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Petition to stop homeopathetic medicines for pets

John S

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Anyone ordering products like this to "treat" an animal that is in pain should be tracked down and beaten senseless.

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Species caught in 2020: Barbel. European Eel. Bleak. Perch. Pike.

Species caught in 2019: Pike. Bream. Tench. Chub. Common Carp. European Eel. Barbel. Bleak. Dace.

Species caught in 2018: Perch. Bream. Rainbow Trout. Brown Trout. Chub. Roach. Carp. European Eel.

Species caught in 2017: Siamese carp. Striped catfish. Rohu. Mekong catfish. Amazon red tail catfish. Arapaima. Black Minnow Shark. Perch. Chub. Brown Trout. Pike. Bream. Roach. Rudd. Bleak. Common Carp.

Species caught in 2016: Siamese carp. Jullien's golden carp. Striped catfish. Mekong catfish. Amazon red tail catfish. Arapaima. Alligator gar. Rohu. Black Minnow Shark. Roach, Bream, Perch, Ballan Wrasse. Rudd. Common Carp. Pike. Zander. Chub. Bleak.

Species caught in 2015: Brown Trout. Roach. Bream. Terrapin. Eel. Barbel. Pike. Chub.

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If we define homeopathy as "using a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people/animals to cure similar symptoms in sick people/animals" then I agree it is probably just so much bullshine and probably dangerous in many cases.


I don't really see the use of herbals & some alternative treatments such as acupuncture as being in any way similar to the above.

" My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!" - Harry Truman, 33rd US President

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If we define homeopathy as "using a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people/animals to cure similar symptoms in sick people/animals" then I agree it is probably just so much bullshine and probably dangerous in many cases.


I don't really see the use of herbals & some alternative treatments such as acupuncture as being in any way similar to the above.



Nor Shaman with their little imaginary animal friends that tell them what to do :shutup:

"La conclusión es que los insultos sólo perjudican cuando vienen de alguien que respeto". e5006689.gif

“Vescere bracis meis”





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I had acupuncture for a frozen shoulder once, didn't work. should animals be subjected to the same?


Was the doc a quack I have to ask.

Free to choose apart from the ones where the trust poked their nose in. Common eel. tope. Bass and sea bream. All restricted.

New for 2016 TAT are the main instigators for the demise of the u k bass charter boat industry, where they went screaming off to parliament and for the first time assisting so called angling gurus set up bass take bans with the e u using rubbish exaggerated info collected by ices from anglers, they must be very proud.

Upgrade, the door has been closed with regards to anglers being linked to the e u superstate and the failed c f p. So TAT will no longer need to pay monies to the EAA anymore as that org is no longer relevant to the u k . Goodbye to the europeon anglers alliance and pathetic restrictions from the e u.

Angling is better than politics, ban politics from angling.

Consumer of bass. where is the evidence that the u k bass stock need angling trust protection. Why won't you work with your peers instead of castigating them. They have the answer.

Recipie's for mullet stew more than welcomed.

Angling sanitation trust and kent and sussex sea anglers org delete's and blocks rsa's alternative opinion on their face book site. Although they claim to rep all.

new for 2014. where is the evidence that the south coast bream stock need the angling trust? Your campaign has no evidence. Why won't you work with your peers, the inshore under tens? As opposed to alienating them? Angling trust failed big time re bait digging, even fish legal attempted to intervene and failed, all for what, nothing.

Looks like the sea angling reps have been coerced by the ifca's to compose sea angling strategy's that the ifca's at some stage will look at drafting into legislation to manage the rsa, because they like wasting tax payers money. That's without asking the rsa btw. You know who you are..

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It seems that some people can't tell the difference between different therapies or understand anything at all about scientific methods of proof. No matter, when you run out of ideas or answers just resort to your normal ploy of personal insults. It's easier for you.

Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be.



Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity





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I had acupuncture for a frozen shoulder once, didn't work. should animals be subjected to the same?


Was the doc a quack I have to ask.

I bet your shoulder wasnt even cold ,i guess he was


The brain is weird so just giving a placebo can do things and even telling the patient its a placebo can in some cases do the same.

Whilst homeopathy cannot be proved to work like placebos they infact in some cases do ,like the old ice cube trick of kids who tell a blindfolded person they are going to burn them etc ,if imaginary drug cures then whats the harm until the practitioner tells you it will ,if he just says try this bottle of nothing it occasionally works on some people whats the harm ,taking vitamins rarely does anything to normally fed people in some cases they can do harm but their not banned ,the purchaser purchases them "incase" they need them or they 'imagine' they feel better taking them ,theres little difference in animals so long as the substance doesnt harm the animal or giving it doesnt prolong a painful life whats the harm .they are just animals either pets or food depending where you live


John is obviously an animal lover overlooking the fact the introduction of "breeds" inbred a great number of flaws in dogs ,if you buy one you are in essence encouraging harm to dogs ,having it castrated is no doubt harmful to the dogs interests (in passing on its genes and perhaps it may like a bit of hanky panky ) and its purely for the humans perspective so could be a selfish act in some eyes ,the same with cats how many untold critters are killed because we love tiddles ,just picking out homeopathy is barmy in the scale of things

Is it right we can harvest thousands of tons of krill (a living thing) so it can be fed to an animal designed to eat grass (it used to be bigger animals but that went wrong) so parts can feed other animals ? I think homeopathy is right down the bottom of the harm chart even overlooking whatever used to eat the krill and all those above in the food chain feeling peeved (or just dead) fido and tiddles are eating their dinner

You cant pick and choose what "bad" you are moaning about without looking at the whole story


In the case of vets you "advise" them to stop doing it or you 'make' them stop doing it or you get it outlawed so start a petition but theres lots of powerful vets with brown envelopes who will put money over animals anyday

Edited by chesters1

Believe NOTHING anyones says or writes unless you witness it yourself and even then your eyes can deceive you

None of this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap it just means i have at least two enemies!


