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Ewan McAllistair, 46, from Birmingham, was on holiday near Skegness with his family when he was swept out to sea on his dinghy in August.


His wife said there were no warnings about using inflatables, and an inquest recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Now, this is yet another sad loss of life and I totally sympathise with the family, but surely a man of 46 would know how dangerous the sea is?


Having said that, a mate of mine from Dudley loves to come down here and, when he does, he stands on the seafront for ages, just watching the waves.


Perhaps those inland really are unaware of the power of the sea - and I don't mean that in a bad way.


What I'm saying is, those of us that know the sea would fear it, but should there be warnings/education for those that don't?

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We are running short on oil. We are running short on fish. We may even be running short on fresh water.


I have never read anywhere that we are in danger of running short of people.


We are mandated to wear seat belts. We are mandated to wear helmets when riding donor cycles. We are being pressured to quit smoking, lower cholesterol, eat more fibre.


And now you want to remove one of the few things left that is still allowed to help with the population numbers? One of the few things that can still punish the foolish while not punishing the wary, cautious, prepared?


Elton, old son, you really need a long vacation and some good fishing. :)

" My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!" - Harry Truman, 33rd US President

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Elton, you only have to look back at the events involving the cocklers last Feb. After the event i asked myself what the hell they were doing out there at that time (it was dark!) You wouldnt get me going out there during the day, nevermind at night.

However, I have never lived more than 5 mins walk from the sea, and have been a fisherman for as long as i can remember. Just because I know that it is dangerous, doesnt mean everyone has my respect or knowledge for the local area.

FISHING: (fish'ing), the art of casting, trolling, jigging, or spinning, while freezing, sweating, swatting or swearing.


OAR: Clumsy wooden instrument used to moisten boat occupants.

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On holiday in Cornwall once, down at the beach, there was a very strong offshore wind. Idiots were taking kids down to the sea with those silly inflatable toys. The wind was so strong they could hardly hold them. The lifeguards were franticly rushing about on quad bikes to try and stop them! Some people have no common sense at all.

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Must agree with Newt - its called Darwinian selection.


If people really can't work out for themselves the dangers of an off-shore wind, then they are no great loss to the gene pool.



RNLI Governor


World species 471 : UK species 105 : English species 95 .

Certhia's world species - 215

Eclectic "husband and wife combined" world species 501


"Nothing matters very much, few things matter at all" - Plato

...only things like fresh bait and cold beer...

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fished for years using inflatables and survived,its not the vessel but the crew to blame

just dont stub your fag out on one like i did ,got back to shore faster than the olympic team i'l bet,in an offshore wind you use a sea anchor its tried and tested,even managed to rig one for a sail ,not good in a breeeze ,the boat folds up but under sail no less.


[ 10. December 2004, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: chesters1 ]

Believe NOTHING anyones says or writes unless you witness it yourself and even then your eyes can deceive you

None of this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap it just means i have at least two enemies!


There is only one opinion i listen to ,its mine and its ALWAYS right even when its wrong


Its far easier to curse the darkness than light one candle


Mathew 4:19

Grangers law : anything i say will  turn out the opposite or not happen at all!

Life insurance? you wont enjoy a penny!

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson

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Boy oh Boy,


No great loss to the gene pool.......try telling his wife and 9 year old daughter that.

What a smug and blunt remark.


The guy was a bus driver on holiday with his family.

Obviously got caught out by the conditions.

WE are lucky because we THINK we know the sea, and spend a lot of time in it , on it, or under it, even just looking at it.

So, to us it is second nature.

Rather than kick the chit out of someones misfortunes, get mailing your MPs for safety signs to be errected so we can help the GENE POOL.




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I'm sorry to say but some people have absolutely no common sense. What do these people think will happen? Do you need a warning to say that standing near a busy road in strong winds is dangerous? That diving into water when you can't see the bottom is dangerous? That you can drown in water? That coffee from McDonalds is hot?


We have loads of rescues round here every year, the RNLI saved a father and son, warned them of the dangers and then had to get them again 2 days later. Kids (of 9) were jumping off Cromer pier and nearly drowned being knocked against the supports in the waves; their parents were elsewhere. Two of my brothers have saved people from the sea (3 lives). In all of these cases, people put their own lives at risk to save others. It is totally irresponsible and selfish to put yourself in a situation where somebody else feels compelled to put their own life at risk to save them. And irresponsible to their own family.


If they didn't realise that it was dangerous then they're probably the sort of idiots who don't realise it's dangerous driving up somebodies ar*e when there's thick fog. We had three multiple crashes in 10 minutes within a quarter mile the other night.


There are so many cases where people 'didn't realise it was dangerous' involving vehicles, fire, water etc. You still get people riding motorbikes in summer in shorts, flip flops and vest. What do they THINK will happen if they come off. And there we have it, they don't think.

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We can't keep sticking up warnings and fences and banning stuff just because some people are stupid.

Yes it's a sad affair but I'll save my sorrows for the family's of the airmen lost off Cornwall the other night or those of our servicemen fighting G&T's oil war in the gulf thanks.

Jealousy: totally irrational anger directed at people who happen to be richer, prettier, thinner, cleverer and more successful than you are.
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