg' to the Line. Size of a matchbox is about right.
  16. Probably don't know 'owt about fishin' & that they'd be no good without reel seats. Brings a whole new meaning to "Thick As Thieves".
  17. If fishing is not allowed, be assured it'll be well posted around the quay!!!
  18. Bread should fish well - fish will be well acquainted as the boat peoples kids will feed ducks etc. John, It actually states fishing from the quay. Other galley food scraps could be also prove useful. (bits of Burger, Sweet corn etc)
  19. I also worked in Hunslet John, George Mann's (Crabtree Vickers) & Cameron Iron Works for just over 18 yr's (Stourton) Now at Oilgear Towler (Burley Road in Leeds)
  20. Can chuck a few old names at you if you're from Hunslet area??
  21. I am Leeds originally - now Wakefield, & yes mate, the Southerners don't seem to get the "Maggot Bag" thing. I use clean maggot bags. They seem to be a Northern thing, because few had heard of them when I last mentioned them. Just a cloth bag with a neck strap. John. Best thing out when stood trotting all day with Maggot bag round ya' neck. Also, we prefer the term "Hole" ('ole), rather than swim!! I see we're not too far apart in years either - I'm 61 in Dec'. Born in Pepper Place, Hunslet - know it??
  22. Hi Keith, Very nice report & Pic's. You must try the Pescaviva corn - many flavours I like the TuttiFrutti (orange coloured) & Vanilla ones Very large consistent size grains & can Freeze 3+ times easily without turning to Mush. Nearly £2 a tin, but works out cheap with the re-freeze thing!! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pescaviva+sweetcorn&rlz=1C1CHWA_enGB610GB610&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiyueyg14zWAhWEK1AKHV5ZAJAQsAQISw Use this more or less just for Hook - & feed mostly the cheap stuff. (Firing in 3 or 5 gains of this good stuff now & again) I like odd numbers - like the turns when hook tying!! (7 or 9)
  23. 400 Match - or is it 410 Match?? - No Matter, all will fit yours. I've tried them all & will mix & Match (Pardon the Pun)
  24. If you need any more spare spools - PM me - I've a few. Both for the 300 & the 410 Match (they're all the same spool & fully interchangeable - I have them from both) Martin.
  25. Martin56

    Welsh Tuna

    We're gonna' need a Bigger Tin
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