There is only one opinion i listen to ,its mine and its ALWAYS right even when its wrong


Its far easier to curse the darkness than light one candle


Mathew 4:19

Grangers law : anything i say will  turn out the opposite or not happen at all!

Life insurance? you wont enjoy a penny!

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson

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If people want to eat tablets made of nothing and believe it is doing them good then that is their choice.

You say that the tablets do no harm. They are being sold as prevention against malaria. How do you think that works? If a member of your family took them and then died from malaria would you still consider them harmless?

If you were diagnosed with cancer would you say to yourself " I'll just take this medicine which contains nothing, that should cure it"? Guess not

But still, you have the choice.

I have used so called alternative medicine such as Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Osteopathy or Massage many time over the years. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. My wife takes herbal medicine and it seems to work. I have no arguments with alternative treatments that can be shown to have an effect, other than placebo. I have a problem with Homeopathy, Magnetic bracelets, Reflexology or putting corks under you mattress to cure a bad back because none of them do anything at all but are sold to gullible people as cures.

Now if gullible people want to buy these cures then that is their choice but if these gullible people want to inflict their choice on others, be they children or animals, in such a way as to cause the child or animal prolonged suffering or to deny them a chance of proper treatment, then that choice should be taken away from them.

Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be.



Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity





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Read i said vitamins not tablets and i stated they can do harm

If i had cancer i would try anything from worshipping sun gods to taking yak pee if i though there was the minutest chance of it doing anything.

As for malaria dont go to countries where it is ,far simpler idea real malaria tablets are not 100% proven to stop malaria so its still down to luck or 50/50 you will get malaria taking tablet x or tablet y or you will not

If mrs miggins thought giving tibbles tablet x to prolong its life its up to mrs miggins and the law not opinion tibbles has no say its just a cat and nowhere did i state (nor john) giving tablet x instead of treatment ,as well as is fine and if it does nothing nothing is lost


You cant shout tablet x x is harming something then say it does nothing as the ingrediants do nothing ! Only animal owners have hope the animal will get better or not oblivious to the matter ,if the tablets have no active ingrediants then your not harming the animal only yourself when fido dies just as it would have done anyway

My mrs wore a magnetic bracelet and she went on to have 3 replacement knees ,should there be magnetic leg bracelets ? If it works on some it works you cannot ban something because it doesnt work on you


And yes you can legally give unproven remedies to kids ,they cannot buy them so you are inflicting a child with them ,kids versions of vitamins are readily available in shops in certain cases they kill ,just as nuts can ,flour and a whole host of other stuff ,ban them ?

As for animals "they are just animals either pets or food depending where you live "

Shall we debate if you can murder an animal or what rights animals (or humans ) have


If john provided a link to a petition i would happily sign it ,not for animals or humans because buying something tiny for a huge price is not in my nature ,snake oil is fine if theres oil and snake in it if not .......the worlds full of idiots whos beliefs do harm the church in particular but can you prove god does not work in mysterious ways ?

Edited by chesters1

Believe NOTHING anyones says or writes unless you witness it yourself and even then your eyes can deceive you

None of this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap it just means i have at least two enemies!


There is only one opinion i listen to ,its mine and its ALWAYS right even when its wrong


Its far easier to curse the darkness than light one candle


Mathew 4:19

Grangers law : anything i say will  turn out the opposite or not happen at all!

Life insurance? you wont enjoy a penny!

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson

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There is strong evidence that malaria was once indigenous to the UK.

Species caught in 2020: Barbel. European Eel. Bleak. Perch. Pike.

Species caught in 2019: Pike. Bream. Tench. Chub. Common Carp. European Eel. Barbel. Bleak. Dace.

Species caught in 2018: Perch. Bream. Rainbow Trout. Brown Trout. Chub. Roach. Carp. European Eel.

Species caught in 2017: Siamese carp. Striped catfish. Rohu. Mekong catfish. Amazon red tail catfish. Arapaima. Black Minnow Shark. Perch. Chub. Brown Trout. Pike. Bream. Roach. Rudd. Bleak. Common Carp.

Species caught in 2016: Siamese carp. Jullien's golden carp. Striped catfish. Mekong catfish. Amazon red tail catfish. Arapaima. Alligator gar. Rohu. Black Minnow Shark. Roach, Bream, Perch, Ballan Wrasse. Rudd. Common Carp. Pike. Zander. Chub. Bleak.

Species caught in 2015: Brown Trout. Roach. Bream. Terrapin. Eel. Barbel. Pike. Chub.

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There is strong evidence that malaria was once indigenous to the UK.

And could well come back but then so were mammoths

Edited by chesters1

Believe NOTHING anyones says or writes unless you witness it yourself and even then your eyes can deceive you

None of this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap it just means i have at least two enemies!


There is only one opinion i listen to ,its mine and its ALWAYS right even when its wrong


Its far easier to curse the darkness than light one candle


Mathew 4:19

Grangers law : anything i say will  turn out the opposite or not happen at all!

Life insurance? you wont enjoy a penny!

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson

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